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ot: New Zakk Wylde Scaammm??


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*goes to investigate Mr. Reno*

waitasec -- he's not that guy with the bandana from Loverboy, is he?


My God man?!!! You have to investigate the great Mike Reno??!!! You are a music fan right?!!! Besides Mark from Dire Straits and Oliva who wore a headban that proud? Bruce from Maiden? Not till after the fact. Mike was like the first man on the moon. Mike Mother {censored}in' Reno!

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Why be embarresed by greatness?! Nobody talks {censored} about Noah. Nobody doubts Joyce or Zappa but we doubt Mike Reno?!!!! Someone please explain this to me.



noah was a fraud. why would a fish get on an ark? or a platypus?



with the vid posted above, i could listen to 'weekend' all day.

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noah was a fraud. why would a fish get on an ark? or a platypus?

with the vid posted above, i could listen to 'weekend' all day.

Fair enough.When you get to hell say hi to JFK and Nixon for me. Mike Reno and Dennis de Young gave so much but asked so little in return. Yet we turn away from the words of both. Have fun in hell sinners.

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I saw Loverboy on TV sometime last year. Some morning talkshow I switched too. They did "weekend". The band was pretty "tight". Reno still had some moves. He prol' gets laid alot to this day.


Of course he does. How can you be touched by the hand of God and not get laid? Except for the guy with the beard and he was just weird to begin with. God Bless you D.D.Y 1927-1998. Whenever i think of killer robots i think of you.

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i swore i was gonna go to bed an hour ago, but killer robots and petting zoos are gonna give me nightmares.


Blame the Gods. I just relay this stuff. I don't know why. Why was i picked for this?!! I curse the day i was born. But i will give my piece of mind to know that just one person, just one, came closer to Dennis De young. Lest we forget- D.D.Y 1836-2007. This world just feels colder without you in it Mr Young.

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but I guarantee that if Zakk had known anything about your husbands situation, he would have been right there

First, you REALLY need to take a class in reading comprehension.
Second, she states clearly they spoke directly to Zakk but he LIED to them and blew them off.

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but I guarantee that if Zakk had known anything about your husbands situation, he would have been right there regardless of radio rules.



That's fine to think that, but the problem is that there are literally dozens of these stories all over the net. If he REALLY gave a {censored}, it wouldn't happen. But he doesn't, so the douchebaggery continues. He doesn't give a {censored} about you or anybody else because he already has your money, and that's all he wanted to begin with. He doesn't want to be your 'brother,' he wants your money. Hence the lame, extremely overpriced pseudo-biker wear they peddle at every possible opportunity. They get you buying into the image, and you spend spend spend. Hell, Sakk Mylde doesn't even RIDE motorcycles. It's all part of the image so people will get all hopped up about his lame-ass fan club and buy all that {censored} merchandise. That's all it is. One giant marketing scheme. This get the money mentality is exactly why not a damn thing was done about the 357 promotion. I wouldn't be surprised if that piece of {censored} profited off of it in some way. They got the money, to hell with everybody else. To be honest, I don't think I can recall any other band that relied more heavily on a fake ass image.

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Unfortunately I have come to agree.

Zakks fans have been in real danger in the UK because real MCC's have taken issue with the "colours" and the fake biker image.

Zakk was told, by several MCC's that his "colours" would be removed if he wore them in the UK.
The UK BLS fansite stopped calling itself the UK "chapter" because of this.
Several people from the uk fansite contacted Barb Wylde (Zakks wife) and asked her to ask Zakk for guidance on this.

The response was a cancelled UK tour.

I loved early Zakk material, pride and glory is my favourite album ever, but he is hurting himself with this lame biker {censored}, and he isn't playing or writing to his ability in BLS nowadays IMO.

The 357 {censored} sucks because Zakk sued for his name being used, and didn't even apologise to the fans, just claimed to have been victimised himself.
If his fanbase weren't,by and large so blindly loyal I doubt he would have a career left.

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.....he is hurting himself with this lame biker {censored}, and he isn't playing or writing to his ability in BLS nowadays IMO.....



this is the absolute last thing that matters.


he is a theif, a fraud, a con-man.


beserk that.

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Unfortunately I have come to agree.

Zakks fans have been in real danger in the UK because real MCC's have taken issue with the "colours" and the fake biker image.

Zakk was told, by several MCC's that his "colours" would be removed if he wore them in the UK.

The UK BLS fansite stopped calling itself the UK "chapter" because of this.

Several people from the uk fansite contacted Barb Wylde (Zakks wife) and asked her to ask Zakk for guidance on this.

The response was a cancelled UK tour.

I loved early Zakk material, pride and glory is my favourite album ever, but he is hurting himself with this lame biker {censored}, and he isn't playing or writing to his ability in BLS nowadays IMO.

The 357 {censored} sucks because Zakk sued for his name being used, and didn't even apologise to the fans, just claimed to have been victimised himself.

If his fanbase weren't,by and large so blindly loyal I doubt he would have a career left.



