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My wife is bringing me a 50's Gibson home tommorrow.....


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Folks don't seem to realize that the antique market is built on buying "finds." Watch antiques roadshow for 30 minutes and you'll see half a dozen people say, "I bought it at a garage sale for $10." and get told that the item is worth 1500. I suppose each and everyone of those people are thieves too, eh? They bought because they knew it was a good deal, maybe not how good of a deal, but a deal none the less.

She offered cause she knew you liked guitars. Turning her down might be more of an insult if she wanted to have someone she knows play it. Say thank you and move on. If you flip it, ask her first if she wants it back, then give her the money minus your $100 bucks and everyone is happy.

Of course, if you do flip it, you should be beaten to death with a rubber hose. That guitar screams to be held on to just for the guitar room mojo it exudes.

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Originally posted by RaVenCAD

I LIKE this guy! It's great to see that a few of you do have an ethical bone in your body. The rest? Well, they (and they know who they are) can rot for all I care..

IKE, you feel that way because you aren't a piece of pond scum like some of these people. Like I said, I'm all for a good deal, but you gotta balance the good deal you are getting against the raw deal you are giving. In the end, both need to be even or else it WILL come back to you in a very negative way.



Holy crap.... do you EVER shut up?


I can just imagine you reaching down from your pedestal, patting Ike on the head and saying 'There there good boy".


You just don't get it do you? This is not a forum for anything other than electric guitars. He posted he found one for a 'deal' and YOUR pompous fat ass starts right in with the what is right and wrong, as though you are friggin Aristotle.


just go away.

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Originally posted by FUBTAG

Holy crap.... do you EVER shut up?

Do you? I have as much right to say what's on my mind as you do what's on yours.. So until you STFU, don't expect me to do the same. Even then, I'm not likely to shut up.. I'm paticularly tenacious when I know I'm right.. ;)

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Originally posted by FUBTAG

Holy crap.... do you EVER shut up?

I can just imagine you reaching down from your pedestal, patting Ike on the head and saying 'There there good boy".

You just don't get it do you? This is not a forum for anything other than electric guitars. He posted he found one for a 'deal' and YOUR pompous fat ass starts right in with the what is right and wrong, as though you are friggin Aristotle.

just go away.



He's entitled to his say. As far as I am concerned you and your foul mouthed friends should get the boot from this board. What are you 14? It SHOWS.

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Originally posted by RaVenCAD

Do you? I have as much right to say what's on my mind as you do what's on yours.. So until you STFU, don't expect me to do the same. Even then, I'm not likely to shut up.. I'm paticularly tenacious when I know I'm right..

When it is about guitars.. yes you do. Unless someone asked you your opinion on something .. then shut up. Plain and simple. No one asked for your opinion at any point in this thread.... Ike posted and excitedly so that he was going to hopefully find a 'deal' that we all dream about. You on the other found this as an opportunity to take upon yourself the role of soothsayer .. to lead you people to the promised land. I say to you and those who don't get... go somewhere else. There is no room in this forum for self absorbed holier than thou types.

For the record, I am a 38 year old professional. I work hard, just finished my MBA, and am a very solid human. I am also a musician, gigging 3-4 times a month. I treat people with respect, and expect the same. On the other hand, when someone is out of line, I will say so (just ask my 15 year old stepdaughter and her friends). Raven, and others, are out of line with their voicing of opinions in such a manner. That is all.

If the situation were mine, I would wait (as everyone should have) until ALL the facts were known. Raven, nor anyone else here knows Ike, yet felt the need to tell him to not do the deal or to be fairer then they thought he would be to this lady.

Ike, you found a great if not amazing deal. Ihope you enjoy it, and you do what your own heart tells you to do.

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Originally posted by smurfco

You should film yourself putting it through a wood chipper, then show her the film, then tell her how much it's worth. That way nobody wins.

That's the end of the internet right there....


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that would be funny and sad at the same time. I don't know what else to say to this thread. Congrats on the guitar, do with it what you will. I will admit I've had the opportunity to buy instruments for stupid prices before and haven't. I even told the person how much it was worth after I decided I didn't want it. But frankly, if I had, I would have bought it for the price she offered with no real qualms. I'm poor. I save up for months and sometimes years to buy the things I have. So when I find a deal I take it, figuring its karma at work. So dig life man, enjoy the gretsch.

