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Can a gig bag be washed?


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I suppose it is washable, but it may take a while to dry out if it's the gigbag I'm thinking of. Used to have one sorta like this:



It was padded with some kind of foam, not dissimilar to a sponge. I don't think washing it would ruin it initially, but that stuff's pretty absorbant.

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I did this with a non-padded one I bought off cl that reeked of ciggy smoke.

No probs.



Hey, I reek of cigarette smoke (Marlboro Lights, actually. Mmmmmm....) and I like to febreeze myself!


EDIT: Actually, take no notice of this. I tend to ramble nonsensical {censored}e at 20 to 7 in the morning. I do it purely to amuse myself.

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Alright the answer is: Yes you can wash a gig bag in your washer! Both of mine were nylon, padded and had a cotton? interior.

I washed them on the handwash/delicate cycle for the quick 20 minute setting. There aren't brand new looking (as they didn't get smacked around in the spin cycle like a normal setting) but they smell so much more appealing than the smoke and BO from the previous owner. I also threw in some nylon guitar straps just cuz.

I did not dry them in a dryer, I hung them outside, then hung them on clothing hangers under a ceiling fan cranked on high. As I'm writing this I'm freezing, but needed to do this for science. lol. After 2 hours of drying time they are pretty much dry, but I think I'll set them out in the sun tomorrow just to go above and beyond the paranoia state!

I also want to note I found a wrapper to a bag of Sun Chips and a Sugar Ray tab in the pockets.


From a post in the bass forum; This guy seems to have done it with no problems, having said that. some said that there was some seam damage if using a top loading washer with an agitator. Don't hold me responsible if something happens :lol:


Oh, and I don't usually hang out in the bass forum. Just gave it a google. I don't want to be associated with some of those monsters :poke:

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