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So yesterday i played my friends Epi LP...

Tom B.

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A: Gibson can make a great product.

B: I don't believe you have to pay Gibson prices to get Gibson quality.

If you want to pay top dollar for Gibson, PRS, et al. Go right ahead. Those are great guitars.

For me that would be a dreadful waste of money that would make me inconsolable. Even if I were to buy a Gibson, it would be used and at a giveaway price. I wouldn't mind owning one. I just don't think they're worth the money.

Before I'd buy a Gibson, I'd by the Epi, rewire it, add GFS pickups, mod the hardware and have a guitar that plays and sounds so close to a high priced Gibson that it would make the stockholders sad. Also, I'd take my family to Disney World with the difference in Gibson price and what I spent.

Besides which, I think most Epi Standards play well and sound pretty good anyway.

I've been playing guitar for over 40 years and was around when Fender and Gibson were the only game in town. They're not anymore and it's silly to presume that they are.

I have seen all kinds of guitars wear badly, suffer abuse and look like {censored}. I believe it's called relic'ing.


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I would venture to say you have a severe case of headstock-itus. Easy to get, difficult to cure. Meaning it is all in the head. Owning both Epis and Gibsons, from a "feel" perspective, there really isn't much difference. Epi's tend to be lighter, not always though. My Epi LP Custom feels no different than most other 60s neck LPs and in fact is about the same weight. Blindfolded, unless you were really familiar with neck profiles, you could not tell which was which. Tone wise, the Gibson will sound fuller for sure and that is where the difference comes in. With electronics upgrades, the difference blurs even more. The real test is when you can actually play them side by side and feel and hear the difference. It's the only way to make an honest and truth grounded opinion. And cheap, just a word for the trollish who don't know how to express themselves - a First Act from Wal-Mart feels cheap. Intro level Ibanez RGs feel cheap meaning less substantial, poor quality finish out, flimsy harware, etc. Epi LP Standards really are far from feeling cheap -- and don't own one. They don't feel cheap and they really do sound pretty good stock these days.

your Epi custom has the same neck profile has a 1960's slim taper profile or a 60's standard neck? Those aren't thin necks on the Custom, so I'm assuming you're talking about the latter.

The frets are totally different, dude. I could tell in 2 seconds if I was playing a USA Gibson or a MIC/MIK Epiphone simply by running my hand across the fretboard. I much prefer the taller Gibson frets to the low, rounded Epi frets. Not to mention the difference in feel between poly and nitro on the neck. To say one couldn't tell with the difference with their eyes closed is simply incorrect.

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The frets are totally different, dude. I could tell in 2 seconds if I was playing a USA Gibson or a MIC/MIK Epiphone simply by running my hand across the fretboard. I much prefer the taller Gibson frets to the low, rounded Epi frets. Not to mention the difference in feel between poly and nitro on the neck. To say one couldn't tell with the difference with their eyes closed is simply incorrect.


As you may know..... I have a few Epiphones and, yes they all do have the smaller frets.


But this one I have....... my trans black Epi Les Paul Standard has some big jumbo frets on it. And I like it!!!


I never realized it until I got that guitar how much better the taller frets feel.


Not that I'll ever part with any of my other guitars... but I think that's pretty cool. Those bigger frets get it closer to a Gibson Les Paul Standard feel.


I may have to re-fret all my guitars with jumbos someday! (I seriously doubt I'll ever actually do that...... )


Although..... I have a heavy fretting hand, so that can be a problem intonation-wise if I'm not careful.

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I have an Epi LP standard from the new Chinese factory and I think it's an excellent guitar. It doesn't feel cheap and it sounds wonderful.

I own quite a few high end guitars. But I love this Epi LP.

Here's a clip of my Epi.



That clip sounds like a million friggin' dollars!! :thu: Sweet neck pickup tone with good bite to it!!


