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Strange Japanese Fender Stratocaster, anyone wanna guess what i got here? (pic's)


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Because a lot of the japaneese strats were better guitars than the americans at that time.



Dead right hecticone. I have two old 'Made in Japan' Strats and they are fantastic.

In fact I'll let you into a little secret..Paul Day who wrote the Fender book swears by them.

If you can pick up an old MIJ Strat or a JVC Squire you'll have a great guitar on your hands..


I don't know what that guitar is in the pic, but it looks all wrong for a Japanese Strat.

It's dead easy to fake the decals etc.. Jesus I have a whole bunch of the things.


The only thing I'd do to an old MIJ Strat is change the wiring, pots and pickups.


But then again if the guitar plays and sounds good don't give a damn what it is..Just enjoy and play...

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