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Rude guitar salesman stories (support group inside).


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I know a lot of you have stories about rude sales people/store owners. Lets not make this a guitar center/sam ash/your local mom & pop hate zone or whatever, lets tell individual stories.


I was going to pick up a G&L tribute bluesboy today at a local store. I was in there yesterday and the store owner without any haggling said I could have it for $525 cash (out the door). That was a good deal but it is still a lot of money to me right now so I left without it, on my way out he said "Come back and get it, lets make a deal".


Fast forward to today, I go in there and the owner isn't there. A nice tech who works there was there and told me the owner wouldn't be in today but that the owners friend who also works there (sort of like an assistant manager situation) would be in in a minute. I plug in and play the guitar some, bs'ing with the nice tech.


The other employee shows up, I ask him if he thinks the owner would go for $480. He says "I think $525 is a very generous offer.. very generous indeed." I respond "yea well I was just asking, no harm in asking". He keeps talking about how my offer rubs him the wrong way like I'm some asshole demanding a lower price or something, when all I did was ask. I said "Well I don't think it's unreasonable for me just to ask, that's kind of the nature of bartering". Of course by this I meant "haggling" and this was haggling initiated by the shop owner the day before, but he proceeds to laugh and say "Bartering is the exchange of goods for goods, in this case money and GRIEF for goods".


This was all based on me asking if he THOUGHT the owner would go for a price. I left in silence and called canceling my lessons I take there. I've bought a guitar there, bought all my necessities there (strings, straps, cables, etc) knowing full well that I was throwing money out the window (guitar center/online is much cheaper) but I wanted to support my local mom&pop. I feel a lot better about it now that I've voted with my wallet.


Tell me yours.

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I would talk to the owner about the situation before I burned my bridge tbh



The owner and this employee go WAY back, talking to the owner would result in nothing. The owner is like his father figure or something, must be why he feels so {censored}ing comfortable being rude to loyal customers.

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The owner and this employee go WAY back, talking to the owner would result in nothing. The owner is like his father figure or something, must be why he feels so {censored}ing comfortable being rude to loyal customers.



Still would be worth talking to the owner. He might give the better deal on the G&L just to keep you as a customer. You shouldn't completely abandon the store because of one asshole that works there. Sounds like the other people there are pretty nice people. Haven't we all worked with an idiot, or had an idiot as a boss?

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I would talk to the owner about the situation before I burned my bridge tbh



Totally agree. My local shop has one or two grouchy punks that can really ruin your day....talk to the owner, do the deal. But...let the owner know that you're not coming back if you're gonna get treated like that. Usually works well that way.

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I'd write the owner a letter. When somebody is serious and passionate enough to formalize a complaint like that, it carries a LOT more weight. Don't ask for anything- In fact let him know in no certain terms that you don't want anything. Just tell him the treatment you got (from the implication that you are a troublemaker, to the unsolicited grammar lesson), and that you have ordered your Blues Boy from Elderly or Sweetwater and cancelled your lessons. Also let him know that in the future you will shop at ______ for local purchases. If you tell him the story as substantially as you have told it here, I am sure he will remember you.

Also, don't give him your address as that would imply that you are looking for a reply. If they were giving you lessons they should have your contact info on file, right? ;)

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I remember when I was trying to buy a Blackstar at GC and I was comparing it to another head and I was going back and forth between the two and so was the salesperson. I would say something about one, he would say it was awesome, then I would talk about the other one and he would say that the last one was {censored}. This repeated for a good 10 minutes. Most of the time, I was just messing with him and was just going back and forth to hear how ridiculous he was.

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I remember when I was trying to buy a Blackstar at GC and I was comparing it to another head and I was going back and forth between the two and so was the salesperson. I would say something about one, he would say it was awesome, then I would talk about the other one and he would say that the last one was {censored}. This repeated for a good 10 minutes. Most of the time, I was just messing with him and was just going back and forth to hear how ridiculous he was.



LOL. I like this one, I wouldn't so much put this in "rude" territory, just "sleazy used car salesman".


The owner of this shop I'm talking about is really cool, I really like him and I've enjoyed going to see his band a couple of times. I'm not out to try to mess with anyone's employment so I rarely complain about anyone directly, just boycott any place that treats me like {censored}.

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If I read your post right, the salesperson didn't call you an asshole for asking a better price. You felt that he implied it which really he didn't. Looking around, that guitar goes for 750 online and the offer of 525 was really good. Maybe just a few dollars over the owner's cost. That you don't know, but if you wanted it, you should have bought it or not even deal with anyone other than the owner.

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If I read your post right, the salesperson didn't call you an asshole for asking a better price. You felt that he implied it which really he didn't. Looking around, that guitar goes for 750 online and the offer of 525 was really good. Maybe just a few dollars over the owner's cost. That you don't know, but if you wanted it, you should have bought it or not even deal with anyone other than the owner.



I agree, it was a good deal already. I was just asking if he thought the owner could go a little lower. Did you miss the part about "He continued to go on about how me asking rubbed him the wrong way" and making fun of me, saying I was giving him grief, etc.


If you seriously didn't see anything wrong with what I wrote, let me tell you I left there red in the face. I felt embarrassed to be treated that way, it was pretty much humiliating. Also, I had the $525 in my pocket ready to buy the guitar, the employee was so {censored}ing rude to me that I left empty handed despite having thought about buying the guitar all day.

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LOL. I like this one, I wouldn't so much put this in "rude" territory, just "sleazy used car salesman".

The owner of this shop I'm talking about is really cool, I really like him and I've enjoyed going to see his band a couple of times. I'm not out to try to mess with anyone's employment so I rarely complain about anyone directly, just boycott any place that treats me like {censored}.



