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Who makes the best strat?


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Actually there are other companies that make Strat like guitars, some are rumored to be favorable to fender, at least these days. Never played any of them tho, sorry.


Tom Anderson


The Pearlcaster - Ed Roman

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Originally posted by EJ_Boy

Actually there are other companies that make Strat like guitars, some are rumored to be favorable to fender, at least these days. Never played any of them tho, sorry.

Tom Anderson

The Pearlcaster - Ed Roman


You just invalidated your post by mentioning Ed Roman. LOL J/K


Tom Anderson does make a nice guitar.


There are TONS of companies that make Strat clones or close interpretations. Some are awful, some are awesome. Some argue that G&L makes the best Fenders as designed by Leo Fender without the actual Fender name on them.


I'm personally a fan of building my own customized guitars out of parts. Now if only I had more money. :)


Out of the actual Fender line, I'd say that the MIM Standard and the US Highway 1 models are the best bangs for your bucks. :thu:

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I'd like to say Fender.


So here you go:




But I guess "Kendrick" is also a top dog http://kendrick-amplifiers.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=KOS&Product_Code=KEN02-CONTINENTAL&Category_Code=02 and then there's another than is semi-escaping me right now.


I want to say "Fullerton" but I'm pretty sure that is wrong. But SRV played one and I think Knopfler does too.


Also, Pensa makes some extraordinary axes in the strat design as well.


Okay, just got back from surfin.


SRV also played a "Hamilton"


And Knopfler's other than Fender Strats are Pensa's or Pensa-Suhr's.



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I'm not sure how the term "Best" can be determined..


A handbuilt $785,000 Italian Sports Car might be considered a "better vehicle" than my Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited, but that expensive vehicle wouldn't work very well around here as an everyday, year round driver.


For a working guitar that will handle all conditions, home use, at a gig, or in the recording studio, to me the "best Stratocaster" is the original, a Fender American Standard.


They are working guitars that you aren't afraid to use in a smoke filled roadhouse, not something that you have to worry about taking outside of a climate controlled room.



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*I dunno anything about "smoke filled roadhouses"

but my last Fender didn't do so well outside of a climate controlled room. I'll write that off as the exception, most Fender Strat's rosewood fretboards don't split down the middle...right?




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Fender Custom Shop

Tom Anderson



Fender Japan (the high end stuff)


USA Fender


MIM Fender Robert Cray, Jimmie Vaughan

CIJ stuff with the USA pickups


There are doubtlessly other boutique luthiers who do a killer job exceeding FMIC.

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