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any new dads that don't play much


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I have a one year old + a ton of work stress (thinking the job is not working out)


I have spent more time buying gear in the last 2 and a half years than I have practiced. I used to jam 3 times a week (I played drums) I have played drums 3 times in the last 13 months. and i play my amp on .5 volume at midnight when I am tired, once a week


comments are welcomed.

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I didn't play for fourteen years after my kids were born. Just got back into it two years ago after my older son started playing the drums. I wish I had some of the hardware that is available now back them. An M-Audio Black Box might be a good investment with some headphones.

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When my son was born,Iplayed at least an hour a night after he was asleep.

I never played to loud before he came along,and never changed after he was home.I didnt want to have to tippy toe throught the house so i let it rip.

Worked out great

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I have a six year old and a three year old. Oh yeah, and the missus.


If I play in the afternoon the kids yell because they can't hear "Zack and Cody." - but if I go to my room to play either the wife yells that I'm ignoring my family or the kids start beating on each other and I have to intervene.


If I play after bedtime I have to keep it on the QT. - AND the bride yells that I'm not spending "quality time" with her.


(the definition of quality time, by the way seems to be sitting in the living room listening to her yell at her mother over the phone, or watching desperate housewives or greys anatomy and discussing the characters as if the were actual people we know.)


All of this makes it hard to play, and damn near impossible to practice. But occasionally the kids will join me in a rousing rendition of "What I've been Looking For" from High School Musical or "You're the One That I Want" and it doesn't get much cooler.

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If I play after bedtime I have to keep it on the QT. - AND the bride yells that I'm not spending "quality time" with her.

(the definition of quality time, by the way seems to be sitting in the living room listening to her yell at her mother over the phone, or watching desperate housewives or greys anatomy and discussing the characters as if the were actual people we know.)


You're married to my wife? :freak:


To the OP,

Before my daughter was born, I picked up a GuitarPort so I could play late at night or while she was sleeping. Since that time, my wife has decided to go back to school and nealy taken over our home office (my practice space), so I bought a Zoom G2 so that I can take my headphone practice with me.


I always try to squeeze in about an hour of practice each day (even though it doesn't always work out that way). Plus, I play and sing to my daughter, who is now three and has her very own 'guitar' (a $25 Rouge baritone Uke) that she uses to play along.

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I've been reading these posts and lol. Read 'em to my spouse too. I have 3 kids, 7, 5, and 19 months. It is very challenging to find playing time. I am worn out most days between work and the family, so when I do have time to play, it is either at night, usually after 11 p.m. or the weekends. If I don't get some solid weekend time, I do get cranky. It is my release, and everyone needs a stress reducer of some sort.


I bought anew 5 watt tube amp, and I love to crank it up, but that is hard to do when everyone's asleep, so I reserve my cranking sessions to the weekend. I have a Digitech unit I can plug phones into, but it is not nearly the same.


I think it is important to understand balance. You have to put the family first, although the job takes up the majority of time. What's left is very little. But I've given up a lot of things too, like tennis and golf and going out with the friends. You can't give up everything or you'll resent the Mrs. But you can't sacrifice everything either.


Once kids are older, and are more self sufficent things will be easier. My middle child has add and has more energy than the Energizer bunny. He just wears you out, but I am expecting things will get a little easier, although probably more complicated in the future.


But we dads should unite and form a support group of some sort! My wife has her own blog and her own "virtual reality friends" and that's what this site is sort of to me some days. We need this release!

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I've got a 19 month old, and my playing time has gone from not enough to begin with, to writing "wash me" in the dust on my guitars. But, truth be told, my love of being with my daughter and hearing her jabbering and getting her wonderful hugs makes me hang the guitars up without regret. One great thing is, when I do get time to play, she dances for me and even wants to strum the strings. She loves music and beating on things with sticks, so I'm hoping I've got a drummer. I told my wife we need to get working on a bass player soon.

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LOL, it gets better gentlemen.


I know what you're saying, though, and I feel your pain.

It gets easier when they get a little older, though the terrible 2's can play havoc on your gear.


One time, my toddler turned all my amp knobs up to 10. All of them. I plugged in to practice one day, and when I turned the volume up on my guitar, well, the squeal probably woke the dead in the cemetary accross town!


Little kids like knobs and gizmos.

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I think it is important to understand balance. You have to put the family first, although the job takes up the majority of time. What's left is very little. But I've given up a lot of things too, like tennis and golf and going out with the friends. You can't give up everything or you'll resent the Mrs. But you can't sacrifice everything either.



I'm in the same boat as well, and I really agree with this...


I have a 6 year old boy, a 8 months old girl, a loving girlfriend,a house, a demanding job, a band, a few more music projects...


There is no way one can keep up with it all without making sacrifices. I gave up a lot as well, mostly sports...rock climbing, ice climbing, hiking, kayak, I miss it and I hope I'll get back to it eventually when the kids are older and can do it with me...partying is out of the question, I need 100% energy all the time.


So I put my priorities in order: 1-Family. 2-Job. 3-Music. 4-Not much time left for anything else right now...

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Man, I can relate to this thread!!! I have an 8 yr old, a not-quite-2 year old and of course the wife.


"If I play after bedtime I have to keep it on the QT. - AND the bride yells that I'm not spending "quality time" with her.


(the definition of quality time, by the way seems to be sitting in the living room listening to her yell at her mother over the phone, or watching desperate housewives or greys anatomy and discussing the characters as if the were actual people we know.)"


