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Everything posted by brikus

  1. Originally posted by fuzzball Chapter 1 I was looking for a job several years ago after my previous place of employment closed down. I had been suffering a dry spell finding work (at least a job that would pay a decent wage). I found a job that looked promising after several months of job hunting. Anyway I called the place up and asked some questions, the job opening was for a HR rep for a sales company (I wont mention names). After some discussion I decided to send them my resume. Within a week or so I received a call for an interview. I was asked to come in for an early morning interview. I accepted the interview hoping to find a good job, which is hard to come by in my area. When the day came for the interview I did the usual thing, prepare my self and that sort of crap. I couldent help but think man 7 in the morning is an awful early interview, but who knows maybe it will pan out well. When I get to the place It felt strange from the start, most of the lights were not on and the place seemed unoccupied, then I was invited in. The lady that invited me in was the HR manager and she was the only person there. I must say that she was very attractive, she had dark hair that was shoulder lenth and she was around 5' 9 and looked to be in good shape. Her smile cought my attention instantly, her pleasant eyes were attitude made me feel more at ease. She took me to her office and I sat down ready for my interview. (more later in chapter 2). chap. 2 expected, Mr. fuzzie....
  2. Originally posted by madjack The proper answer to that question is, "Oh, he's probably out in back screwing some groupie!" great line, but replace 'some groupie' by 'some other groupie' in the sentence, and there you have something stellar !
  3. Originally posted by jem7vwh Hey MrKnobs, if you could go back and redo your life, would you choose to not have met Gail? Hey, cool idea....hey Terry, why don't you rewrite the story, correcting things so they correspond to what you should have done and imagine the consequences...just to give you some inspiration. Go Terry, go... BTW...wow 500+ posts !
  4. Originally posted by Lee Flier Well I wonder if there's a chicken-or-egg thing at play there. Women who don't spend a lot of time and money on their looks, and I mean a LOT, don't ordinarily get asked out much. well, except if they have big b( o )( o )bies.
  5. Originally posted by Nuno Rawks Thanks for the story Terry. I am extremely glad that my life has gone the way it has - I don't know that I would be able to handle the stuff you went through with all that. My life has been boring by comparison, and I think I like it that way. ah, c'mon, are you still trying to hide all this man-to-man love you have ????
  6. Originally posted by MrKnobs Quite the contrary, young Mr. Brikus. I actually owe a bit of an apology for hijacking this thread, to you and to the others I've temporarily stifled. Consider the apology offered. And I hope the others who have waited patiently will now resume their own posting. On my part, I appreciate your allowing me to use your thread, and for your kind and hopefully expert translation services you provided in the final chapter. As for "revealing my talent," I can only reply that (a) I have no special talent for writing, and (b) most HC folk are already familiar with my sordid stories from the "Stupid Stories" thread over on the Live Sound Forum. Which is a long winded way of saying, "Thank you for starting this brilliant thread wherein I could reveal my lack of talent and embarrassing proclivity for spilling my guts in public places." Terry D. please don't apologize...I have a gang of assholes hijacking my threads, insulting me on a regular basis, now for these assholes, that's where apologies would be needed. But in your case, you just expressed yourself, in a very pleasant way, respectful of everyone...it indeed was a lot of text, but that's what discussion forums are made for, plus, again, I assured you I enjoyed it, like many here who will agree with me. you = But that removes nothing from my intrinsic sheer briliance.
  7. and yet no one will give me props for starting this briliant thread which enabled Terry to reveal his talent.... *whines*
  8. Originally posted by MrKnobs Disclaimers, Notice of Copyright, and Acknowledgements 1.The story itself is based on true events, but is primarily a work of fiction. Any resemblance of characters herein to persons living or dead is entirely coincidental. At least I hope everyone will believe that. 2. The the person known here as "Brikus," many thanks for the French translation at the end. You have no idea how important that small kindness will be to someone. 1. mostly fictional, I knew it !!! I knew this would turn into the greatest pwning HC ever saw !!! Terry pwn3d you all guys (I kinda saw it coming...) ! 2. I'm maybe stupid, or maybe because it's late (11:20 pm) for someone who's getting up at 6 am...but I don't really see the connection between the French sentence and the rest of the story...besides I'd like to know why this sentence is so important and to whom...maybe in PM if you like Terry...thanks
  9. Originally posted by qtuner how about pics of the gold chain? :-) do you know the Q-Tuner pickups ?
  10. Originally posted by Yeah... I'm gonna require pics, here, I think. he's saving them for the cover of his future best-seller book about his gigging life.
  11. Originally posted by atc3434 Best Thread Ever! Nothing else to say. so I guess I'm cool.
  12. Yeah, what he said...Terry you could make BIG money by writing a book about this particular aspect of your gigging life. You could call it "groupie grabber", or "on stage and especially further" (I particularly like that one...but I want the credits if you use it )
  13. Originally posted by Base Hey Brikus - You are really a Frenchman, right? I might need a favor from you if so. I've been reading this great story, but apparently the last chapter will have some french stuff in it that I may need translating...! then ask Mr Knobs, duh...
