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Special Reminder: World ends today, Friday, October 21, 2011...


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Mayan descendants never bought into a hype that was a total misreading of their calendar and largely created by Western conspiracy theorists and media.


Yeah I know... my reply was tongue-in-cheek. Satire, sarcasm and tongue-in-cheek are pretty much all I got. (Now everyone go back and read all my posts since the beginning with that knowledge. I can hear all the, "Ah, now I get its already.") :lol: oops I just let the cat out of the bag. There goes my reputation... the bad one I've worked so hard to maintain. ;)

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Well everyone knows "Rev" Camping isn't even a true Christian, since he selectively filtered out Matthew 24:36 from his personal theology. He's just an attention whore that likes to parade himself as a self-proclaimed (He was so out of wack, his original church actually fired him) "Man Of God" just to feel superior over others. As for his age and health, he's been making up these predictions for over 30 years now. So.... yep. Attention whore.


Yeah, but he has some cool 'burns.

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It shouldn't be. I think people lump Camping in with the "end of the world" cultists more than Christians. IOW, he's an end of the world cultist who just happens to be a Christian. I don't know one Christian (and I know quite a few) who bought into any of that stuff.



I don't get this. He's an end of the world cultist who just happens to be a Christian? How many Christians have you met who don't believe in the rapture? The only difference between this guy and other Christians is that he had the balls to put a time limit on it.

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I don't get this. He's an end of the world cultist who just happens to be a Christian? How many Christians have you met who don't believe in the rapture? The only difference between this guy and other Christians is that he had the balls to put a time limit on it.

I know a number of very serious Christians who don't buy into the whole concept of 'the Rapture' as it is often presented by some evangelists and others. The term does not appear in the Old Testament or New Testament, although Paul at one point seems to describe something akin to some descriptions. However, no others do and in his later writings he does not. But, without doubt, a Second Coming of Jesus is certainly promised and discussed. (Here's an analysis from a belief-oriented Bible analysis site: http://www.twopaths.com/faq_rapture.htm )


Prior to the last 40 years or so, most self-identified Christians were not Biblical literalists and, today, most theologians and those who have actually seriously studied the Bible do not interpret every -- or in some cases even many -- facets of it literally. However, it is far easier to sway the ill-educated masses with simple ideas and black and white absolutism and Biblical literalism has become an important strain in American Christianity, even as it remains on the periphery of Christian thought in other lands.

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I don't get this. He's an end of the world cultist who just happens to be a Christian? How many Christians have you met who don't believe in the rapture? The only difference between this guy and other Christians is that he had the balls to put a time limit on it.



It depends on the Christians in question. Many if not most non-Christians get their ideas about Christianity from TV evangelists and other self-proclaimed Christian leaders that call attention o themselves in the media. The fact is Christianity is very diverse and most of us pay no mind to the crazies on the fringe. Christians have different ideas of what

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The world will not end in 2012.
The reason why the Mayan calendar ends in 2012 is because it was the end of the work week, and for anything past 2012, they had to pay overtime. Now you know.

I defy anyone to prove otherwise!



I have some mayanaise that expires in 2012. Does that count?

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I know a number of
serious Christians who don't buy into the whole concept of '
the Rapture
' as it is often presented by some evangelists and others.

But, without doubt, a
Second Coming
of Jesus is certainly promised and discussed. (Here's an analysis from a belief-oriented Bible analysis site:




I don't draw a distinction between rapture and the 2nd coming. It's all pretty much the same thing to me. My point is that Christians are looking at Camping and calling him crazy, yet all he did was put a date on something every Christian already believes is going to happen. To me, that's the pot calling the kettle black. Of course, when Christians hear or read of predictions like Camping's they want to draw a line of separation between them and the guy making the prediction and go into damage control mode when the prediction naturally turns out to be wrong (i.e. "He's one of those cultist Christians. We're different". My point is that there is no line of separation. They all believe the same thing. If Camping is one of the "crazies on the fringe", as Beck put it, then so is every other believer. All Camping did was put a date on it.


Here's a video which illustrates what I'm talking about much more better than I can.





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You seem to be broad brushing even more than I thought from your first post. It's not that easy. Christian theology isn't that easy. Figuring out complex belief systems isn't that easy. Stereotyping Christians, Jews, Blacks, Women, Republicans, Democrats, the Irish, etc, is very easy to do, but never accurate. Everyone is looking at Camping and calling him crazy, including Christians.

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