I am a business owner. I absolutely WANT customers to tell me when they had a bad experience with one of my employees. If I know about it, I can at least attempt to fix it.

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I would absolutely let the owner know about this.


I have a local place where I've taken lessons, where my kids take lessons, where I've made purchases and used the guitar techs. If I was ever made to feel belittled by anyone on the staff there, I don't care if it was the owner's only son, I would make my feelings known.


If for no other reason than the fact that I have a relationship with the establishment that's been mutually beneficial, and I would hate to give that up because the salesperson maybe was having a crappy day and took it out on me. Not only would I feel like I deserve better than to be treated like that, but the business deserves better than to lose me as a customer without knowing why.

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I guess I'm lucky. The people I deal with at my local stores are both knowledgeable and helpful.

Seth, at Center City Music has hooked me up with two great deals, a new, but headstock repaired Gibson ES-335, and a very slightly used, absolutely mint condition including case candy PRS SC245 goldtop.

He was a wealth of knowledge and willing to help me make the best choice for me...

Lauren, at Music Trader, has sold me multiple guitars, always with a great deal and a ton of knowledge. He's smart, remembers me when I drop in, and is always ready to share his excitement over the cool new toys with zero pressure. He showed me the Fender American Deluxe QMT strat that ended up being my #1 guitar, and gave me a price that put a big smile on my face!

Jeff at Guitar Center in San Marcos, is a cool and knowledgeable guy who also happens to share much of my taste in music. He's been great at helping me with GC sales and returns, and was recently able to help me get a new, but slightly GC blem EPI G-400 SG... at a great price.

Sorry to throw cold water on the thread... but there's a common denominator with each of these dealers and me... and that's I took the time to establish a relationship that meant repeat business for them... and I was reasonable, but knew what I wanted.

The OP's situation seemed pretty strange... and if I had any relationship with the owner, I would go back as if the other guy had never spoken with me... and see what kind of deal I could make with him directly.


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Before moving to where I am now I lived in a small town which (at the time) had only one music shop. The owner and almost all his staff were known for their rudeness and incredibly outrageous behavior in taking advantage of people without music gear knowledge. My girlfriend at the time wanted to buy me a guitar for my birthday, so she went in and talked to them about an acoustic to buy. They pointed her in the direction of the Epiphone John Lennon Acoustic and tried to convince her it was worth 800 bucks. Luckily she decided on something not so musical and told me the story awhile after. Since moving a new store has opened up and it seems their non-asshole ways are driving the old place out of business.

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I would
let the owner know about this.

I have a local place where I've taken lessons, where my kids take lessons, where I've made purchases and used the guitar techs. If I was ever made to feel belittled by anyone on the staff there, I don't care if it was the owner's only son, I would make my feelings known.

If for no other reason than the fact that I have a relationship with the establishment that's been mutually beneficial, and I would hate to give that up because the salesperson maybe was having a crappy day and took it out on me. Not only would I feel like I deserve better than to be treated like that, but the business deserves better than to lose me as a customer without knowing why.


Slodge pretty much nailed it IMO. I understand you don't really want to get the employee in trouble (although if he is as tight with the owner as you say he likely won't be in any trouble anyway) but if you are going to stop shopping there over the incident then I think the owner would definitely want to know about it. Best case scenario... the owner apologizes and you, maybe, get a deal out of it. Worst case scenario.... the owner condones the employee's behavior and you don't ever buy from them again (which you already plan on doing anyway). I don't think you can go wrong. If you had other problems with the store in the past then I'd say don't even bother but this sounds like an isolated incident that I'm sure the owner would love to make amends for.

Just my two cents...

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If you like the store and the owner, then let him know about what happened and how you were embarrassed dealing with his friend/employee. You never know, he may then give you a better price for the hassle.



The thing is, if $525 was only a small profit over their cost, I DON'T WANT IT FOR LESS THAN THAT. Instead of being a prick to me, TELL ME THAT. I'm not out to take advantage of a stores bad times or whatever, but I WOULD like the best price I can get. It's criminally negligent customer service to berate a customer for inquiring about a lower price (every consumer wants to spend less).

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The owner of my local mom and pop is a family friend. The two main guitar sales guys know this. Without fail I pay about 55% of retail. In the past 10 years I've bought about 7 guitars from there. I never buy from the same guy twice in a row just in case they work partly on commission. I feel that is fair and I'm pretty sure they have noticed this and appreciate it.

So no, I have no rude sales guy stories.

Hell, last time I was in there he handed me the Townsend LP Deluxe before I even had a chance to say hello.

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I think on this particular situation I'd give it a day or two before I made any kind of "final" decision about doing business with the place. If this is a new guitar, that would be a better price than I think I've seen anywhere on a Tribute Bluesboy. I can understand the sales guy maybe being a bit insulted by you asking about them about going even lower on price.


Don't make too big a thing out of this. Everybody has good and, not so good, days. If you've had good experiences at the store before, don't let one marginal experience turn you off. Sounds to me like they were really offering to do you right on this deal.

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omg I feel the need to reply...

when I read the quote of the store employee I totally sympathize with him because I work for my dad at an auto shop. Pops and I are the only employees besides my mom who does the books...One thing about a mom & pop shop is they don't need advertisements, word of mouth gets around...


so if you really want that gweeter, and with that in mind, you're best bet is to make a statement to the owner about how you (and your friends) like doing bid'ness with him (he knows he's better @ it than his son) and you finally wanna do the deal...


it get's annoying when people ask me for an estimate on repair work through my dad's shop, and I never even mention a rough estimate especially when a close friend asks -because of the grief it can cause- plus you never know what other {censored}e people have dealt with up to that point in the day... just don't deal with the son anymore if you still like the store owner guy and the shop itself...my 2 cents

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