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If you could ask Jimi Hendrix just ONE question..


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I would ask him if what he really thought of Clapton and Beck as players.


We already know that. Meeting Clapton was a precondition he put on coming to London and he tore it with Beck as well.

Unless you mean what does he think of them now....which might be interesting or surprising.....


I would ask what he would be playing in the current music spectrum.

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picture the scene. you are walking along minding your own business..

Jimi Hendrix appears! he's alive!!
but it's only for about 20-30 seconds before he disappears again.

You can ask him one question
. What would it be?


can i come with you?


i love you... but like not in like a "gay" way. i just love you. and i think every positive soul that ever extisted loved you... i mean, i don't think Dick Cheyney or the Queen Mother of England or Jim Jung-Il listen to hendrix. Jim Jung-il probably listens to nothing but:

and seroisly too, i mean jim jung-il would really like that song. and some sissy duran duran and U2.

SORRY!!! i'm sorry if you like duran duran and U2. i really feel sorry for you and i didn't mean to hurt your feelings. i'm not a bad dude. this is only my second post. and i'm sorry.


but i bet mother theresa and ghandi do. and could you imagine jesus not listening to hendrix? or Noah, when he's on his Ark. that's probably all that he played. for all those animals he had with him.

hahahahahaha seriously though.

i think Genghis Kahn would have listened to hendrix. probably that Zulu King too. what was that dude's name. shaka zulu king.

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I was just thinking, "So how did that vomit crusted tuna samich taste?"

I know, I know, very bad.
I 'm a sick, twisted thinking bastard.


yeah, hendrix was just an irresponsible drug-addict, alcoholic drunk...

and he drank a whole gallon of wine and he just happened to gulp down his bottle of barbituates.

yeah right, just like that.

ok, i believe that. hendrix was just and irresponsible drug-addict alcoholic waste of a life. a really stupid guy, really. he didn't know music theory

only thing that darkie could do was play a guitar. wasn't good for anything else.


has anybody here ever actually read the coroner's report? or the police report?

i did even before i encountered Michael Fairchild.

and you will find the coroner's report stating that he died because of a "drowning", not an "asphyxiation on vomit"

hendrix was "reportedly" STILL ALIVE when he entered that ambulance.


i really don't mean to appear like a douchebag.

but do your really believe that Michael Jackson death, and the Heath Ledger death, and the Bob Marley death? and the Anna Nicole Smith death (yeah, laugh at that one. she was murdered. ANS was a CIA mind-controlled slave.)

and Stanley Kubrick's "death from heart failure". acutally, the "heart-attack" is one of the more advanced ways that the CIA-NAZI-NWO like to kill people.

its not "hands-on" or "messy" in any way. there's entirely "plausible deniability"


sorry i'm being a douchebag

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can i come with you?

i love you... but like not in like a "gay" way. i just love you. and i think every positive soul that ever extisted loved you... i mean, i don't think Dick Cheyney or the Queen Mother of England or Jim Jung-Il listen to hendrix. Jim Jung-il probably listens to nothing but:


and seroisly too, i mean jim jung-il would really like that song. and some sissy duran duran and U2.

SORRY!!! i'm sorry if you like duran duran and U2. i really feel sorry for you and i didn't mean to hurt your feelings. i'm not a bad dude. this is only my second post. and i'm sorry.

but i bet mother theresa and ghandi do. and could you imagine jesus not listening to hendrix? or Noah, when he's on his Ark. that's probably all that he played. for all those animals he had with him.

hahahahahaha seriously though.

i think Genghis Kahn would have listened to hendrix. probably that Zulu King too. what was that dude's name. shaka zulu king.


Man are you doing SPEED?:poke:

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Man are you doing SPEED?:poke:


no, i just get really freak'n emotional about jimi hendrix and all of the assumptions people make about him.


like the assumption that he was IN FACT **NOT** a time-traveling shaman.

according to Michael Fairchild... the world's LEADING Hendrix-ologist... yes, there's such a thing. is called "Hendrix scholarship".

and if you know who michael fairchild is. then you know what Hendrixology is.

it is IN FACT the "... study and science of Jimi Hendrix"

because he was in fact a natural remote viewer.

and if you don't know what remote viewing is, and if you don't care, then don't worry about it.

and Michael Fairchild decoded the Hendrix Prophesies. in his book "Rock Prophecy"


so in answer to your original query, no, i'm not on crack. i'm a Hendrix defender. a Hendrix TRUTHER, if you will

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Did you really put your acid under your headband?


maybe he did, and maybe he didn't. but his long-time girlfriend... a BLACK woman... the woman who's in the hendrix documentary in her back yard and she's talking about her relationship with him:



and she's like "yeah, jimi brought home this little kitten that he found on the street, and i took a can of tuna fish from my mom's cabinet"

"and my moms got all hung up and yelled GET THAT CAT OUTTA HERE ... and we all went out... "

well that same woman went on to say about Hendrix's drug use that... and i will paraphrase what here original statement was:

"... Jimi was like ... he wasn't affected by drugs the way the rest of us were .... like if we did a hit of acid, then Jimi would have to do 3 hits of acid, just to get the effect... and then if he did any more, then he would just come full circle to being Jimi Hendrix again... "


no, what does that tell you? combined with all of the songs, interview quotes, letters, and other writings about "... space creatures... and even space PEOPLE?!?!... "

and hendrix on a number of occasions in interviews "claimed" that he "remembered CLEARLY" his past lives on other planet... namely the planet that IS NOW THE ASTEROID BELT!!! and he said he remembered how his planet was destroyed. and that NASA (nazi) would "... find memorandums on the moon..."

google that: "memorandums on the moon" and "hendrix"



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