It's an issue here in the states as well, especially in areas where there is a heavy 1% presence. Bikers don't think it's funny. It makes a mockery of something they have dedicated a lot of time and effort to, and whether outsiders agree with the lifestyle or not, those three piece patch sets are worn as a badge of pride, not bought off a fake biker's money grubbing website.

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please tell me what is bad about this as long as the money goes to st judes... who gives a rats left nut whoes name is on that check? ask a kid who has to go through chemo and treatment if he cares if the money came from zakk wydle or little lord pissy pants from the hc forum.. i'm sure they don't care as long as the help is there.. you start the foundation and we'll all send you the money and you can put your name on the check... let me know where to send my donation

Zakk collects the money, Zakk issues the check, Zakk gets to deduct it from his taxes.


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Zakk collects the money, Zakk issues the check, Zakk gets to deduct it from his taxes.


so does everyone else who wrote a check... this thread could go on forever due to the fact that there is always a rebuttal to both sides... people can say he is fake and his schtick is all for show, and i can say show me a rock star that isn't that way.. you can say he screwed people out of money with the 357 scam, high priced endorsed gear, and all the biker swag he sells, well there ya go again, so does almost every other national recording artist (minus the scam)... you can say he has lost his originality, well just turn on the radio and tell me 90% of the crap that is played on air is "original".... i'm not saying the guy is innocent... i never did.. but there are always two sides to every story... if you don't want to look into the "other side" of things then well that makes you just as ignorant as zakk fans and for that matter any other fan who buys into a performers hype.... and people wonder why there is still racism, bigotry, and hate in this world... oh well....

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..... people know he is fake and his schtick is all for show..... you can say he screwed people out of money with the 357 scam, high priced endorsed gear, and all the biker swag he sells, well there ya go again, so does almost every other national recording artist (minus the scam)... ..... i'm not saying the guy is innocent... i never did.. but there are always two sides to every story... if you don't want to look into the "other side" of things then well that makes you just as ignorant as zakk fans and for that matter any other fan who buys into a performers hype.... and people wonder why there is still racism, bigotry, and hate in this world... oh well....






so does almost every other national recording artist



bull{censored}. bull{censored}. bull{censored}. bull{censored}. bull{censored}. bull{censored}. bull{censored}. bull{censored}. bull{censored}.





you can say he screwed people out of money with the 357 scam,


because he did. and smiled about it, spent the money, and is trying to do it again.


Chad, i know you see no problem with scamming thousands of folks, but dont be so {censored}ing retarded as to think that nobody else has a problem with it.



ZW is a {censored}ing liar, theif, scumbag, lowlife, sorry excuse for a stinking old bag of {censored}.

who gives a {censored} if his music sucks worse than ever. this aint at all about that.

this is about a guy who already deserves to be beaten to death, before he scams anymore.




and people wonder why there is still racism, bigotry, and hate in this world...



get off your high {censored}ing horse. this is about a {censored}ing criminal. no bigotry, no racism, just a hatred for lying, cheating, theiving scum.



but since you're here, tell me all about the Lemonheads' fake biker swag, or RATM's attempt to swindle money from all their fans, or Garbage's attempt to pass themselves off as tough-ass bikers. much appreciated.

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you think those bands live up to their image 24/7??? are you that stupid?? that shirley manson cakes on the eyeliner just because???? that rages anti-government/anarchy stance doesn't make them any money?? this is the problem with morons like you... you don't interpret what was written.. i stated that every artist puts a image out there that they hope will help them sale albums... even the lemonheads.. name me one damn artist that hasn't!! you can't!!! it's called the entertainment industry for a damn reason... you are completely missing the point with everything i've said... but hey it's obviously pissing you off and i'm getting a kick out of it:thu:

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you think those bands live up to their image 24/7??? are you that stupid?? that shirley manson cakes on the eyeliner just because???? that rages anti-government/anarchy stance doesn't make them any money?? this is the problem with morons like you... you don't interpret what was written.. i stated that every artist puts a image out there that they hope will help them sale albums... even the lemonheads.. name me one damn artist that hasn't!! you can't!!! it's called the entertainment industry for a damn reason... you are completely missing the point with everything i've said... but hey it's obviously pissing you off and i'm getting a kick out of it:thu:


"Ha. I showed him. I finally beat... TEH INTERNET!"





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..... i stated that every artist puts a image out there that they hope will help them sale albums... ....





you can say he screwed people out of money with the 357 scam, high priced endorsed gear, and all the biker swag he sells, well there ya go again, so does almost every other national recording artist (minus the scam)...




chad, are you so {censored}ing retarded you cant keep track of your own worthless bull{censored} that keeps spewing out of you??


curious though that other artists dont need the scams.


maybe if he was a better guitarist, he could've done it with just image and marketing. i guess he's not even that good.


and now he's trying to paint himself as the St Jude's {censored}ing fairy.


dude, you aint getting me upset. i'll sip my beer and sling {censored} at the douchebag all night. takes no effort on my part at all, and if one single person doesnt give any more money to the douchebag, well then my time has been well spent.

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