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Spencer,Base, what about another NEXT!


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wait wait wait...so it's like, French toast, i.e., bread coated in raw egg then fried in a pan, yet served not with maple syrup and powdered sugar and sweet things and such, but with things like mushrooms? I'm baffled....This is like the first time I heard about poutine...mmmmmpoutine.....Spence, could you just ship me some Canada? Nothing specific. Just send me Canada. In general. :p


So Shars, how exactly does Spencer LOOK like freggy bread? Do tell. :D


Those smilies are brilliant! Ah, Family Guy 2 weeks ago.... :rolleyes:

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No, it is just what we call french toast, cause over here we'd call it eggy bread. In the UK we'd eat it with something savoury, some strange people may even eat it with mushrooms, but I don't see any reason to ruin it :D


Brown sauce is what you want to eat it with *DROOOOOL*

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Yup...in the UK we have Freggy bread and tomatoes or sausages and even mushrooms..don't you????


ahhhh, Spencer, now I havent caught him looking like Freggy bread, yet, but as soon as I do, I'll let you have the first pic... :D

He lives on the stuff I am sure thats the case...

All hes ever talking about is freggy bread... :D

I could swear their related somehow... :D

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Yup...in the UK we have Freggy bread and tomatoes or sausages and even mushrooms..don't you????


Mind if I borrow this, Base?




Thanks, bro. I needed that...


And, for the record, I don't eat FB all the freakin time for breakfast. To be perfectly honest, this was the first lot in quite a while. Normally, it's just a couple of slices of toast and some OJ (the juice kind, not the cesspool kind :D - cue Ed McMahon, "Hiiyoo"). Oh, that's good satire.....


Pooooteeen?! Sure, allz you need is some fries, chees and gravy! Don't you have them things in NYC?! :p


That being said...I might have to make some tonight for dinner. That'd be sweeeeeeet!




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Happy, Spencer? :D And yes, we have fries, gravy, and cheese here...but there seems to be an astonishing lack of cheese curds, and it's just not the same without em! I even looked for them at the fancy schmancy grocery stores, just so's I could make me some poo-teen, but no luck! There is, however, one tiny little hole-in-the wall Belgian fries joint in the East Village that makes poutine, but the cheese curds are weird somehow. I want my heart attack in a bowl made right, dammit!


Base, "brown sauce"? My, that sounds frighteningly vague... :p


Shars, if you send me a pic of Spencer looking like freggy bread, I promise to send you a pic of Spencer looking like poutine. Even if that means starting a food fight when I visit St. John's...


Oops, was that out loud? :D

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hey I can't help it if my computer just can't capture the grace and beauty of his tongue-flapping!


Oh, and too late, I found a picture....








wait for it....









I really did....






Lads & lasses, I give you...Spencer Crewe!







What? Can't you see him? He's under the poutine! :D

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Let's hear it for eggy/freggy/ French (liberty?) toast! I havn't had that in years! And brown sauce! Yeesss!


Ingredients from the label on a bottle of Y.R. Sauce:


Water, tomatoes, sugar, apples, dates, modified starch, salt, soy sauce, acetic acid, wheat flour, flavouring, spices, vinegar, colour (E150c), onion, maltodextrin.


So now yiz can make yer own. E150c is ammonia caramel. Yum Yum.:D :D :D

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So basically, someone just took all the condiments and leftover bits that were sitting in my kitchen my freshman year of college and made SAUCE out of it??? :D


glad to amuse, Shars. Seriously Spence, you should get that checked out by a doctor... :p

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Originally posted by Branwyn

So basically, someone just took all the condiments and leftover bits that were sitting in my kitchen my freshman year of college and made SAUCE out of it???


Jeff da Weasel does that sort of thing all the time...

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What is it with you and the owning all over the place today, Crewe? :p


Who is this Jeff da Weasel? Jeff, did you sneak into my freshman college dorm and steal all my condiments and leftover bits and make freggy bread sauce out of them? Did the mac & cheese and the ramen survive this incident? Just curious...



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Of course. Brown sauce. The quacks tell us that it's bad. Pro chefs tell us that it's bad. The British went to war with it. As a matter of fact they would probably go to war for it. Do you mean to tell me that you had the makings of it in your kitchen and it didn't occur to you to mix them all? My God. This from a country that put men on the moon etc.:eek:

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*falls off chair laughing*


Next time I clean out my fridge, I shall be sure to pack up all the leftover bits, shoot them to the moon, and I'm fairly certain a tasty sauce will form as it orbits 'round the earth, only to eventually sink back to earth in Ireland, just for you. :D

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Originally posted by Branwyn

Who is this Jeff da Weasel? Jeff, did you sneak into my freshman college dorm and steal all my condiments and leftover bits and make freggy bread sauce out of them? Did the mac & cheese and the ramen survive this incident? Just curious...



Shhhh...don't give him any ideas...


Jeff "da Weasel" is Jeff Klopmeyer, guitarist extraordinaire and moderator of the Musicplayer.com "Bandwidth" forum. Jeff has a penchant for making interesting delicacy type dishes from scraps of leftovers.

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