Dude, you deserve some sort of HC award for this.


I pretty much just have to use headphones. I get home at 5:45 or so, usually cook dinner, eat, and then of course my kids go to bed at 8, so I have this tiny window of opportunity to make some noise if I want to, but if I DO, then the wife says Im running off on her again.



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My kid is 4 now, so I get to play more than I did before she was born. It's always has to be after she goes to bed though. Anywho, I could care less about having chops these days. You only get one chance at being a good dad, so it's worth it.




We have a winner folks! :thu:


They are so worth it.:love:

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If I play after bedtime I have to keep it on the QT. - AND the bride yells that I'm not spending "quality time" with her.


(the definition of quality time, by the way seems to be sitting in the living room listening to her yell at her mother over the phone, or watching desperate housewives or greys anatomy and discussing the characters as if the were actual people we know.)


All of this makes it hard to play, and damn near impossible to practice. But occasionally the kids will join me in a rousing rendition of "What I've been Looking For" from High School Musical or "You're the One That I Want" and it doesn't get much cooler.


I get that as well, I haven't seen you all day. But it has gotten to where I can't play at all. My wife started working from home at night, her ofice happens to double as our bedroom and that is where I keep all my gear. So after I get home, feed my kids (have 5 of the little tax deductions). Get the kitchen cleaned and put the older ones to bed (11, 9 and 7), it's time for the twins (1 year). Bath and bed, finally "me" time I can't play my acoustic because the kids can hear it so unplugged electric for the night. During the weekend I get the "us" time or the "Honey Do List". So my guitar time has dwindled down to almost nothing. But I wouldnt have it any other way.

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I just got into practicing regularly again right before my son was born; he's 2 now. The great part is, taking care of a baby made me realize just how little sleep a human being can survive on - now that I don't need so much sleep I have more time to practice!

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Yeah, dont get me wrong, my wife and kids are GREAT, and certainly more important than any instrument.


On the flip side, though, I DO need soem time here and there. I think everyone does.


And the "quality time" being watching television together doesnt work in my mind. Not quality time at all, IMO.

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I'm feeling for you guys. I have 4 daughters the youngest being twins. I never played the git before my family exploded but always wanted to. The twins are 12 now, the others are in HS and a college freshman. I've pretty much retired my golf clubs, fishing rod and the other stuff I used to do for recreation because of the time it takes to create the type of home we want for our family. 2 years a go I showed up one night with a Schecter Omen 6 and Marshall 15 watt amp and my wife thought I had completely lost my mind or something.


For my family we needed to get past the 'little kid' stage most of you are in right now that takes up so much time and energy before either of us could take on something for ourselves. Of all the cool things about playing the last couple years probably the most valuable is that I can play guitar right here at home, back room, garage studio, whatever. If someone needs me, which they often do, I'm only steps away.


Oh and remember through all this, a happy wife is a happy life.

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I get that as well, I haven't seen you all day. But it has gotten to where I can't play at all. My wife started working from home at night, her ofice happens to double as our bedroom and that is where I keep all my gear. So after I get home, feed my kids (have 5 of the little tax deductions). Get the kitchen cleaned and put the older ones to bed (11, 9 and 7), it's time for the twins (1 year). Bath and bed, finally "me" time I can't play my acoustic because the kids can hear it so unplugged electric for the night. During the weekend I get the "us" time or the "Honey Do List". So my guitar time has dwindled down to almost nothing. But I wouldnt have it any other way.




Well you may win for the most tax deductions so far. Three is all I can handle, switching from man to man to a zone defense. My wife and I are going to start getting a sitter once or twice a month so we can get out of the house alone. It's not playing guitar, but quality time with the Mrs. goes a long way to having some quality time later on with the geetar and not feeling guilty about it. The problem as I see it with most of us, are the careers/jobs eat take up too much time. Not enough time for family, not enough time for ourselves. I really think we should strive as a country to go with a 3 day weekend kinda thing. If I could have Fridays off every week, I could get caught up on a lot of things, and have more time with the kids and wife, and of course the guitars.

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Yeah, dont get me wrong, my wife and kids are GREAT, and certainly more important than any instrument.

On the flip side, though, I DO need soem time here and there. I think everyone does.

And the "quality time" being watching television together doesnt work in my mind. Not quality time at all, IMO.



Yeah, the TV has a way of really creeping into quality time. It's what we do a lot, but we should find other avenues. Tough when you're both tired, and it's so easy to turn on the tube. Fortunately my wife likes some of my favorites shows, like 24. The Unit is decent too. And we both love the Office. But we gotta find some other stuff to do. Suggestions?

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Well you may win for the most tax deductions so far. Three is all I can handle, switching from man to man to a zone defense. My wife and I are going to start getting a sitter once or twice a month so we can get out of the house alone. It's not playing guitar, but quality time with the Mrs. goes a long way to having some quality time later on with the geetar and not feeling guilty about it. The problem as I see it with most of us, are the careers/jobs eat take up too much time. Not enough time for family, not enough time for ourselves. I really think we should strive as a country to go with a 3 day weekend kinda thing. If I could have Fridays off every week, I could get caught up on a lot of things, and have more time with the kids and wife, and of course the guitars.



Yup, except it will NEVER happen. PRODUCE PRODUCE PRODUCE!


I DO set sundays aside and it's a rule that I am not to be disturbed. EVERY other day I am slammed between work, band, church, family, etc. Sundays, I do NOTHING.

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