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The You Might Be A Guitar Player Thread


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If you winge about the price of essential groceries for you and your family but would happily go without them to buy the inducer of the latest GAS.


lol, I go crazy over milk prices, but see sub-500$ instruments as "disposable"

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If you believe Pete Rose is Floyd Rose's brother you might be a guitar player.


If you've ever written your local congressman asking that Jimi Hendrix's birthday be made a national holiday you might be a guitar player.


If you've ever taken a guitar to a job interview you might be a guitar player.

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If your wife thinks of Harmony Central as your porn, you might be a guitar player.


I just moved into a new apartment yesterday. AC wasn't on and it was hot as hell especially after moving and everything. I was sitting my desk with my shirt off still sweating from the heat and strain of moving. (Seriously, 90 degrees INSIDE.) GF came in- didn't hear her- and walked in on me at my computer and sweaty. She thought she caught me "having at it."


I was reading HCEG...



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If you believe more than 2% of the guitar myths floated around, you might be a guitarist.

If you can't wait to beat the crap out of your brand new $1000 toy, you might be a guitarist.

If you pay extra to have someone else beat up your new $1000 toy, you might be a guitarist.

If you honestly believe that your new $1000 toy will make you play better, you are definitely a guitarist.



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yea....it worked great.....we were trying to prove to one of our friends (guitar shop owner) who had several vintage gibby's and fenders and would go on and on about how nothing today can sound like that ....yada yada yada.....and we were maintaining that if you plugged a toilet seat into a marshall and cranked it....you couldn't tell the difference....which of course pissed him off to no end.....so we built one....brought it into the store and were playing it thru a cranked Mesa Mark I.....and he comes out going "wow that's a great sounding guitar"....right up until he came around the corner and saw the toilet seat guitar.....

he wouldn't speak to us for a month



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