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i dont get the blues


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First off, if I have seemed hostile in this thread. I'm sorry.
Any way, I believe we should just drop this thread. Maybe he won't get the Blues, just like I don't get thrash metal. SRV, George Harrison, and Peter Green were my main inspirations for starting guitar half a year ago. I'm 14 know and have gotten much better. I'm sure this guy was inspired by Vai, and that's fine, different strokes for different folks.
I belive we should just...

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First off, if I have seemed hostile in this thread. I'm sorry.

Any way, I believe we should just drop this thread. Maybe he won't get the Blues, just like I don't get thrash metal. SRV, George Harrison, and Peter Green were my main inspirations for starting guitar half a year ago. I'm 14 know and have gotten much better. I'm sure this guy was inspired by Vai, and that's fine, different strokes for different folks.

I belive we should just...



Mod! Please pull this thread! There's no way everyone can like - or get - everything. There's enuf room here for everyone.

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oinly the first vid works and its pretty bad (imo) but i wont call you name's over it.




My apologies...Didn't mean to call names or fall victim to the flames in this thread...I blame tequila...


Just for the record, I don't get Steve Vai...so I guess we're even...

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Was never meant to have great technical precision like Vai and his types. That's why it always irks me when people try to compare Jimi Hendrix with Yngwie Malmsteen.



Buchanan's version a bit different than Hendrix's. Also it may not seem like it, but I actually like some shred ( Zappa, Satch, some Vai, Gilbert, Yngwie, if he'd slow down a bit and put more feeling)

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Buchanan's version a bit different than Hendrix's. Also it may not seem like it, but I actually like some shred ( Zappa, Satch, some Vai, Gilbert, Yngwie, if he'd slow down a bit and put more feeling)



I'm into some shredding as well (cant really do it myself). Can't get enough of Michael Romeo's style, which to me sounds somewhat like a version of Malmsteen that's slower and with more feeling.

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I love Blues. I love Rock. This is the bridge between the two:



Love me some Great White:thu:


I dig the blues alot but Clapton's voice can put me to sleep:p It's my Dad's favorite dude,he plays a Strat also;)


This is where I caught onto Alvin Lee. If they ain't feelin' it noone can,check the bassist out,it cracks me up everytime I see it. If I'm every good enough for a band that is what I want!


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I never bonded with the early (think '20's to '50's) blues, but am more into the early blues-rock stuff that came about after that. The stuff I get into most is the rock that is a blend of Blues and Classical (Deep Purple, early Rush etc)

I have only just begun to dig the '60's stuff like John Mayall's blues breakers, early Fleetwood Mac, Humble Pie and stuff like that - more of the brittish blues than the "real" stuff!



I feel just the opposite of this. I have no use whatsoever for the British stuff, or really any white blues although I like Bloomfield's playing if not his records. I'll make an exception for Roy Buchanan but I prefer his first record which has a lot more country feel to it.


If all I ever heard was Clapton, SRV and B.B. King I'd probably feel the same way as the OP. I was lucky enough to buy a good blues comp when I was a kid; Lighting Hopkins, Muddy Waters, Elmore James... nothing boring about that stuff. The stuff coming out on Excello in the late 50's-early 60's was outstanding and IMO where the spirit of Rock & Roll went after the white kids took over the record business.




Magic Sam, tell me this guy's boring.


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actually i kinda like that old fingerpicking stuff because its rreally difficult and is kinda like shredding in it's own way.but i dont really like electric stuff its just boring and make's my mind wander.but at least hendrix never got fat like yngvie:thu:

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Convince me metal sounds good. Personally, I can't listen to it. It gags me. Perhaps I'm too old.



If it's any consolation, I can't stand any metal other than Iron Maiden and Black Sabbath. And I'm 20 years old.


A lot of the more modern metal uses the guitar as a percussion instrument, there really are no melodies at all. I can't stand it.

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Great White is the bridge between blues and rock? Seriously?

Jesus F'n Christ the {censored} people say on the interwebz.


Yeah, I would have picked Led Zeppelin to be honest. I don't consider them heavy metal, but they took blues and made it faster, louder, more distorted and more grandiose. There were about a lot of other bands before Great White that was a part of that bridge too, AC/DC is one off the top of my head.

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actually i kinda like that old fingerpicking stuff because its rreally difficult and is kinda like shredding in it's own way.but i dont really like electric stuff its just boring and make's my mind wander.but at least hendrix never got fat like yngvie:thu:

What'chu got against fat people??? :mad:

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ok i'm NOT trying to diss your age, but to play the blue's and to understand the blue's, you need to have lived the blue's. a lot of you young cats just haven't been though enough of life's up's and down's to see what it means, (not your fault).



Shut the F$%^ Up! Man, do you old guys really believe the crap coming out of yout mouth/fingers?


This is generational more than anything else. - We like what we know and grew up with and think it's perfect.


Truth is, Although I'm older I never got into the bluies players and popular bands. I've always reached for harder/heavier because it's angry and that one of things music is for - expressing your distaste for the establishment....INCLUDING THE MUSIC OF THE DAY.

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Two songs with the blues scale in them I can think of the top of my head:

Heartbreaker by Led Zeppelin

Sunshine of your love by Cream.

Both are NOT blues at all. Especially Heartbreaker. Thats ROCK



Strange Brew, with it's Albert King style solo. It used to be Lawdy Mama which was more of a typical blues, but got transformed into Strange Brew.

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