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Spencer,Base, what about another NEXT!


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Coool Chris..

I dont get hangovers as I dont drink booze.


yeah, the news is pretty depressing to say the least, and like you, I'm not stepping foot in the Pol Forum to air my views...

I'd keep them to myself and do my best to help where I can.

I jsut gave

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Originally posted by Base

Why does everybody seem to have a day off today?!?!?


In the States, it's Labor Day...one of two holidays that bracket the summer season. The first is Memorial Day...honoring the men and women who have given their lives for our country. That's in late May...and is usually seen as a kickoff to the summer season. On the other end is Labor Day...a day honoring our workforce. The first weekend in September, it heralds the end of summer...and of course, stuff like back to school and football (American football) season.

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Big pot of coffee in front of me right now. Then drop the Da down to the betting shop and then mind the music shop for the day (:( ). The gigs have dried up lately as the rip-off culture here bites into tourism but I don't mind, I want to retire anyway.:)

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Ah, I'd love to take early retirement and stop working now.


Unfortunately, for some reason they think 31 is too young to retire, I mean, WTF is up with that?!?!? :mad:


Judging by the news recently, the government hasn't been saving for my retirement and my hard-earned pension will be worthless anyway, so I'll be working til I'm 80. Better change careers to music full time by then!! Maybe a Stones tribute band :D

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Tedster was supposed to say that in "NORTH" America, it was Labour Day. South of the 49th parallel doesn't hold exclusive rights to it..... :D


Yar, most kids are back in school this morning. University started orientation today as well for newbies. Jeez, there's gonna be some pile of traffic around here for the next week or two - hopefully it'll settle down after that.


Nope, I didn't have a hangover - at least that would've been a good excuse to be awake that early. I simply woke up for no apparent reason except to use the bathroom (TMI? :p). I made the best of my morning yesterday by heading out for my first full ride on the new wheels - very nice indeed. I did my 30 Km loop in (get this) 1 hour flat. I averaged 30 kph (duh) and it seemed to take less effort than before. Hmmm...perhaps because it's waaaay lighter than the last one.


I do believe that I think I'm going to be swapping handlebars on it, though. the aftermarket bars I had on the old bike (being one of very few things that survived the collision) were much more comfortable on the hands and shoulders than the stock bars that came on the Schwinn. I figure that a 30 minute changeover is in order. Another benefit to this swap, is that I think the stock bars are steel. The replacement bars are aluminum. Once the change is made, virtually everything on the bike will then be aluminum.





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