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help with EQ plug in

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I am currently looking for a new EQ plug in. I have used the vintage EQ in SONAR and like it, but am looking for something with more flavor. I have used the EQ's in Soundcraft boards before and liked them, and was wondering if anyone had suggestions as to plug ins along those lines. Perhaps something from URS. I understand that I will need to listen to demos of the plug ins, but any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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I just did a long hard rock session...my brain is fried and can't think of anything. Check the KVR website for some good suggestions. This is awful...I have one of the plug-ins I'm trying to think of on my audio computer, and I can't think of it, but it's supposed to be fairly "analog" sounding, if that's what you are looking for. Some people like the Sony Oxford thing a lot, but that's not cheap. I have an old Bomb Factory Pulteq which is very useful. Some people like Massey a lot...and they're very cheap. Maybe the Roger Nichols stuff might be cheap? This is great...I can think of all these but can't think of the demo that I tried on my computer before.


I use the Ohm Frohmage filter a lot, but that's not really an EQ, more of a filter.


Damn, one of my more useless posts.

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^^^ Maybe he's thinking of the Kjaerhaus EQ? I remember it being free and not sounding bad. I rely on my natives probably more than I should, but I do like the Sonalksis and Waves stuff fairly well, at least when I don't need anything extreme.


I think the Soundcraft boards have mainly shelving and parametric EQs, a basic blend you'll find on most consoles.

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Free ones? Nothing good comes to mind for free, but I am on mac and not allot of free stuff exists on this OS. Anyways some good ones that come to mind:


Wavarts trackplug 5 (really like this plug comes in a bundle for around $500)

PSP Neon- around $150

PSP masterQ (not necessarily designed for tracks but I don't know) -CPU heavy! Plug alone is around $150

Waves Q10 (meh, tried the demo it was okay) this plug can be bought for around $150

iZotope Ozone 3 (again not necessarily a track plug, I bought this after being impressed with the light version that came with PT) - CPU heavy! Upgrade was $230

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A fun thing to play with in regards to EQ with character...


Run a good tape plugin (I like the Massey) then an EQ (or visa versa). I usually use the DigiIII in Pro Tools which is very good but very white bread. Now... either drive the tape plug with the EQ for more obvious coloration or go tape 1st then eq for subtle effect.


You can lower the output of the EQ when going into the tape to play with how the input effects the effect. Lot's of variations there. And plenty of them are not over the top if that's what you're looking for.

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This one?


    You got it. I just couldn't think of it last night. Was recording hard rock all day yesterday. I kept the volume down. It wasn't so much the genre of music, but all the different people whose needs we needed to assuage. The movie producer was there because we were doing the song for his movie, and he brought along a couple of friends, one to do the vocals, and the other to play the guitars.


    Turns out that the guy who wrote the songs ended up doing both, but not after we had exhausted the other possibilities...which were: a regular rock guitarist learning the other guy's parts, and a doo-wop singer trying to learn how to sing a hard rock part.


    Everyone was friendly, but we did feel like we were stepping on eggshells sometimes. But it was all good in the end.

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