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ot: New Zakk Wylde Scaammm??


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I really don't agree with you Jedi.


Yes, I understand that it is the 'recording industry.' I understand that there is money to be made, but I don't think that that is a true artist's intention. In this respect, I would certainly not call Zack Wild an artist. He may play guitar, but he does not play music.


He is an entertainer: not an artist, not a visionary, not honesty. What he gives us is an act. An act, as you said, to make himself money. That is what the entertainment industry is about. It is unfortunate that real artists have to compete with bull{censored} like ZW's dishonesty, homogenization and kiss-assery. And no, I don't mean they must compete for the money. They must compete for people's attention (that is what a true artist desires, to win attention and thereby communicate his soul). ZW's BS PR robs real people with a real statement to make of their opportunity. That is why I hate him; he has squandered his gift in order to make money (legally and illegally).


I don't buy one bit of your 'musicians have to live up to their image' bull{censored}. You mention RATM. Are you kidding me? What has ZW ever done in terms of an honest message that can even come close to RATM? The fact that they make money has nothing to do with them selling out. They were honest and people recognized it, so RATM sold lots of albums and tickets. You think Rocha left because he wasn't making enough money? Gimme a break.


I'm not even a huge RATM fan, I just do my homework. Something you should probably think about before you pull the next ideological gem out of your ass.

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this thread could go on forever due to the fact that there is always a rebuttal to both sides...

Rebuttal: To counter, disprove or contradict the opposing party's evidence or presumption by introducing new evidence.


Funny: I haven't heard any rebuttals from you, just the same pseudo-brainwash tripe and baseless non sequiturs post after post.

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give zakk a break, man. it must be tough, trying to think up new scams all the time, lying to everybody constantly, pretending to be somebody else, and trying to remain the true bedorker that he is.

that takes effort, and a lot of other people's money.

but, to his credit, we could call him a con artist.

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I don't buy one bit of your 'musicians have to live up to their image' bull{censored}. You mention RATM. Are you kidding me? What has ZW ever done in terms of an honest message that can even come close to RATM? The fact that they make money has nothing to do with them selling out. They were honest and people recognized it, so RATM sold lots of albums and tickets. You think Rocha left because he wasn't making enough money? Gimme a break.

I'm not even a huge RATM fan, I just do my homework. Something you should probably think about before you pull the next ideological gem out of your ass.



oh here we go again.. did you not read what i posted? i wasn't comparing zw and rage side by side, nor did i say that they "sold out" nor did i say that they weren't making money.. rage has a gimic just like everyone else...morello and crew like to speak out about government and there are thousands of people who can connect with that and they know it.. it's all part of the game... i happen to like rage and i also happen to read exactly what people write.. you should try that sometime and then maybe you'll see what i was actually saying instead of what your feeble mind interpreted...

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I really don't agree with you Jedi.

Yes, I understand that it is the 'recording industry.' I understand that there is money to be made, but I don't think that that is a true artist's intention. In this respect, I would certainly not call Zack Wild an artist. He may play guitar, but he does not play music.




i agree with you on one thing... it isn't a artist's intention to make themselves into something they aren't just to get signed or make bank but hey man it happens... there are thousands of wanna be stars out there and if you want to get noticed, if you want to get signed, you gotta have something... there are some who have snuck by due to talent alone but they are few and far between... talent and a gimic go hand in hand....sad but true..

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you think those bands live up to their image 24/7??? are you that stupid?? that shirley manson cakes on the eyeliner just because???? that rages anti-government/anarchy stance doesn't make them any money??



I don't think my problem is with reading comprehension. I think the problem here is your writing comprehension.


Gimmik: device: any clever maneuver; "he would stoop to any device to win a point"; "it was a great sales gimmick"; "a cheap promotions gimmick for greedy businessmen"


My point is exactly that you are lumping RATM and ZW into one group. ZW is an entertainer who uses a false image to make money. RATM is a group of artists who happen to make money by endorsing their true beliefs.


Did you read what I read?

