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Are you a hoarder?


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I definitely have the tendency, and in fact used to have a hoard (often referred to as "herd" here). I have brought the collection down to low single digits after having close to 30 guitars in a studio apartment some years back.


I feel in control of it.

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Yep I am . Guitar mags under the bed. Guitarist and Total guitar. About 5 years worth give or take the odd issue.



Oh damn the amount of magazines and old catalogs I had at one point kinda scares me to think about now. I'm a big fan of paperless in a lot of ways, since I tend to not toss magazines.

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i do own more guitars than i ever have though (and am probably about to buy another one)... but i've got nothin' on most dudes around here


every few years i have a major clean-out.... i recently told my wife we're due for another one


i could get by with a beat up acoustic and a tent

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I have the tendency to collect stuff... I collected action figures as a kid, but I played with them, so they weren't collectible-quality. I collected comic books up until I was in my mid-twenties, and then I only quite because I had money trouble. Once I had enough money to buy comics again, I had fallen a few months behind on all the books, and I figured it was too much to catch back up. Ended up saving myself a whole lot of money. As far as guitar stuff, I tend to keep guitars, as I almost never sell them. I buy a lot of pedals, but I rarely am too attached to pedals - I've traded and sold a bunch. I sort of collect Vox amps, though... I have quite a few. I don't have any vintage ones, but I've very nearly bought some in-need-of-restoration ones. Eventually, I'll get one to restore. It'll be a lot of fun.

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Who still has hundreds of VHS tapes? Cassettes? A buncha tube TVs or CRT monitors?

Dust never goes out style.



Oh... I worked at Blockbuster when I was in college, so I have a bunch of DVDs that I otherwise wouldn't have bought (took advantage of multiple coupons + employee discount many times...). I also have a lot of music on CD and vinyl. I guess I do collect music, too.

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Oh damn the amount of magazines and old catalogs I had at one point kinda scares me to think about now. I'm a big fan of paperless in a lot of ways, since I tend to not toss magazines.



Same here. I've got about 3 years of Guitar Player, Guitar World, EQ, Sound on Sound, Tape Op, PC Gamer, and a few others cluttering up the bookshelves. And hiding under tables. And stacked on the back of the toilet. And anywhere else you look. This week I have plans to toss them all (except the S.O.S. mags)

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My book collection is stored for me at libraries all around the world. Comics, too.


Yeah, I noticed that the local library had a big shelf of graphic novels. I thought I could catch up on some "reading" that way, if I wanted to. I do have a small book collection, but I'm an English teacher - we're kind of supposed to.

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Who still has hundreds of VHS tapes? Cassettes? A buncha tube TVs or CRT monitors?


Dust never goes out style.



Ouch. that too. I've got no less than 3 CRT's buried in the next room, as well as a 32" sony trinitron I couldn't get down the stairs to throw away. And other stuff. Lets just say that my bedroom, kitchen, living room/studio, and dining room are immaculate. My GUEST bedroom (which I refer to as the "garage") looks like an episode of "Hoarders".

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MF catalogs that were over a decade old. WTF?



This too. MF catalogs, dozens and dozens of Carvin catalogs, Sweetwater catalogs the size of phone books. Now I won't even bring em in the house. I page through it at the mailbox, and toss it in the trash on the way in the building.

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I have about 15 years of Guitar Player magazine, plus a lot of Guitar World, Guitar School, Guitar One, and Guitar For the Practicing Musician.


Though I rarely look back at them, I'm sure they are full of timeless and valuable guitar wisdom, and will likely be left for someone else to dispose of when I'm gone.


Catalogs I toss after a year, or sooner if they send too many.

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