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O/T: Deer Hunting Season!


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And yes, haggis is delicious, despite the way it's made.

Ye niver got ma kilt in a twirl laddie but hey i knew u were at it fir a wee :)
ok fir a laugh a guess but a also knew u would give in to the Haggis as everyone gives it the :thu: so id like tae say here cheers laddie as fir the NewZealand part i think i got up your erm anyhow with the mentioning of Australia eh :) awe just :) ok NewZealand also is a nice country id imagine though never been that far maybe one day

But admit the drinking culture here is bad with many young lassies worse getting now than even the men sad but true
mainly in the smaller towns / villages etc much worse than say the citys like Edinburgh for such anyhow you now get the :thu:

awe the best and "Lang May Yer Lum Reek"

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I agree--couldn't get enough of it when in Scotland a few years ago. Not nearly as enamored with the Black Pudding.



Black pudding is ok m8 but not fir yer ticker i reckon certainly before goin oot fir a bevvy but ive really not much been fir to many of such much prefer a fish supper masel

where in Scotland were you when here Edinburgh id guess ?

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Black pudding is ok m8 but not fir yer ticker i reckon certainly before goin oot fir a bevvy but ive really not much been fir to many of such much prefer a fish supper masel

where in Scotland were you when here Edinburgh id guess ?



We stayed in a castle outside of Edinburgh in a town I can't recall (nor the name of the castle)---just a short motorway trip to the city. Drove up to Loch Ness, Sterling and the central highlands. We really want to go back some day---have been to England and Wales a couple times, but that was the first in Scotland and there was much more to see than we had time for.

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Ye niver got ma kilt in a twirl laddie but hey i knew u were at it fir a wee
ok fir a laugh a guess but a also knew u would give in to the Haggis as everyone gives it the
so id like tae say here cheers laddie as fir the NewZealand part i think i got up your erm anyhow with the mentioning of Australia eh
awe just
ok NewZealand also is a nice country id imagine though never been that far maybe one day

But admit the drinking culture here is bad with many young lassies worse getting now than even the men sad but true

mainly in the smaller towns / villages etc much worse than say the citys like Edinburgh for such anyhow you now get the

awe the best and "Lang May Yer Lum Reek"

Indeed - same issue here with the drinking. It's like a national sport. Cheers mate. :)

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We stayed in a castle outside of Edinburgh in a town I can't recall (nor the name of the castle)---just a short motorway trip to the city. Drove up to Loch Ness, Sterling and the central highlands. We really want to go back some day---have been to England and Wales a couple times, but that was the first in Scotland and there was much more to see than we had time for.



Ok, if u ever come back then July probably is yer best month in our summertime and best up in the Highlands. Anyhow awe the best m8

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Glenn---I respect your choices. I will not argue moral judgments in most cases, as it is fruitless. But in terms of judging something as "wrong", how do you reconcile that with natural resources management. Perhaps you have not experienced what urban/suburban sprawl can do to upset an ecosystem. I grew up in a farm town and have spent the last 3 decades in a suburban area. I understand the differences and how wildlife is impacted.

In the early 1900's, Michigan's deer herd was estimated at about 50,000 (severely reduced by market hunting in the late 1800's). It is currently somewhere between 1.5 to 2 Million. As that deer herd burgeoned, so did housing developments, strip malls and expressways. Habitat disappeared. As more and more family owned farms failed, food sources declined.

As the population shifted from rural to urban, fewer and fewer children were raised in a hunting environment. The tradition was not passed along as before. Natural predators became essentially non-existent.

The Michigan State police reports about 60,000 car/deer crashes every year. Plenty go unreported. People are sometimes killed in these accidents. The deer rarely fair well.

We modern humans have forced our way into and significantly changed a natural system. We have to accept that fact and determine how to manage the resources we have affected. Sometimes, that means
replacing natural predators with hunters



Tautologically speaking...

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Been away for a few days. For the vegitarians who don't believe in killing to eat, well to each his own. To the meat and foul eaters who are anti hunting, well you just have others doing the killing for you. Seen too many deer starve and get killed by cars, something has to manage the herd.

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Apparently I got your wee kilt in knots. I was having a bad day - nothing against your quirky wee country. I hear it's got some places that are almost NZ-like in their beauty. If yeee tried the fish from Nyew Zealand yee'd like it plenty, aye.

I reckon it was the other way around laddie think i got your knickers in a twist :) and getting :mad: you were :lol:

But come here say in july approx then cant beat Scotland as long as u go to the right areas as with anywhere there's many numpties here also
a few miles north say of Edinburgh 15/25 miles north many numpties (drunks) the lassies wuid drink u under the table in the smaller towns/villages there.
Best heading up North to the Highlands where the scenery is by far the best and also quieter small villages around. Ive an American friend (female WOW) whom wants to come and ill see her ok :thu:

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Tautologically speaking...

Sometimes, you have to make a point from several angles to make sure it gets across. The subject matter is poorly understood by many.

I also decided to veer off the lecture and discuss haggis and eels, but apparently not soon enough for you. ;) My apologies.

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I saw a group of about 20 does last night at the beginning of my driveway. Been practicing and sighting in my rifle for Sat. Haven`t seen alot of bear sign this year but you never know when one will show up.. I doubt I would shoot one as there just aren`t that many around here, same with big cats.


Haggis? Oh well I know guys that eat Bull Balls ...people will eat any {censored}ing thing.

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I saw a group of about 20 does last night at the beginning of my driveway. Been practicing and sighting in my rifle for Sat. Haven`t seen alot of bear sign this year but you never know when one will show up.. I doubt I would shoot one as there just aren`t that many around here, same with big cats.

Oh well I know guys that eat Bull Balls ...people will eat any {censored}ing thing.

If you'll pardon the pun... :p

BTW, we call those tasty lil' things Rocky Mountain Oysters, here in the Republic O' Tejas. :)

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Yesterday, my buddy Tommy dropped off his .270 and asked if I could do something about the scope coming loose all the time, making it hard to hit anything accurately...turns out that the screw-holes were stripped. After retapping them, I'd ordinarily go sight it in, but I had to head out to last night's gig, so I promised him that I'd do it first thing this morning, so that he could get an early start on his hunting today...

I got up to feed the stock then got right to the sighting in process, and got it pretty close, then took it outside to fine tune it.

As I was walking out to my target set-up, I noticed that my goats were kinda agitated, so I checked out what was disturbing them...it was this fellow, intently laying down a scrape...he probably should've been paying better attention, instead. ;)


12 points and a lot of venison! :love:

When Tommy got here a short while ago, I showed him the buck and assured him that his rifle was reasonably well sighted-in. :lol:

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