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i give up, i'm through arguing with the ignorant... you guys win... i just burned all my bls gear, and my ozzy cd's and just attached my buzzsaw lp to the back of my truck so i can drag it down the road to the closest record store to pick up the latest from the lemonheads... i'm outta of this thread.. but hey it has been fun... btw sodacose great use of the big words there.. you have inspired me to do my homework:lol:

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i agree with you on one thing... it isn't a artist's intention to make themselves into something they aren't just to get signed or make bank but hey man it happens... there are thousands of wanna be stars out there and if you want to get noticed, if you want to get signed, you gotta have something... there are some who have snuck by due to talent alone but they are few and far between... talent and a gimic go hand in hand....sad but true..

You lament and endorse it at the same time? You don't work for the government do you? :D

What I'm saying is that 'making yourself into something you are not' is not art. Someone who does so is not an artist; they are an entertainer. Now before you bring up theater and cinema, let me say this: one may play false roles when working towards a larger truth. One mask is meant to deceive, the other is meant to enlighten.

"I always believed in the music we did and that's why it was uncompromising."
-Jimmy Page

Art is about an expression of self-truths, about trying to connect with others on a level that surpasses the medium itself. It's wearing your heart on your sleeve. Now I'm not sure if you've seen ZW's sleeves lately, but...

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.......i also happen to read exactly what people write.. you should try that sometime and then maybe you'll see what i was actually saying instead of what your feeble mind interpreted...




okay, so just in case you missed what you wrote, we'll do some recap here:



i understand that people fell ripped off




you can say he screwed people out of money with the 357 scam,




so does almost every other national recording artist (minus the scam)...




and a little fyi for all you know it alls... you cannot take donations for a charity and not deliver the money or keep some profit for yourself... it's highly illegal.. yeah it does happen but why would zakk do that?




i dont know why he'd do that, but everybody already agrees he's a lying, cheating, swindling theif.


so tell us, why would a lying,cheating, swindling theif take more money?


cuz he's a liar.


and a theif.


and a {censored}ing shameless stupid-{censored} douchebag.


on his best days.

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i give up, i'm through arguing with the ignorant... you guys win... i just burned all my bls gear, and my ozzy cd's and just attached my buzzsaw lp to the back of my truck so i can drag it down the road to the closest record store to pick up the latest from the lemonheads... i'm outta of this thread.. but hey it has been fun... btw sodacose great use of the big words there.. you have inspired me to do my homework:lol:

Hey man, I didn't mean to come off so harsh. I just get real worked up about music sometimes. :thu:

I don't think it's wrong to enjoy ZW's act. He's a damn good guitarist. But, in my eyes, that's all he'll ever be.

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Hey man, I didn't mean to come off so harsh. I just get real worked up about music sometimes.


i agree to disagree... i am the same way... plus i like to debate and get people worked up... i have always had the belief that most artists should let there music be the selling point, and i like the guys playing... it may not be for some but I like it.. i'm not here to make any enemies, i'm strictly here to have fun and give people a little hell just to keep em on their toes... for the record... i do not own a buzzsaw lp nor will i EVER buy a lemonheads album...:D peace out

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How exactly is Zakk a poser? I don't understand where you are all coming from saying that he is trying to be something he's not. I mean, he's pretty much kept the same image all through the ozzy years and to present day. If your talking about the biker image, I mean it's not that big of a deal. Do you ever hear him say anything about bikers? it's just a sort of persona he puts on and apparently, it works because he has a whole type of cult... a whole legion of fans devoted to him and his "poser" image. I view this St. Jude's donation almost as him trying to make up for that 357 scam. I don't believe that scam was on purpose at all, because it was such a bull{censored}, terrible idea that even if he had come up with it, it had 0% of success. But either way, you all talk about how there shouldn't be a middleman in the donation process but most of the people that will donate to his St. Jude's fund are people who wouldn't generally have donated. They are donating by virtue of the fact that Zakk Wylde is running this promotion. So, he is using his aforementioned 'poser' image to get his fans together to raise money for kids with cancer....

