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357 Info on the BLS forum


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"With this post, I will relay to you all, the information that has been provided to myself, skulldragon, Stroker, and JackCrowe; in a nearly two hour phone call with Daniel Baugess, owner and President of 357 Customs.


If I miss something, there is a very strong chance that one of the othe guys can back fill that information. This call was nearly two hours long, so I may not dump it all at once.


That being said, you may not like what I have to say for a couple reasons. It is going to be enough to convince you to stay in the deal, get out, or say that it still is not enough information for you. All reactions are perfectly fine.


So with that being said, I'll get started.


First, Daniel was pressed time and time again to get himself to personally make a statement on the status of the deal as represented by 357 Customs. Unfortunately, Daniel was unwilling to make an official statement. He absolutely insisted that if I have a question or concern that I could call him, 30x a day if I needed to. So there you have your answer on the official word flowing from 357 Customs. It is not going to happen at this time.


Next, we are to "negate" whatever Chad Dyer says about this deal, period. He is not to speak on behalf of 357 or this deal. He also again, contradicted much of what Chad has said thus far. That is an issue that we can beat ad naseum, but it is not worth doing at this juncture.


The only new information that we were able to get out of the call is this:

1. ALL MP4 players have been ordered.

2. NOT all of the guitars have been ordered.

3. All "orders" should be filled by next Friday. An "order" is your "die cast" and your "gift certificates", NOT guitars. 357 is sticking to the "free" guitar line... (another topic of discussion because this is their "out" if they choose not to fulfill) If you do not have your "order" by next Friday, send an email to the same email address that we've been told to use, OVER AND OVER again. Roll Eyes

4. Daniel would not commit to saying when the guitars would all be ordered, period.

5. Daniel would not address where, or what the money for the orders was used for thus far.

6. Daniel would not state why all of the guitars have not been ordered yet.

7. 357 will NOT be paying the VAT or brokerage fee on guitars for our overseas friends, nor would he issue a declared value

8. Daniel would not comment on where the "hold up" has been in this process, despite being told by Chad that Epi was holding the order up, or that EMG sent out defective pickups. His reason for refusing to state where the "hold up" was the "SDMF" ethos, or honor code... Thinking

9. Zakk did not endorse this deal, nor does he know anything about it, at this point...

10. Chad stated that those who have been "supportive" of him and 357 would "rewarded' for their loyalty". Which inferred some sort of prize, or "extra" for those that have been quiet. Daniel stated that is patently not true, and that he is not "rewarding" anyone with anything. I believe this statement has been removed from .com

11. He would not address why the credit cards were charged prior to the items shipping, and offered no reason for the issue.


So that is a summary of what we now know. If I missed something, I think that the guys will be able to help.


So before you harp on me saying that I've got nothing new, and you may be right; realize that the situation is what it is. The VERY FIRM stance of 357 is, IF YOU DO NOT LIKE IT, CANCEL YOUR ORDER. Daniel made that VERY clear. We all pushed for him to take more of an active role, and for him to be more forthcoming, but this is all we could get right now.


Remember, it was not just me on the call this time. We had two of the BLS.net mods, a mod from guitars101, and a respected member who has been involved; all on the call. They heard what I heard.


So what is next? We are going to figure that out. We do not want to tell everyone to bail on the deal, but if you're that upset, then it is your only option. If enough bail, then the deal will die. We obviously do not want that.


357 was not hesitant about telling you to get your money back if you do not like it. Thats that. They do not know, and will not guestimate when the guitars are coming. The MP4 players SHOULD start arriving next week if what Daniel said is true.


We can only tell you what he said, we cannot force him to do anything. You are now armed with some more information on which to act accordingly. You know that the guitars have not all been ordered, you know the MP4's have, among other things. You also know that Zakk does not know.


-Yes we asked why the guitars have not been ordered, and he would not provide an answer.

-He would not want to talk to "everyone" out there because he doesn't "have time" for that. And that if it is that big of a problem, cancel... We heard that word a LOT.

-He called Chad on another line while we were all on the call, and told him that he was to have nothing to do with myself, or updates as far as 357 is concerned. Chad was offered the option of getting in on the call, but declined. I personally think that wreaks... Unwillingness to be on the same call is smelly to me.

-Where are you to go? I have no idea. If there are new questions, I'll call the guy for ya. He did tell me that I could call him 30x a day if I need. Obviously, I am not going to do that because of my own time. But if there are new questions, I'll certainly ask them."



If this is true... I can't believe that they haven't ordered all the guitars yet..

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Originally posted by BootRoots

heres what I can't understand. If the guitar is technically a gift for the purchase of some model, why in the hell does anyone EXPECT to get one?



Because it was part of the deal. The deal was: Buy a gift certificate and die-cast model and you will receive a free Epiphone guitar.

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Originally posted by misle

Because it was part of the deal. The deal was: Buy a gift certificate and die-cast model and you will receive a free Epiphone guitar.



while supplies last, subject to availability, blah blah blah, i'm sure

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Originally posted by misle

Because it was part of the deal. The deal was: Buy a gift certificate and die-cast model and you will receive a free Epiphone guitar.



yes I have read the threads and I understand the deal, but I thought more folks understood that there is no such thing as a free lunch. period.

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Time for Zakk to wake up-He's involved whether he likes it or not. His name is all over this, and was used to promote it. So was Epiphones-I believe both know, both are profiting, and both could care less..........Worth sending an e-mail to both. Squeaky wheel....:thu:

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Originally posted by Mr. D

You guys may want to consult an attorney about this. Check your local Bar directory or phone book. Also, there are good online resources, especially because this sounds like a potential class action.

Hope it works out for you guys.



bad idea


if we started a class action case over this we would each walk away with less money than what was put in.

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Originally posted by batotman

We all know Zakk Wylde is a corporate stooge so he's not saying anything even though they are taking his name and rubbing {censored} all over it and then gang raping it.




Boy...i bet you guys that missed out on the 357 Zakk Wylde offer feel stupid now...." - batotman - Electric Guitars - 04-06-2006 02:38 PM




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Originally posted by Kelly

I went over there to check it out, Chad Dyer is a lyer. I'm ChaseBeavers over there, check this thread out...

Looks like the thread was deleted. Basically, Chad posted that his account was hacked on the forum and someone made posts under his name. I posted that this would be impossible unless someone used a script to hack the forum and he had a really easy password. The only other way would be if someone with administration access to the board posted under his name. Either way, with a PHP board, mods/administrators have total access to everyone's IP address that uses the board, so he would know exactly who posted using his name. Glad I didn't fall for the deal these scammers are pulling. Chad, you're lying to all these people.

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