I assume thats one of your pickups you made? I'm gonna have to place an order with you soon! I think a set of your pickups would really be a boost for my Epi Dot Studio which allready sounds quite good.


Also I would like to add:


I went to my local Gibson/Epiphone dealer music store yesterday and tried out some Les Pauls and 335/Dots.


And all these guitars made me :love::love: :love:!!!!!!!!!!!


Epiphones and Gibsons included!!


I don't think the Epiphones felt cheap at all. They were right up there with the Gibsons as far as I could tell.


The Gibsons had a little extra sumpn sumpn I can't really put my finger on...... But the Epis were fantastic!!


I do hate the fact that they have the action so high on guitars from the factory. It makes it a little hard to tell..... but I can still tell.


Some of these Epiphones played so nice and were so gorgeous!!


I could have had 3 of 'em..... with hardshell case for about $1600.


Or one Gibson for about $2000.


They had a Cherry Sunburst, Trans Amber, and a Trans Blue Epi LP Standard in there....... which were DYNAMITE!! I could have easily walked out with all 3 if I wanted to!! But I resisted.


There was also a Gibson BFG I tried which was EXCELLENT!!!


There was a black Gibson LP Standard which was really nice, but the neck was a little too thin...... it felt kinda weird.


There was a Gibson Les Paul Studio deluxe in natural that didn't play so nice.... but the action was pretty high on it so it was hard to tell. I bet after a setup it would have been sweet.


There was a few faded Epi SGs that were really nice.... but the neck seemed thicker than the body which was kinda weird.


I tried some Epi DOT Studios and they were all consistent with the nice chunky neck and fairly flat radius .... just like the one I own, and they were sweet!


I keep thinking about those three Epi LP Standards I tried. They were GREAT!!!!!!!!


I must resist!

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That clip sounds like a million friggin' dollars!!
Sweet neck pickup tone with good bite to it!!

I assume thats one of your pickups you made? I'm gonna have to place an order with you soon! I think a set of your pickups would really be a boost for my Epi Dot Studio which allready sounds quite good.


Thanks..Yes, that is a custom H90 I'm using.

Thanks for listening.:thu:

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They don't suck, but they aren't gibsons either. Like more and more MIC and MIK guitars these days, they are built with more care, but in most cases, the hardware and electronics (as well as wood) will likely be inferior to what you'd find on a gibson.

This would also be incorrect. Elite's or the renamed Elitist's are in fact made in JAPAN. Not China or Korea. Please get yer so called fact's straight BEFORE making a post.

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I have one. Do you? I also have 2 Gibsons to make a fairly decent comparison. Mine is every bit as good as my Gibsons. (And I LOVE my Gibson's!) 2 people I hang with occasionally have Elitists. They too are step above the MIK or MIC Epi's that I have played. Granted, I have not played all the Elitists nor all the "run of the mill Epi's". In my own personal test I have found them to be superior to standard Epi's. I'm not trying to stir anything up - just relaying my experience. You must have found a "dud" elitist. Hopefully you'll find a better example to A-B.

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And to me, it felt really cheap. Is there something wrong with me?

You get what you pay for . . . or maybe more. I took an Epi standard and gutted it. It has a Fred in the bridge, PAF Joe in the neck, CTS pots,jack and switch and all new shielded wiring. It sounds amazing. My buddy has two Gibson standards. I am not good enuff to tell the difference. If I were blindfolded, I couldn't pick one from the other. Until I am smart enuff to tell the difference, I ain't shellin' out for a Gibson :)

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It may be the case that I played a "dud", I have only played one, and it was compared with my epi quilt top with burstbuckers in it

This could be the case - your quilt top sounds pretty killer and may well be a better example of the quality of a standard Epi. Mine is also one of the first 150 Epi Elite's (before they were forced to change to Elitist) and could be a best case example of the Elite line.

On a side note - I have fond memories of the Norfolk area. Judas Priest and Iron Maiden in the HR Coliiseum .......

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