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Originally posted by FUBTAG

When it is about guitars.. yes you do. Unless someone asked you your opinion on something .. then shut up. Plain and simple. No one asked for your opinion at any point in this thread.... Ike posted and excitedly so that he was going to hopefully find a 'deal' that we all dream about. You on the other found this as an opportunity to take upon yourself the role of soothsayer .. to lead you people to the promised land. I say to you and those who don't get... go somewhere else. There is no room in this forum for self absorbed holier than thou types.

For the record, I am a 38 year old professional. I work hard, just finished my MBA, and am a very solid human. I am also a musician, gigging 3-4 times a month. I treat people with respect, and expect the same. On the other hand, when someone is out of line, I will say so (just ask my 15 year old stepdaughter and her friends). Raven, and others, are out of line with their voicing of opinions in such a manner. That is all.

If the situation were mine, I would wait (as everyone should have) until ALL the facts were known. Raven, nor anyone else here knows Ike, yet felt the need to tell him to not do the deal or to be fairer then they thought he would be to this lady.

Ike, you found a great if not amazing deal. Ihope you enjoy it, and you do what your own heart tells you to do.

I'm terribly sorry, who asked for YOUR opinion? :confused:

Keep it to guitars bub, moving along, moving along. :freak:

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Originally posted by Mighty Coogna!

I'm terribly sorry, who asked for YOUR opinion?

Keep it to guitars bub, moving along, moving along.

Apparently FUBTAG is impervious to this logic. His opinion is welcome on all subjects, including whether another member's opinion is welcome.

It's this sort of careful self-examination that is the hallmark of someone who would knowingly take advantage of their wife's elderly employee... And if you don't believe me, check his post - dude just finished an MBA - that {censored}ing PROVES it!

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Originally posted by fuzztone

Awesome!Thats the guitar John Lennon played on "Revolver," I think.

Paperback writer sessions, actually -- though some dispute that the sessions where John played the Gretsch actually made it to record.

The guitar John played most on Revolver was his recently acquired Epiphone Casino.


One of my bandmates also has a bought cheap toss-out (UK readers note that I DID NOT say "toss off") Gretsch, a 1967 Country Gent that he received in marvelous condition. He went to an old church in a rural setting in response to an ad in a newspaper about some PA equipment. He and the lady there (also an old lady) agreed on $300 for the PA stuff, at which point she says "go on and take this old guitar, too -- it's been sitting here in its case for years." He took the old tattered blue-ish case home without even opening it to see what was inside.

His way of handling all this is a commitment NOT to sell the guitar and make a massive profit, but to keep it and play it himself.

Works for me.

EDIT -- Pic of John with Gretsch 6120 (George with Nusonic bass, Paul with his Epi Casino):


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Originally posted by Lawton

Paperback writer sessions, actually -- though some dispute that the sessions where John played the Gretsch actually made it to record.

The guitar John played most on
was his recently acquired Epiphone Casino.


One of my bandmates also has a bought cheap toss-out (UK readers note that I DID NOT say "toss off") Gretsch, a 1967 Country Gent that he received in marvelous condition. He went to an old church in a rural setting in response to an ad in a newspaper about some PA equipment. He and the lady there (also an old lady) agreed on $300 for the PA stuff, at which point she says "go on and take this old guitar, too -- it's been sitting here in its case for years." He took the old tattered blue-ish case home without even opening it to see what was inside.

His way of handling all this is a commitment NOT to sell the guitar and make a massive profit, but to keep it and play it himself.

Works for me.



Yeah good point maybe this was karma giving IKE a payback in the form of a guitar for previous good deeds, and not a test to see if he fails/passes. The way i see it is its nobodys elses buisness but his, so stop getting your knickers in a twist about it people.

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Originally posted by SpiritOfTheAge

Yeah good point maybe this was karma giving IKE a payback in the form of a guitar for previous good deeds, and not a test to see if he fails/passes. The way i see it is its nobodys elses buisness but his, so stop getting your knickers in a twist about it people.

Yeah, and maybe some greater spirits and telling IKE to open himself to playing some different guitars. My first guitar loves were Gibsons, too, and while I've never wandered off too deeply into Fender -land (and never intend to do so), the last two guitars I've bought were Gretsch re-issues (and I LOVE them). IMO there's a very significant piece of the rock-and-roll guitar landscape that IS DEFINED by GRETSCH. If you're a rock guitarist, you need to go there from time to time (and living there is just fine, too...).


