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Before you write off U2's new album


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Give this song a listen, radio seemed to have blacklisted it after big mouth bono made comments about royalties or something, ranks among the bands best i think...


If this song can't chart then there is not much hope for melodic rock...


Oh and does anyone know what octave pedal Edge is using for the stumming in the verses?

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Nice one, Sean!


The whole album is hopelessly derivative - after several serious attempts to find its redeeming qualities, I was eventually beaten into submission by the endless wooah ooaah woooahh ooaahh.


I gave it to a local mahout to tie on his elephants tail at night to prevent being hit by trucks. At least that way, some good will come of it and Bono's indulgent preachiness will not have been wasted.

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I gave it to a local mahout to tie on his elephants tail at night to prevent being hit by trucks. At least that way, some good will come of it and Bono's indulgent preachiness will not have been wasted.



But how will you feel if said mahout get's hit by a truck? A truck that saw it was a Bonofied (see what I did there?) disc:cry:

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I like that song. It was Coldplay that jumped on the U2 bandwagon and not the other way around.


Nearly all rock music (and particularly the blues-rock/hard rock that is commonly desribed as 'great' on HCEG) is derivative. In fact most people on this forum sneer at things that move out of the well ploughed furrows of the main genres. And most of us continue to buy traditional guitars, to make traditional sounds.


Edge is not a great player, but I think he has produced some of the most gorgeous electric guitar sounds ever to appear on vinyl/cd/mp3. But that's just to my waxy ears.

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I like that song. It was Coldplay that jumped on the U2 bandwagon and not the other way around.



Hmm, the point being that Coldplay have outU2d U2 and now it sounds like a musical tail chasing as U2 blurs into Coldplay territory. I think most people find some merit in U2, however they're like herrings, the taste and texture are great but the {censored}ing bon(o)es stick in your throat:facepalm:

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I like that song. It was Coldplay that jumped on the U2 bandwagon and not the other way around.

Nearly all rock music (and particularly the blues-rock/hard rock that is commonly desribed as 'great' on HCEG) is derivative. In fact most people on this forum sneer at things that move out of the well ploughed furrows of the main genres. And most of us continue to buy traditional guitars, to make traditional sounds.

Edge is not a great player, but I think he has produced some of the most gorgeous electric guitar sounds ever to appear on vinyl/cd/mp3. But that's just to my waxy ears.



Well said; U2 invented coldplay for better or worse; chris martin has admitted the fact. It just annoys me one can't dicuss one without the other.


And yes coldplay may have a pretentious frontman also, but they havent got the edge.

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Hmm, the point being that Coldplay have outU2d U2 and now it sounds like a musical tail chasing as U2 blurs into Coldplay territory. I think most people find some merit in U2, however they're like herrings, the taste and texture are great but the {censored}ing bon(o)es stick in your throat:facepalm:


I dunno about that. I think they are a bit more like cod. You can pig out on them, but you wouldn't want to eat 'em every day.


Here's the proof:






Is that The Edge playing a Les Paul?! Ugh! So passe.

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I dunno about that. I think they are a bit more like cod. You can pig out on them, but you wouldn't want to eat 'em every day.

Here's the proof:



Is that The Edge playing a Les Paul?! Ugh! So passe.


ahahaha!! Gold! for both of you.

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The whole album is hopelessly derivative



That's rich. That fact is, The Edge has been consistently anything but derivative. He's one of the most innovative guitarists of the past 25 + years.


For a guitar forum, there sure is a lot of U2 hate here. I really don't get it. I guess because The Edge doesn't bring teh brootalz....Or maybe it's Bono. Sure, he's got a big mouth but at least he does some good in the world and isn't content to just take up space in it like so many other rock stars.


My firewall at work prevents me from seeing the video that you posted b_digg, but I think the new album is really good. I can't wait to see them on tour.

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That's rich. That fact is, The Edge has been consistently anything but derivative. He's one of the most innovative guitarists of the past 25 + years.



I just don't like what he does. Maybe I just like the 'same old' but I LIKE it and find it inspiring, while mostly what he does is just sonic wallpaper.

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I just don't like what he does. Maybe I just like the 'same old' but I
it and find it inspiring, while mostly what he does is just sonic wallpaper.



