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Everything posted by Perfessor

  1. I never was any good at rollin' dice.
  2. Go ahead, take the rest of the day off............
  3. ...then I fell asleep and missed the end. I only got to see a little of the 4th quarter anyway. Mornin' Missy.
  4. Oh them spurs go jingle jangle jingle......
  5. Wow. I missed talking to you. No PM?
  6. ...........you slept in, too. The rodeo keep you up?
  7. Loading paper........... Gotta wait. to print it. Come back in you'll catch a cold.
  8. .....young lady. How's the new computer?
  9. How's the drive? Here's something to get you going this morning......
  10. ....cowgirl, how's Santa's helper?
  11. How cold is it? It's pretty darn cold here...........
  12. He's in the dog house again? Great jazz last night, you'd have liked it.
  13. I hope it's ok over there.....That's early. Glad to see the computer isn't packed up yet.
  14. Good morning cowgirl ARRRRRR, I'm trying to download a picture but it keeps telling me it's too many bytes in a file, oh, I don't know...... Well good morning again..........
  15. '05 Tundra '03 Civic '53 Bungalow
  16. Time to feed the chickens............ Did you win?
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