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Apples vs Oranges


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You orange guys don't seem to understand. Go with TANGERINES!


They may not have the brand name and recognition of oranges but they taste just as good and are cheaper. Obviously, everybody that like oranges more than tangerines haven't tried a decent tangerine and are merely part of the blind herd that worships oranges.

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This has been done so many times. really original. For the record, the answer is still apples.


1. Apple juice can be fermented into cider, applejack. basically it converts to alcohol while orange juice just spoils.


2. Apples are far more useful in pastry baking, jam etc. Ever heard of an "orange pie"? Nope.


3. You can eat the peel of an apple


4. Apple is a far more useful hardwood. You can even make a guitar out of

apple wood. Orange wood isn't a useful hardwood. Too twisty and knotty.


5. Apple wood can be used to smoke meats and for barbeque. Orange no.


6. Apple is a prettier ornamental tree in your yard. You can even climb an apple tree. Orange trees are more like a thorny bush.


Orange does have some things on its side. It's a better source of vitamin C. But who's ever had scurvy in the last hundred years here in America.

But at the end of the day. Don't even think about it. It's apples.

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