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Bachelor Party Shenanigans


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My bachelor party was last night. I think I'm still a little bit drunk.


We pregamed at my friend's place, ate some wings, and then went bar-hopping. The first bar we hit had this jammy sort of rock band playing. In between songs, I told the guitarist that it was my bachelor party, and asked if I could sit in on a song with them. He said "Sure, no problem," and five minutes later I was up on stage, three sheets to the wind, playing "Stir It Up." The guy had some kind of butterscotch Tele; no idea what the rest of the gear was. They were nice folks. I'm gonna have to find out who the {censored} they were so I can send them a thank-you or something.


I tried the same trick at the next bar we went to, but it was a cover band playing Papa Roach songs, so that didn't work out. :freak:

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I'm still waiting for my roommate to wake up so he can fill me in on all the {censored} I don't remember.


The way I was playing, it was extremely gracious of the band to let me keep going after the first measure.

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A little less conversation, a little more action please

All this aggravation ain't satisfactioning me

A little more bite and a little less bark

A little less fight and a little more spark

Close your mouth and open up your heart and baby satisfy me

Satisfy me baby





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I remember most of mine. I remember having a driver, some friends, some buds, a cooler stocked with enough alcohol to kill a few elephants. Oh, and lots of strippers. Had to do it the right way!



I truly don't understand the appeal of strippers. Having strippers at a bachelor party seems to me like giving Pixie Stix to a diabetic.

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I truly don't understand the appeal of strippers. Having strippers at a bachelor party seems to me like giving Pixie Stix to a diabetic.



It was the last chance to see nekkid wimmens other than the Missus. I haven't set foot in a strip club in about 5 years, don't miss it either.

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