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Your Favorite 80s Show

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My List:


Diff'rent Stokes

The A Team

Knight Rider (the new one sucks so hard, no light can escape it).

The Greatest American Hero

(Aw heck, anything produced by Stephen J. Cannell...)

That's Incredible!

Amazing Stories

Night Court


Alien Nation

BJ And The Bear(!)

Sheriff Lobo

The Dukes of Hazzard


I also dug the NBC miniseries "V." Man, NBC had it goin on back in the day.

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My List:

Diff'rent Stokes

The A Team

Knight Rider (the new one sucks so hard, no light can escape it).

The Greatest American Hero

(Aw heck, anything produced by Stephen J. Cannell...)

That's Incredible!

Amazing Stories

Night Court


Alien Nation

BJ And The Bear(!)

Sheriff Lobo

The Dukes of Hazzard

I also dug the NBC miniseries "V." Man, NBC had it goin on back in the day.



I remember watching "V",.... Alien Nation kicked ass.. Greatest American Hero was kool too..also... Who didn't watch knight rider and the A-team in the 80's LOL

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I understand WKRP has been released on DVD but due to all the licensing issues they've had to replace all of the music with generic noname tracks.


This reminds of that strange phenomenon in "teen" movies of the 1960's--- I KNOW you know what I'm talking about---- in which a roomful of kids are rockin' out to music... It's supposed to be "code" or a "stand-in" for modern rock 'n' roll, but in actuality it sounds like a kind of "lite jazz", replete with Harmon-muted trumpets, never any vocals.


In REAL life, those teens would be dancing to the Stones/Beatles/Doors/Turtles/Steppenwolf, et.al, :cool: but in these movies they're grooving to this curious lite jazz. :confused:

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HMM..Perhaps, but not to me



The first "Simpsons" episode was on December 17, 1989. So there wasn't much days left in the '80s since its debut. Unless you're talking about the shorts that were part of "The Tracey Ullman Show" which started in 1987, but "The Simpsons" wasn't yet its own show.


The Simpsons, though it still lasts today, will always be regarded as a 1990s show: Do The Bartman, President George H.W. Bush making a comment how "Americans should be more like the Waltons than The Simpsons" as well as all that "Simpsons" merchandise in the early '90s: Burger King promo toys, dolls and the arcade game.

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your trying to educate the already quite informed


I can use WIKI also and did btw before I made that post. Its not quite what I said but in my mind how i said and I quote:)


HMM..Perhaps, but not to me



As I said too me... You are of course right from a technical standpoint.. just not from the way I was thinking LOL

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I practically gave up TV when I started college in 1976; and I gigged five nights a week throughout the eighties, so I watched very little live television then. But my television habits changed dramatically when I bought my first VCR in 1986, and I probably watched more TV -- time-shifted or otherwise -- in the late '80s than at any other point in my life.


Hill Street Blues easily tops my list. I also watched the rest of NBC's Thursday night lineup, and particularly enjoyed Cosby. Other than NBC's Thursday shows, I also watched MTV, David Letterman, Washington Week In Review, St. Elsewhere, and Star Trek, The Next Generation.





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...Night Flight (See my avatar. Such a bold show. The closest thing we have to Night Flight now is probably Adult Swim)...




Beat me to it! Absolutely my favorite TV show of the 80's. I especially liked the "New Wave Theater" segments.


Another favorite was The Young Ones. I had a group of college buddies who made a point to get togehter and watch it every Sunday night on MTV.

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Beat me to it! Absolutely my favorite TV show of the 80's. I especially liked the "New Wave Theater" segments.



New Wave Theatre, Some Bizarre Show, Video Art, films you were likely to see nowhere else. That show had it all.


Where else could you catch Einsturzende Neubauten, Phillip Glass, and Grand Master Flash on one episode? That show influenced me like nothing had before or since.

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Another favorite was
The Young Ones
. I had a group of college buddies who made a point to get togehter and watch it every Sunday night on MTV.



The Young Ones!!! Vivian!!! Rick!!! Neil!!! Who else?


I watched them all on video tape. As I mentioned, I was gigging, but we made it a point to have someone gather all the episodes and we watched them all at once. I loved the show.

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The Young Ones!!! Vivian!!! Rick!!! Neil!!! Who else?

I watched them all on video tape. As I mentioned, I was gigging, but we made it a point to have someone gather all the episodes and we watched them all at once. I loved the show.


My most vivid memory was the episode where Motorhead played "the Ace of Spades" in their living room. :thu:

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