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Best Mac parts store online?

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I just got back from visiting my parents in Utah, and my Dad gave me his old 500 MHz Ti Powerbook. It's a nice little laptop and should be fine for what I want to use it for, but I want to do a few things to it - add more RAM (it's only got 384 MB in it at the moment), replace the clock battery and maybe get a new primary battery for it.


Any suggestions for a good dealer online?


Thanks! :wave:

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I know that Ken had some issues with these guys but I have kept an old Pismo running with batteries, OS, and memory from there.


I did have one memory module that had to be returned and I did not like the way they handled the return and replacement. But today I have to request my first RMA from newegg and I'm a little cranky about that too. Maybe it's me. Maybe not.

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I know that Ken had some issues with
but I have kept an old Pismo running with batteries, OS, and memory from there.

I did have one memory module that had to be returned and I did not like the way they handled the return and replacement. But today I have to request my first RMA from newegg and I'm a little cranky about that too. Maybe it's me. Maybe not.



When everything works, they are fine. Things get shipped right away.


But just try returning a defective part...let alone having to return a defective replacement CPU THREE TIMES. Their tech support couldn't figure out the problem. All three times the CPUs were shipped IN THE WRONG CONFIGURATION and I finally had to figure it out on my own since their tech support was completely useless. One of the most aggravating instances I have ever experienced from a store by far, and therefore cannot recommend them to anyone.


And I almost always have great luck from stores, rarely complaining about anyone.


Let this be a warning to anyone. Just awful.


Maybe try Sweetwater? They sell Mac stuff, and they have fantastic customer service. Amazon, from my experience, has great customer service. Maybe they sell Mac stuff?

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If you've got a MicroCenter around your area, they often have really good prices on RAM. And bigger hard drives, which I think you'll need, on that machine, in order to have OS 9.2.2 and X.3.9 on there (which is the highest X I think that machine will handle...).


I've never had a problem with OWC that wasn't fixed satisfactorily. Just my $.02.


There's also powerbookparts.com. And I've had very good luck with any of the eBay sellers.


As before, check-um-yer-PM's.

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Yeah, I've always heard great things about crucial.


Their prices (on RAM) may be slightly higher than other places, but I buy there all the time. They really put you thru a pretty deep Q/A to make sure you're getting the correct strips for your model. I like that. Plus, no problems so far with the products.


Best, Paul

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