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Your Favourite Guitar Picks

Megadeth Man

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I alternate between Wegen a 2.5mm "Twin" (jazz size pick) and these:



They're Fred Kelly Babyfat picks - about the size of a Dunlop Jazz III, but thicker, about 2mm. The first one is Lexan, the same stuff Dunlop Stubbies are made from, the second is Delrin.

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Dunlop Tortex... Either the greens or the blues. Last time, I picked up some Ultex or something like that.

I was also checking out a few picks with extra gripping surfaces. One is called something like cat's tongue and one feels like it has sandpaper built into it. Really, I liked Dunlop Nylons more than the Tortex, but I didn't like how large of an area the grippy dot things covered up on the nylons so I went with the Tortexes.

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Dunlop Ultex picks (1.0mm)

They're the best picks I've come across. I don't care for the Dunlop Tortex picks for electric guitar as they have a raspy, bright attack. I like them for acoustic for that reason though. The Ultex are a bit more neutral and give some fatness to the tone.

I also like Fender heavy picks.

For acoustic, I like orange/red Tortex and Fender lights.

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Originally posted by cratz2

Dunlop Tortex... Either the greens or the blues. Last time, I picked up some Ultex or something like that.

I was also checking out a few picks with extra gripping surfaces. One is called something like cat's tongue and one feels like it has sandpaper built into it. Really, I liked Dunlop Nylons more than the Tortex, but I didn't like how large of an area the grippy dot things covered up on the nylons so I went with the Tortexes.

Brain Cat's Tongue picks. They have the opposite problem of slippery picks: they're immoveable. Ibanez makes a SandPick; there's also the Kool Pick, which has a sandpaper-like insert. As you can see, I spend too much time worrying about picks. ;)

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Originally posted by xStonr

This is my new favorite pick. A little pointy and a non slip grippy.


I got some of those when they were first introduced, but within a few days of use, the dimples rubbed/fell off. Have you found the same thing, or have the fixed them?y

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Originally posted by RUExp?

0.5mm isn't really that thick



+1. The only pick thinner than .50mm that I can think of is the Dunlop Nylon .46mm, which feels roughly like the feathers of a badminton shuttlecock - literally.

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