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Tom Petty: rock god or mere mortal?


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The whole deifying of '60's rock stars and bands was something that started in the late '80's, with the emergence of the classic rock radio format, some sort of Baby Boomer worship out of nostalgia. Thus developed the "legacy act" phenomenon, bands that make more money when they're greatest creative period has long since been over.

I think a lot of acts that emerged in the '70's and had their biggest mainstream success in the late '70's through late '80's won't ever capture enough of that Baby Boomer nostalgia to made "rock god" status.



The actual deification came in the 70's when those bands were in their prime. There is no correlation today to describe how popular bands like Zeppelin, the Stones and the Beatles were back then. Here in the Bronx where I grew up Zeppelin where literally bigger than Jesus. People dissected every note of every record, every one worshiped them. I actually knew some people who had a alter to Jimi Hendrix in they're apartment. Some guys would be dedicated to a particular Beatle the way a devotee prays to a certain saint.


Back then rock music was way beyond just another form of entrainment like it is now. 80's rock radio just learned how to profit off the remnants of rock cults. But by the late 70's Johnny Ramone, Johnny Thunders and Johnny Rotten had already started to tear down the old gods.


Enter Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. That first self titled record was a brilliant piece of Southern Rock with a punk attitude. Two perfect sides of hard edged pop perfection.


Over the years Tom Petty has had bigger production and brought it back to basics, more reverb, no reverb. But he's got the elusive knack of knowing how to write a simple song that ain't dumb. Weather Tom Petty is a rock god or not is kind of pointless question.

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Tom Petty always made me feel like he was the starter of old Stoner Rock.

He was always stoned and you knew it when you heard him sing. Like he had contsant drymouth ... "The waiting is the hardest part" yea, give that a listen.

I love Tom Petty but it's no lie. He's a partier and it shows!

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A first ballot hall of famer, a no sweat all time great.


In the Pantheon, easy.


A great songwriter, tons o great songs.


And I love Mike Campbells guitar playing, those two are joined at the hip, I don't think Tom Petty is the same without Mr. Cambell.


If all he ever did was Damn the Torpedoes he'd be an all time great for me.


For me, Neil Young is at the top of the pyramid alone, then you have guys like John Fogerty and Tom Petty. I'd have a hard time seperating those two.

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snooze:bor:....decent songwriter....prolific for sure with lots of output...not really that original....'goon rock' as a friend called it in the 80's...goons in the 80's were big dorky dudes, and TP certainly is one...simple pop formulas....TONS of songwriters writing deeper and more compelling stuff...cats like:

Leonard Cohen

Tom {censored}ING Waits

Joni Mitchell

Connor Oberst

John Prine

Lucinda Williams

Todd Snider


and the list goes on....


And don't get me started on Mike Campbell. Could there be a blander guitarist in rock? Jeez...his choices are like cold toast, generally flavor free. Petty will play a 1st position G chord and he'll play the same damn chord....BUT ON A DIFFERENT GUITAR!....oooh, wow...such economy....:bor:


...ok, batter up! Slug away!:snax:

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Rock God? I think he'd probably be embarassed by such an accolade. He's a great song writer and his songs have been woven into the fabric of American music for the last 30 years. Many hits and an early darling of the rock video phenomenon.

The documentary "Runnin' Down A Dream" is really terrific (but very long- 4 hours!). Though I like his music well enough I'm not a rabid fan, but this documentary was very interesting to me. I'd recomend it to anyone interested in a real life rock-and-roll story.




Your post got me to go out and buy the documentary. Very interesting and long... I enjoyed it immensely and would also recommend it to others...


I've seen Mr. Petty in concert 5 or 6 times, I've lost track... He is great live imho and i agree he is a great song writer...

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And don't get me started on Mike Campbell. Could there be a blander guitarist in rock? Jeez...his choices are like cold toast, generally flavor free. Petty will play a 1st position G chord and he'll play the same damn chord....BUT ON A DIFFERENT GUITAR!....oooh, wow...such economy....

...ok, batter up! Slug away!


So there I was listening to God's Gonna Cut you down by Johnny Cash. The slide part was completely haunting me. It fit perfectly into the emotion of the song. Not a note out of place. Wasn't flashy, but it was absolutely perfect for the song. I HAD to learn who that guitar player was I was figuring it was some Nashville session ace, or someone unknown. I read the liner notes and -


It was Mike Campbell.


If you can't get the emotional impact of a few well placed notes in song. Just go back to your Yngwie and leave us music lovers alone.

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I firmly believe if Petty were less approachable and more of an asshole, people would be more likely to grudgingly admit having a huge level of respect for his talent and he would have unquestionable rock legend status. He has had a lengthy career with numerous recognizable songs, his music has stood the test of time as well as anyone elses, and his battles with the music industry were legendary. There's a reason Harrison, Dylan, and Orbison included him in the Wilburys - they saw him as a music equal. I would defer to them.

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One thing that hasn't been mentioned is how Petty tirelessly fought against the seriously exploitative elements and runaway greed in the music industry in his day.


He fought for the rights of both artists and fans fearlessly, with risk to boh his publishing rights and career.


He deserves all of our respect for that if for nothing else.

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And don't get me started on Mike Campbell. Could there be a blander guitarist in rock? Jeez...his choices are like cold toast, generally flavor free. Petty will play a 1st position G chord and he'll play the same damn chord....BUT ON A DIFFERENT GUITAR!....oooh, wow...such economy....

...ok, batter up! Slug away!




is the like a contest to see who can be the wrongerest? :facepalm:


'Cause you win.

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One thing that hasn't been mentioned is how Petty tirelessly fought against the seriously exploitative elements and runaway greed in the music industry in his day.

He fought for the rights of both artists and fans fearlessly, with risk to boh his publishing rights and career.

He deserves all of our respect for that if for nothing else.


he did risk a lot. his career was on the line and he stuck to what he felt was correct.


he even fought he record company when they tried to use his albums (because of popularity) to increase album prices... :thu:

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Your post got me to go out and buy the documentary. Very interesting and long... I enjoyed it immensely and would also recommend it to others...

I've seen Mr. Petty in concert 5 or 6 times, I've lost track... He is great live imho and i agree he is a great song writer...



I watched the documentary when it was on IFC or Sundance several months back. When I first saw the listing in the guide I thought it was a misprint; surely the film was not almost four hours long. It was. I must admit, it moved along exceptionally well, was thorough, but not tedious, and quite enjoyable...

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