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What are your HCEG pet peeves?


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The 'omg, my ultimate NGD is today ... ' thread, I haven't figured out how its gone onto more than 5 pages, then again I haven't read them all so it jsut annoys me to still see it everyday.



It's a very welcoming group. Swing by some time.

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But the thing is, the word "gay" as a description of an item, or band, or singer, or whatever, has absolutely nothing to do with actually being gay. Some people are apparently so overly PC (or perhaps they're just sensitive due to their own personal lifestyle) they like to think that you aren't allowed to even say the word in any context. Sorry, but when a "forum Nazi" like that decides what I'm allowed and not allowed to say, it just makes me what to do it more, even if it's just to piss them off...


Funny dat -- I feel the same way when someone goes into a squealing, whining hissy fit about threads criticising 'stupid Americans.'


Especially when smart Americans, of whom there are many (sadly not apparently including the quoted poster), know perfectly well that they're not the ones being attacked.

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I hope there will be kisses too!


Doubt it, dood. I think you may've been misled by the barely-concealed homoerotic subtexts of 80s buddy movies. Top Gun was fiction in more ways than one, the celebrated Tarantino rant notwithstanding:


Tarantino: You know what one of the greatest {censored}ing scripts ever written in the history of Hollywood is? Top Gun.


Duane: Oh, come on.


Tarantino: Top Gun is {censored}ing great. What is Top Gun? You think it

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pet peeve: when apparently grown men type in little e-actions with *'s followed by verbs and then another *

reminds me of chat room pervs talking e-dirty.

it e-grosses me out.




Dunno personally what folks do or don't do in pervy chat-rooms, but I'm happy to bow to your undoubted expertise and take your word for it --


*decides to roll spliff sooner rather than later*

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I actually get kind of sick of all the NGD threads.

Seriously, I know people get excited and want to show off their new guitars, but do we really need 10 NGD threads on the first page?


+1 :D


Although I did it myself recently.


Its one of those things where its cool to do it if its you, but you get bored of seeing everyone else's.


Especially if, like me, you have a NGD every 5 years or so.. .

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For each one of us, there are things that get on our nerves that leave others completely indifferent.

For me:

- People making fun of non-english speaker's language mistakes.

- Forumites who get senior membership by posting 996 times "+1" type posts and reach the thousand mark by sharing four half-witted comments that contributes nothing much. (this is a caricature but you get the point. I also agree that this shouldn't bother me but eh, that's what a pet peeves is about: small things that we let bother us)

- Extremely loooooooooooooooooooong post that doesn't seem to get to the point.

Your turn.


Threads like this one.....or the daily "Gibson is overpriced/sucks/bad QC" thread.

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