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'So, he is using his aforementioned 'poser' image to get his fans together to raise money for kids with cancer....'


If that's the case, pray tell, why is he basically saying 'GIVE MONEY TO THIS CHARITY UNDER MY FOUNDATION IN MY NAME' instead of 'Hey guys, here's this charity that needs help. They have an online donation page. I'll just link you guys to that and you know what to do.'

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How exactly is Zakk a poser? I don't understand where you are all coming from saying that he is trying to be something he's not. I mean, he's pretty much kept the same image all through the ozzy years and to present day. If your talking about the biker image, I mean it's not that big of a deal. Do you ever hear him say anything about bikers? it's just a sort of persona he puts on and apparently, it works because he has a whole type of cult... a whole legion of fans devoted to him and his "poser" image. I view this St. Jude's donation almost as him trying to make up for that 357 scam. I don't believe that scam was on purpose at all, because it was such a bull{censored}, terrible idea that even if he had come up with it, it had 0% of success. But either way, you all talk about how there shouldn't be a middleman in the donation process but most of the people that will donate to his St. Jude's fund are people who wouldn't generally have donated. They are donating by virtue of the fact that Zakk Wylde is running this promotion. So, he is using his aforementioned 'poser' image to get his fans together to raise money for kids with cancer....

:bor: Did you even read the other posts befor typing this?:bor:

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i agree to disagree... i am the same way... plus i like to debate and get people worked up... i have always had the belief that most artists should let there music be the selling point, and i like the guys playing... it may not be for some but I like it.. i'm not here to make any enemies, i'm strictly here to have fun and give people a little hell just to keep em on their toes... for the record... i do not own a buzzsaw lp nor will i EVER buy a lemonheads album...
peace out


Debating and getting people "worked up" is fine. Doing it by defending ZW makes you look like a {censored}ing idiot and a fool.


One last time..............ZW can not be trusted.....DO NOT SEND HIM MONEY FOR ANYTHING OR ANY REASON.

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Actually no I didn't read all the other posts, I read some but I find it pointless because my opinion isn't going to be swayed by this. Did you all buy into the scam? Or what is it that makes you care so deeply about it? And the simple fact that you are talking about this shows that if he really has a kind message, it's working. This is getting people thinking about St. Judes, so if you feel so strongly about not donating to Zakk then just donate it to St. Judes. He still is gonna be successful in bringing money to them.

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Actually no I didn't read all the other posts, I read some but I find it pointless because my opinion isn't going to be swayed by this. Did you all buy into the scam? Or what is it that makes you care so deeply about it? And the simple fact that you are talking about this shows that if he really has a kind message, it's working. This is getting people thinking about St. Judes, so if you feel so strongly about not donating to Zakk then just donate it to St. Judes. He still is gonna be successful in bringing money to them.




Your posts are pointless dude...seriously. You dont get whats going on...cut him a check and eat more of his {censored}. Go for it!

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I have two kids and also think St. Judes is a great organization. But in reality, I'll be damned if I have anything whatsoever to do with Zakk Wylde again. Nothing. It is unfortunate that St. Judes would associate themselves with what Zakk Wylde represents or portrays himself to be. Here is my e-mail to St. Judes:


It is being published on guitarist Zakk Wylde's website that he is planning to donate a laboratory to St. Jude's hospital. He claims to be in the process of raising funds over the next 5 to 10 years for the laboratory. There are plans to have a link where his fans can donate to the cause.


You may not be aware that about a year ago, Zakk Wylde was involved in a promotion where hundreds of these same fans were promised guitars that were never delivered. Many of these fans never recovered their spendings.


Has St. Judes endorsed this fund raising effort? If so, I very much question the integrity of your organization. Zakk Wylde openly promotes the consumption of gross quantities of alcohol and often portrays himself in an inebriated state. To make matters worse, a large percentage of his fan base are underage teenagers.


How St. Judes, an organization that has done so many good things for children, would associate with someone who underminds these same children when they are a couple of years older is shameful and irresponsible.





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