  14. Originally posted by MrKnobs Hey Brikus - You are really a Frenchman, right? I might need a favor from you if so. I need something from the last chapter I'm working on translated into French. Terry D. awright, mang...just keep the chapters coming...but just out of curiosity, why would you want to translate some part of your Gail story into French ???
  15. Originally posted by fuzzball Is it just me or is it nearly impossible to find the dream job that we go to college to get? I would go for the 'nearly imposible' option. Unless you manage things right before you graduate. Aka, if you have an internship at the end of your curriculum, look for a company you're interested in and that is recruiting or about to and apply for an internship there. Make a good impression, and you'll end up in a good position. I maybe should have applied that when I was a student, but at that time I was more focused on adding an international experience to my curriculum...a mistake retrospectively, I think... And now I'm not working anywhere close to my field...but, but....WTF DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH GROUPIES ????
  16. Originally posted by MrKnobs Thanks! No, I have little formal training as a writer, I'm a research scientist by profession. I've written hundreds of large technical reports, proposals, memoranda, etc., and been published many times in refereed journals of the National Academy of Science. The volume of my work, should you Google my real name, would probably stand up to Stephen King's output; however the net result is somewhat different, to say the least. All of that pretty much stifles any creative writing penchant or ability I might once have had, as communicating in the stiff, passive voice style of academic research is quite different from the stuff of popular fiction. "It was therefore determined, at the alpha = 0.05 level, that any cofactors or surrogate variables that could have confounded the model had been systematically precluded by the two stage stratified sampling technique incorporated in the modified experimental design (Someguy et al, 1985)." Yuck. Terry D. what particular field are you working in ? I studied bioinformatics and mathematical modeling. I have done some research work in genetics and transcriptome analysis during my studies (internships in a research lab in France and in a biotech company in SD, CA), and I got one article published in Genetical Research just before I graduated...and after that I hit the hard realities of finding a job...
  17. Originally posted by fuzzball Ready for more... so am I !
  18. Originally posted by sekler kickass thread yep, indeed, and to be honest I'm proud I started it. This enabled us to discover and appreciate Terry's great writing chops ! And if ever this was all bogus....this would be the greatest, by far, pwning ever seen on HC !!!! Keep it up Terry. We're all waiting for the rest.
  19. Originally posted by MrKnobs I think I might actually be older than Mixerman, if that's even possible. In any case, I've been doing this on HC for about three and a half years. Since I'm a former live sound guy, most of my stories revolve around the insane life of a touring sound guy. You can read those HERE But I always felt I should only post stories that had at least something to do with live sound gigs on that thread, and that excludes a lot of stories. I also don't want to do anything to get that forum mod'ed since it's one of the few that currently is not. So far Lee hasn't slapped my wrist for these, and I won't go any raunchier than I have so far. There's a way to tell any story, including real world stories that involve sex without getting too coarse, I think. It's still going to be a little touchy getting part III down without crossing the line, though. Terry D. I think that with your great writing abilities you can tell a lot without making it look like a porn novel. Don't worry and go ahead, it will be fine.
  20. To Mr Knobs : try it another way. If it scares her when you start unbuttoning her jeans, grab her hands and have her unbutton yours. Of even smoother...start unbuttoning yours first. If with these tips you manage to get poon, you HAVE to send me pics of it !
  21. some fun stories here... Keep 'em coming folks !
  22. Originally posted by Hardtailed Oh, I just remember a groopie story that I am less proud of: As we were packing our stuff after the show, the bar was almost empty (you know, lights on, 5-6 people still hanging around). There was this guy sitting at a table alone, looking constantly in our direction. Being the paranoid that I am, I figured he was waiting for the perfect moment to snatch a guitar or something while we were looking elsewhere. So I made sure to look frequently in his direction so he knew that I knew he was there. Anyway, as we are about finished and ready to start loading the truck, the guys stands up and start walking towards me. I quickly realized that I had the WRONG WRONG WRONG idea. He wasn't interested in musical gear, he was interested in my "man gear" The fact that I was looking in his direction frequently, he figured I was too. Being the polite fellow that I am, I told him that I was not who he thought I was and that was it. Anyway, I try to dress and act in a more masculine way since then I don't mind gay people being attracted to me, it's rather flattering and I don't have anything to prove. But it does make you wonder: why did he think I was interested? Oh yeah, I kept looking at him *slaps his forehead* ha ha ha ha any pics of the outfit you were wearing that night ?
  23. Originally posted by DougH But brikus...what about your stories Tell us of the wild french women in your fine land. wait wait wait. I'm talking about groupies here...not women in general. So, to the widest extent, this thread can deal with these times our music has got us laid. In my case, when I was a student, I hooked up with my ex-ex GF by playing my guitar and singing.
  24. Originally posted by Lee Flier Not necessarily. Some gentlemen don't like to talk about their PAST after they get married. I hope that's what he meant. 'fcourse
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