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What are your HCEG pet peeves?


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RaVenCAD is right, and I am wrong.

If I've ever met anyone in whom HCEG members might be interested, I shouldn't mention it in posts.

If I know something which might contribute to a debate, or answer someone's question, I should keep it to myself.

If a political debate arises out of any of the guitar-oriented posts made, I should stay out of it on account of I'm British and vaguely left-wing.

Above all, I should avoid saying anything which might trigger RaVenCAD's deep-seated, and probably justified, feelings of personal inadequacy.

Which reminds me of an ancient Jewish joke:

Stalin is addressing the masses in Red Square. He brandishes a piece of paper and announces that he has just received a telegram from Trotsky, which he will now read out. It says, 'You were right and I was wrong. I should apologise. You are the saviour of the Soviet people.'

Stalin's guards hear an old Jewish guy shouting at the back of the crowd. They drag him to the front. He tells Stalin that he's reading the telegram wrong. 'WRONG?' asks Stalin. 'How should I read it, then?'

'Let me read it,' says the old guy. He takes the telegram and says,

were right and
was wrong?
should apologise?
are the saviour of the Soviet people?'

(Then they shoot him, of course.)



That's good. Made me:lol:

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The IMHO qualifier, to me, is important because it
show that it's just an opinion and not a statement of fact. Many posters will dismiss someones' tone as an absolute, this is what bugs me.

FACT: There's nothing "humble" about a person who can't take a joke. :poke:


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Copying pictures in a quoted reply.



OMG. This *is* the thing that ticks me off.


here's what I can live with:

* Gibson hate. Why? Because they cost more than the $700 people seem comfortable with. Bleh.

* Fender MIM/MIA rants and comparisons.

* Same old same old Floyd Rose posts.

* Posts about strings.

* Posts about neck relief.

* Posts about nut filing.

* Posts about cleaning fretboards.

* Any posts about modal playing.

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I dont know, I have had Gourmet coffee from all over the world and I still believe the best tasting cup is at Dunkin Doughnuts.

Oh, go ahead. Yuck it up. You laugh and laugh all you want.



Dude, my wife and I LOVE DD's coffee. LOVE IT. Unfortunately for us, the nearest DD's is 40 minutes away (yes, it's true - it's a tragedy, but true). We buy the grounds and brew at home, but you're right, it's not even close to a fresh brewed pot of in-store made coffee.


And don't get me started on Starbucks. How that gawd excuse for "coffee" ever become popular I'll never know.

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Newest pet peeve-Forum meltdowns.


It's a sad day at the HCEG Forum. Well liked and respected members banned, people offended, threads locked en masse, and everyone is on the defensive. Hopefully we can all chill out, smoke a fat one on 4/20 and help each other out instead of fighting over bull{censored}. Lets get back to the reason we are all here, to discuss our love for the guitar.

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- I hate the a-holes that always scream "use search".. By dammit, if I wanted old opinions of something I would.. I'm a "real-time" kind of person, so I want fresh experiences from people that might be doing exactly what I'm looking for help with right at that moment. Not what a guy did a year ago, then later found out he was doing it wrong and never posted an "oops, don't do it that way" thead..

- I also hate how certain people find it perfectly acceptable to make fun of "stupid Americans", yet trash people for doing the same to their country/group of choice..




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