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Experience with early 80's Urei/JBL stuff?

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A Urei 7510b. It's an install type mixer with 12 channels, gates for the conference table with a priority setting. That type of thing... well, here's the kicker. The gate is defeatable and the each Urei pre (64dB gain) has a direct output. Hmmm.


$150 on Craig's List. He used to use it for tracking drums and says it sounds good. He's upgraded and wants to get rid of this 6 rack space beast. Not enough room. It's very clean.


Any experience with this? He's throwing in a Urei 535 stereo 10 band eq. I pick it up tomorrow after I verify it works as promised. $150. It might be a waste, then again...


Anyone know?

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Well, I did a search and found a user over at Gearslutz. He and Micheal Wagener tried them against some boutique stuff and felt they faired very well. Oh boy!


After looking through a old .pdf manual I'm finding the direct outs are +4, UNbalanced. Is this a concern? I could keep the run very short. What's involved in converting them to balanced?


I'm picking it up tomorrow morning...

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I just picked it up... it is in perfect condition. There are actually 20 pres. 12 are hard wired to an XLR bay in the front of the rack. It's been checked and appears and sounds to be in brand new condition. I'll post back after micing up a few things.


If this is what I think it is and the word is, these are Bill Putman designs... well, $150 for 20 pres from Urei / UA?


Check ebay.

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Here's a pic of one. Not mine. Mine has 2 more slots filled adding 8 more pres to the one pictured. Mine also has an extra rack space of 12 XLRs out front. I said in my first post it was 6 spaces. I misunderstood the seller on the phone, he was counting the Urei eq he threw in too. So the actual "mixer" is 3 spaces.






So I get it home and plug it in and... very low output. When cranked to a high enough level it's noisy. Hmmm. So I go digging in the old manual. It seems there are remote control 15 pin jacks on each module. From the factory, there are jumpers. When the jumpers are pulled you're at almost unity gain. They were pulled. Easy fix.


So he sold it to me thinking it was hosed.


I haven't had a chance to put jumpers in because of a gig tonight. Without jumpers; almost unity. Tomorrow...

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I went to Fry's today and got a few 15 pin, male D-Sub connectors and soldered up the Jumpers per the manual to bring the gain up to full spec. I've got 8 channels up and running and more tomorrow.


I then started messing with a piccolo snare miced up with a 57. Yes! The difference between the RNP and these Ureis. The RNP sounds great. Lots of mid detail. The Urei however picks up all the cool resonances and nice snare wire rattles. It sounds like a very complex rendition as opposed to a 2D rendition. As I move the mic around to the side of the shell, the vent hole (off axis), underneath, across the top flat, down at 45 degrees aimed at impact... all of the variations sound alive. It's really cool.


I'm not used to hearing the things I'm hearing, and I like hearing all these nuances. So far it is righteous.


I can't seem to get the phantom power to work though. I just bid on a used AT 4 channel +48 supply. I am not complaining.

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  • 3 months later...
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Cleantone PM'ed me and I responded but maybe I can do it here as there is some interesting info to pass on regarding these...


If you read above you'll see I discovered the need for a jumper at the back of each channel. I wired the jumpers and tested it it sounded great. GREAT. But...


...the drummer comes rolling in for the current album I'm working on. Hits his snare and CRUNCH. Major distortion. There is way too much gain even turned all the way down. The manual suggests different resistors for different gain ranges. I tried no jumper; not enough gain. I tried straight wire and way too much gain. So I swapped it out for an OctoPre at the last minute for the drum tracking and haven't looked into it yet.


Once this album is done and I have a breather, I'll experiment with the various resistor values provided in the manual. My starting point will of course be in the middle range and hopefully that will be that.


It really does have a great, very fast, lifelike sound so I look forward to incorporating it into my recordings soon...

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I just won a bid on the 24 channel 7510A version of this. I am a little nervous about how it will sound. I'm not a wealthy man by any stretch and ended up going to about $450 with shipping. The seller wasn't exactly fully helpful in terms of answering questions. It took me some prying to get him to verify that all 24 preamps worked. He talked about them having equal noise.


The auction only stated that it turned on and lit up. Sold as is because of age.


