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Gretsch Monkees guitar on Ebay


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Steven Stills almost had Davy Jones' role in that group. I forget the particulars, but thank GOD he got turned down. Buffalo Springfield forever.


Oh, and the guitar looks like a POS. The Gretsches from that period were a hit and miss affair, and this one is missing the key ingredient that would make it a collector's item.

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Originally posted by g0lp

Man, what ever happend to those guys --- any of them stay in music?


AFAIK Peter and Mike - who were the musicians to begin with (Davy was an actor, though he did have a musical theatre background, IIRC, he played the artful dodger in oliver at one point; Mickey was an actor with some singing experience too - he later became a good drummer) - stayed in the music business. Can't remember what Mickey did. Davy went back into tV work.


I saw them on their 1997 reunion tour - the only reunion they've ever done which featured all four of them. It was cooooool. :D

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Originally posted by docjeff

Steven Stills almost had Davy Jones' role in that group. I forget the particulars, but thank GOD he got turned down. Buffalo Springfield forever.

Oh, and the guitar looks like a POS. The Gretsches from that period were a hit and miss affair, and this one is missing the key ingredient that would make it a collector's item.



Stills looked too much like a real musician...not like a British twerp stereotype wannabe (no offense, Declan McManus) that the producers knew would sell, Sell, SELL to the US bubblegum audience!!!

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nesmith formed the first national band in the late60's/early 70's, and before that he wrote songs that were performed by linda rondstat, the dillards (IIRC) and other country rock groups from that era.


he also produced the film repo man in the 80's



the other monkees have done jack squat 'cept sitting around waiting for monkees reunions

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When I was 12, I had this wierd homoerotic thing for Davey Jones, and I was jealous of Marcia Brady. Then I found my Dad's stash of Playboys and fell in love with the Girl from UNCLE--Stefanie Powers. I have not had a homoerotic thought since.











Agile's latest endorsee:


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Originally posted by docjeff

When I was 12, I had this wierd homoerotic thing for Davey Jones, and I was jealous of Marcia Brady. Then I found my Dad's stash of Playboys and fell in love with the Girl from UNCLE--Stefanie Powers. I have not had a homoerotic thought since.

Agile's latest endorsee:



Um, okay.


Maybe you shouldn't be posting pics of Clay Aiken....:eek:

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I once saw a program on PBS about primates using objects from their natural surroundings as tools for gathering food. Describing this program to a friend, I was trying to recall a particular scene where some primates were using sticks to retrieve termites from a nest.


Me: Damn! What do you call that monkey that uses sticks?


My friend: Mickey Dolenz?

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Originally posted by St. Andrew

Nesmiths mother invented White-Out



True! He in herited the patent some years back ,and sold it for squillions.


Apparently she discovered it by accident, when she was - so i heard - *baking*. Wonder what kinda weird stuff they ate in the Nesmith household?? :D


I seem to recall Davy Jones doing TV presenting on British kid's tv in the early 80s.


If Davy's short of money, he could probably do very well out of the Star Trek convention circuit as a Walter Koenig lookalike...










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Getting back to the original subject, the "Monkees guitar".... the guitar is missing both Monkees logos. THAT'S THE MOST VALUABLE PART OF THE GUITAR! Without those logos, I wouldn't expect the seller to get anywhere near his asking price.

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I think this guitar is kinda rare because the target market (Monkees fans) were mostly prepubesnt boys and teenage girls could not afford it so Gretsch got stuck with a bunch of them and they either rebadged them or scavanged them for the parts.Actually I think they sold more of these in Japan than here.

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Originally posted by wedgehed II

A friend of mine's wife saw Hendrix open for the Monkees.

I'm surprised Jimi didn't choke on his own vomit much sooner.



Don't be.


Had Jimi choked on vomit in those days, it would have been Peter Tork's. Not a pretty way to go.

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