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Originally posted by Lawton

Yeah, and maybe some greater spirits and telling IKE to open himself to playing some different guitars. My first guitar loves were Gibsons, too, and while I've never wandered off into Fender -land (and never intend to do so), the last two guitars I've bought were Gretsch re-issues (and I LOVE them). IMO there's a very significant piece of the rock-and-roll guitar landscape that IS DEFINED by GRETSCH. If you're a rock guitarist, you need to go there from time to time (and living there is just fine, too...).


I totally agree that this could be the case.... And hey, maybe the old lady has a freezer full of kindergarteners or something...

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Originally posted by FUBTAG

When it is about guitars.. yes you do. Unless someone asked you your opinion on something .. then shut up. Plain and simple. No one asked for your opinion at any point in this thread.... Ike posted and excitedly so that he was going to hopefully find a 'deal' that we all dream about. You on the other found this as an opportunity to take upon yourself the role of soothsayer .. to lead you people to the promised land. I say to you and those who don't get... go somewhere else. There is no room in this forum for self absorbed holier than thou types.

For the record, I am a 38 year old professional. I work hard, just finished my MBA, and am a very solid human. I am also a musician, gigging 3-4 times a month. I treat people with respect, and expect the same. On the other hand, when someone is out of line, I will say so (just ask my 15 year old stepdaughter and her friends). Raven, and others, are out of line with their voicing of opinions in such a manner. That is all.

If the situation were mine, I would wait (as everyone should have) until ALL the facts were known. Raven, nor anyone else here knows Ike, yet felt the need to tell him to not do the deal or to be fairer then they thought he would be to this lady.

Ike, you found a great if not amazing deal. Ihope you enjoy it, and you do what your own heart tells you to do.

Once again you spew your rules about what people around here are allowed to talk about. To that, I say kiss my ass. Dude posts a thread that opens himself up to criticism, that's his mistake. Not once was I disrespectful to Ike for finding a killer deal. I tried to reason with him and I think he realizes that while he did nothing WRONG, he didn't go out of his way to do it RIGHT either. I thing he will do the right thing here, and if not, he will eventually be repaid for it. That's how things in this big old world tend to work. I'm sure you'll come back with some crap about "who are you to judge him?" or "keep your opinions to yourself"... To that, I invite you to fall to your knees, pucker up and pick a cheek. Your opinion, nor your MBA, mean anything to me. :wave:

FUBTAG, can you answer a question for me? Just a simple one.. What is your religion? I'm not planning to attack or criticize you for it, I just want to know more about your background..

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Originally posted by taylor210eman

So when I find a deal I take it, figuring its karma at work. So dig life man, enjoy the gretsch.



Now there's a thought.

Suppose this is Karma giving IKE a good deal in return for his past actions.



Seriously, she made the offer, she set the price, got it, cleared out her closet, and is probably happy that the guitar is in the hands of someone who may get some use from it.

IKE got a great deal. Whether he keeps it or sells it at a profit is his business.

Everybody is happy except for a few anonymous people on the internet.

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Originally posted by Ryan Trevisol

IKE, here's what you do. If you don't want the guitar, you probably can't in good conscience sell it for a huge profit. So do this, it'll make you feel good about yourself, make you a little money, and make an old lady happy.

You give her back the guitar, take back your hundred bucks, and tell her you can't do that. The guitar is worth too much. You offer to help her sell it and get a percentage of the proceeds. You clean it up, set it up, and sell it on ebay, and make the old lady a large pile of money, and a smaller pile for yourself.

Ryan Trevisol for the m'fing win. ESPECIALLY if Ike's not that into the guitar. :thu:

*edit* I guess since I've shot my mouth off I'll put it this way: there are a lot more evil things in the world. I don't think Ike would be necessarily in the wrong if he didn't do the right thing here, but I think he'd be in the right in spades if he DID do the right thing.

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His way of handling all this is a commitment NOT to sell the guitar and make a massive profit, but to keep it and play it himself.

Works for me.


This solution works for me. Play and enjoy the guitar! It might be worth a little more than you paid, but she wouldn't have been able to retire or anything, so I don't see any harm done.

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