I asked about functionality of the preamps and he said


Hi, Thing works fine on all 24 outputs. Hiss level and noise all about the same... a couple of the gains maybe a little off... but not much. Paul


I said


Okay. Thanks for checking that. What kind of noise floor are you talking about here? I assume you mean a lot of gain without any signal having some hiss. I have heard of these units being quiet. I'm a recording engineer and wouldn't be using this for live sound much if at all. Please describe as best as your able.


he said


Hi, they all seem about the same hiss. Unterminated there is a bit more. The gain is a little different at the same knob positions.. very little. These things are not new... but it works. :+)


He didn't get back to me after this to follow up when I asked for further detail on the inherent noise. There was an hour between this time and the auction closing. I fought a bidder at the last minute to go from $305 to $425.


I haven't heard enough about these units. One guy on gearslutz raved about his. Another guy said he found one under a couch in a studio and tried it but it was too noisy to use. The 1st guy said his is silent. I hope the jumpers being in their proper places help the signal to noise be usable. I do almost all remote recording to Alesis HD24XR and of course want a clean as signal as possible. I have 18 channels of pres beside this unit but who doesn't need more right? I am REALLY hoping that this may become so usable that I only need it along with my recorder instead of a console and a rack of two channel pres. Time will tell. I'd love to hear any more info. Thanks thus far. Here is the unit I won this afternoon.




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I just got home and it was on my porch. I will fire it up when I can gather the energy. Had a late night last night. I am really itching to know myself. I think I'll be playing with it on a drummer tomorrow to iron stuff out.

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So I finally powered this up. I didn't check the direct outputs yet. I ran the mono XLR to some powered monitors. Checked the phantom power and that works! I set the master at 12 O'Clock. I first just cranked the gain without any signal. A couple crackles here and there when turning the pots but that shouldn't be too much of an issue. Nor too surprising. There is a fair amount of noise floor when the pots are over half way up on all channels. I was hoping Randall may chime in to say whether or not his is the same way. It may have been quieter with the phantom off. I am not 100 sure. I only ran a quick quick test. I popped a mic on and tested the channels. They all seem to function fine. Also feels like a fair amount of gain. I don't think I will really ever need to go above 12 O'Clock. I have not routed it to my recorder nor checked the direct outputs yet though. I think I am gonna be stoked though.

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well yesterday I had a drummer lined up to "play" with some comparisons and whatnot. He thought we were going to work in the day and I thought at night. He was booked to track for an ex band mates record last night. By the time we spoke it was too late to get together early. I know the other studio owner so we ended up all going over. Everyone was running late but it was pretty casual. I mixed his kit.


1. kick (beta52)

2. snare (sm57)

3. hat (sm81)

4. rack (e604)

5. floor (e602)

6. oh (km184)

7. oh (km184)

8. room (u87)


It took longer to get going than it should have to get ready to roll. It was exactly what I was fearing. Put the 8 channels into the 7510. I had the unit for two day and had only fired it up and tested that the preamps on all channels worked. This was with a vocal mic on my voice. :blah:


So I start getting levels and low and behold the unit can't take the input gain. The overheads sounded good but I don't know if they would when he played loudly.


Since we were already running late and this was a session that had a goal, we went to some of his preamps and I didn't get to trouble shoot. I actually did pull the jumper out of the rack tom channel and it seemed to have no effect. I guess I need to try some resisters now. :cry:


edit: I actually now think that I pulled the jumper out for pins 7-8 that I thought would be effect module input A when in fact it effects B. CRAP. I hope that does the trick.

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To be clear.It turns out I didn't pull the right jumper pin out. I didn't have any decent tools to get in there. It was already awkwardly positioned in the back of a rack that was in a precarious place last night. I meant to pop four jumpers out on one whole module. I didn't know off hand which was for what inputs. I used a guitar string to get the one on 7-8 out. I couldn't get those others fast enough. I was assuming 7-8 was for input A but in reality it was for input B. If I had some tweezers I would have figured that out fast. Probably would have done the trick. Since we were already over schedule and the artist/producer of the song was there I opted to move right to gear that we knew worked instead of any more downtime. Oh well. I'll check it out asap.


Don't suppose you have any suggestions of that types of things have too much SPL for the defacto jumper settings? I don't think it would make sense to pull all of the jumpers out but maybe it would. Especially with my remote concert recording.

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