Sonic wallpaper is correct. And that is what he intends for most of their work.

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I just don't like what he does. Maybe I just like the 'same old' but I
it and find it inspiring, while mostly what he does is just sonic wallpaper.



Hey, everyone's entitled to their opinion. No one should have to justify theirs. However, whenever I see a U2 thread here that's inevitably what it turns into, it seems. Maybe that happens with other bands/guitarists and I just don't notice it as much.


I personally find The Edge's playing inspiring. I am also inspired by Hendrix, Page, Mark Knopfler, David Gilmour, Steve Howe, and a slew of other players. Just another color in the spectrum of music to me.

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I don't know how Chris Martin comes over to you, but he's a pretty regular guy in an everyday setting.........Bono doesn't even know what everyday is anymore:facepalm:



I dunno most people seem to find any rock star doing anything besides performing; pretentious. Esp charity or political work. I happen to like the both of them and both their bands.


People forget and hold someone like lennon in such high regard because of his 'political' work. They don't see the hypocrisy and at times; absurdness of it.


Fact is bono,geldof and martin have all achieved much more for charity and have 'spent' their charity much more usefully then lennon did. They just cop the criticism for it.


And no I am a huge fan of lennon - just his music.

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I personally find The Edge's playing inspiring. I am also inspired by Hendrix, Page, Mark Knopfler, David Gilmour, Steve Howe, and a slew of other players. Just another color in the spectrum of music to me.



In my opinion you are right. He has inspired a development in performance and innovated a Lead/rhythm style to suit the band, which what trio guitarists have to do.


However also in my opinion, the innovation was basically all done up to Joshua Tree. The basic techniques he uses have not really changed. Everything since then has been more of the same. Bono has also not changed his style very much.


That's what I mean by derivative and Edge, Larry and Adam all are on record saying it was really difficult to produce a new sounding album this time. I think they failed, but there are plenty of people who enjoy it and play it death.


That is why I no longer listen to it. I tried and just don't like it.

I still listen to the old stuff because I have fond memories to go with it.



Oh and Sean, they hang 'em silver side out so they glow in the dark. No way to know its U2.

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Nearly all rock music (and particularly the blues-rock/hard rock that is commonly desribed as 'great' on HCEG) is derivative. In fact most people on this forum sneer at things that move out of the well ploughed furrows of the main genres. And most of us continue to buy traditional guitars, to make traditional sounds.



Sneer at things that move out of the well ploughed furrows of the main genres?


You can't get more mainstream than U2. I have never liked their music and still don't and I have had to suffer through it and people telling me how great it is for decades.


Please don't imply that I or others, don't like them because they are "outside the box". They ARE the box.


Normally I wouldn't even post in a thread like this, because to each his own is what I say. But I don't like people trying to tell me why I don't like certain music.

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I don't know how Chris Martin comes over to you, but he's a pretty regular guy in an everyday setting.........Bono doesn't even know what everyday is anymore:facepalm:



The guy married Gweneth Platrow and named his {censored}in kid Apple for christ sakes...if that's not arrogant I don't know what is.


I know you have a particular hate going on for U2 Ratae but seriously Bono's hypocrisy is pretty mild compared to many. Yeah the tax thing is pretty lame and they should be more responsible given their views... but I have to wonder how many people who bring up this issue are calling out all the giant corporations who follow the very same practices quite legally. HC seems to have a pretty right wing psuedo free market type attitude...yet they criticize Bono for doing what their corporate hero's do every day. That is hypocrisy.


And seriously every time that stupid Bill Baily video... I'll respond with the same comment.


The guy is obviously just a bitter bald headed bitchy failed wanna be rock star who turned to bad novelty comedy cause he couldn't write his own decent music. The snooty way he says "the edge..yeah right"..and proceeds to belittle music that he thinks is inferior, is truly pathetic.

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The guy married Gweneth Platrow and named his {censored}in kid Apple for christ sakes...if that's not arrogant I don't know what is.


What's arrogant about getting married and having a baby?:confused:


GPs explanation for the name sounds anything but arrogant? Methinks you have a chip on your shoulder?


"It sounded so sweet and it conjured such a lovely picture for me

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