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Guitar Collection Overhaul! Advice!!!


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Selling almost everything I have now and finishing my guitar buying once and for all! (Not my amp buying though haha)


I want my Electric collection to be 2 Strats (One with Texas Specials - I like the TS sound I know it's weird to some people and one with more classic Vintage pickups) and 1 Semi-hollow (just bought one)


I like my CP60's but I don't love it, plays decent but not great, neck profile is a little thin but it has good sound comin out of it.





Should I sell everything (buying used, screw Fender's prices):


And put in $500 more to buy an American Standard Strat and an SRV strat?




Buy and American Standard, put Texas Specials in my Classic Player 60's and move the CS69's over to the American Standard?

I don't need to put in extra money for the second option

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Na I've never been much of a tele guy, I know it's weird but maybe my tastes will change in the future

I've thought about a Warmoth neck or build, might be kinda costly but also could turn into the guitar I've always been looking for..

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Na I've never been much of a tele guy, I know it's weird but maybe my tastes will change in the future

I've thought about a Warmoth neck or build, might be kinda costly but also could turn into the guitar I've always been looking for..



You can get into some Wormoth builds cheaper if it isn't your custom guitar. Resale is not great on Wormoth's and some of the builds that I see for sale on CL are pretty nice and range from $400 to $800 and look like they should cost twice that.


And, how can you be done? I like the idea that when I think that I am done collecting guitars something new catches my attention, it makes it exciting to play when they play and sound good, and different guitars pull different jams out of me.

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I'm afraid I don't understand the question. There was no question. What advice are you wanting?

I'm so confused.



Um, this is from the Original Post...:poke:



Should I sell everything (buying used, screw Fender's prices):

And put in $500 more to buy an American Standard Strat and an SRV strat?


Buy and American Standard, put Texas Specials in my Classic Player 60's and move the CS69's over to the American Standard?

I don't need to put in extra money for the second option


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You can get into some Wormoth builds cheaper if it isn't
custom guitar. Resale is not great on Wormoth's and some of the builds that I see for sale on CL are pretty nice and range from $400 to $800 and look like they should cost twice that.

And, how can you be done? I like the idea that when I think that I am done collecting guitars something new catches my attention, it makes it exciting to play when they play and sound good, and different guitars pull different jams out of me.



Yeah I do see Warmoth stuff pop up from time to time on craigs. Well I just want my final collection to be able to cover the tones I want pretty well without breaking the bank. I don't need custom shop guitars but I know that once I have ones that will do the job pretty well, I won't need to buy this, sell that etc.


I'm leaning towards getting the SRV and MIA Standard.. The SRV has a neck that I like more than the standard thin ones (not that the thin ones are more uncomfortable I just have big hands so a slightly chunkier neck would be nice)

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