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Everything posted by TomCTC

  1. http://basyn.com/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=2 That is kiiiiiiiller.
  2. If you're feeling crafty, you could rip apart an old Thomas organ or something similar and steal the foot pedals out of that. If that's not up your alley, I'd second the Roland PK-5 idea. Here's a dude from the forums using one with an Access Virus. Killer sounds. [video=youtube;b2r0J9asCPs]
  3. TomCTC


    Amazing price! Hit with reckless abandon.
  4. Originally Posted by thezeng Hey guys, was fooling around trying to get the exploding speaker sound and still wasn't happy. I think I have the tone right, but I still don't get that scratchy scramble sound on pick attack. I had a cranked fuzz face into a cranked AC30 http://soundcloud.com/lucas-zeng/tam...peaker-mixdown Sorry for the sloppy playing, twas a bit drunk. Sounds pretty close to me man. Good stuff.
  5. Originally Posted by jp46putty 99% sure it's the microkorg. In the vids of Jeremys Storm and Alter ego for Viva or whatever that radio stations called, there are no pedals noticeable on the pedal board that could make such a sound, yet there is a microkorg sitting on the left of Dom. As long as those were the only two songs they played, there is no other reason for the microkorg to be there besides for use with the guitar to make that sound. Firmly believe this as well.
  6. Fuck PayPal. My girlfriends account was in a negative balance after dealing with some stuff from eBay, and she never really checked it. We got a letter from an agency after a few months from Paypal taking her to collections regarding it. Fucking crooks. And the fact that it takes 3-5 days for money to go in/out of your account? Bullshit. It's twenty fucking ten. Get with the fucking times, guy.
  7. Originally Posted by thezeng That was pretty awesome man, how did you do that? Just guitar > Whammy octave up + dry > M-Box, and then into Logic using Guitar Rig 4. Could have probably got a little closer if I spent some more time on what amp was used, but the signal chain in GR4 was: cranked Micro Synth > RE-301 > Octaver > Verb > JC-120.
  8. Originally Posted by thezeng Sorry to resurrect this thread but I'm pretty sure that guitar synthy tone in Alter Ego isn't a POG/HOG kinda thing. It must be his microkorg Yeah I was a little bored earlier today reading this thread, got the gears turning about this. I think that LS-2 in the corner is routed out to that Microkorg, and its setup to do that synthy octave noise thing. This is what I'm guessing anyways, probably totally wrong. Fooled around with Guitar Rig + mah Whammy pedal. Got in the ballpark. http://www.fileden.com/files/2008/4/...tameimpala.mp3
  9. Here's buddys board from that acoustic performance. Those Red Panda bitcrushers sound really, really cool.
  10. Hockey followed by MMA, however as a Canadian I don't see how anyone could pick a sport other than hockey. As a Canadian, {censored} hockey. Disgustingly overrated here. I'd pick NFL.
  11. ????? ????? ?? ????? ???????? ????? ????? ??????? ??????? ?? ????? ?????? ?????. ??? ????. ?????. ????? ?. ????? ??. ????? ????. ????? ????
  12. jnknlkjnl;jkl;hn;kbljnlml;l;jnk'/;,lkmjnklhk;lkj nlkjoiuyh875r4532 46689 ihad;fiasdhyf8[safhuioahuofdahi[gashg[haghad[hga[gdihgia[isdh[g
  13. Does anyone really want to win? Look at the last page, I was the last one to post but posted again days later just because I missed the thread's uselessness. I like new deodorant day. I smell great!
  14. ah, I love this thread. Don't we all.
  15. Lovepedal Vibe... check out the new Youtube vids. Wow. Agreed, sounds great.
  16. What happened to nerine anyway? Has his bogner melted his skull or something*? I heard they could do that on the internet. He's on MSN pretty often. Probably not lurking the boards as much as he used to? Meh.
  17. Small circle on top of big circle equals snowman?
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