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So what should I do with it...


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obviously, besides play it..


I totally forgot I had this thing and just found it.

What should I do to it?





Give me your crazy Frankenstein ideas.

New neck? Pickups? What do you guys suggest?






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Does something need to be done to it?


That's the key question. Do you like how the neck feels? If so, leave it. Paint looks to be in good shape. If you don't like the color, you're better off selling it and either getting one you like or getting a bare body to paint yourself. I've done quite a few paint jobs. It's not for the faint of heart or the impatient.

How does it sound? If you like it, don't phuck wit it. If the way it plays and/or sounds is not to your liking, come back and let us know that it isn't doing. Then we can help. I'm a tinkerer by nature. But if something works I ain't gonna go fixing it.

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Well it's an old cheap squier, a little beat up. It plays okay but I want it to play better.

I just wanted to hear what kind of ideas people had

Start with a good setup. It's basically a cheap guitar. If you don't know how to work on geetars, these are a perfect starting point. Go whole hawg. Learn to level frets and the whole enchilada.

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Start with a good setup. It's basically a cheap guitar. If you don't know how to work on geetars, these are a perfect starting point. Go whole hawg. Learn to level frets and the whole enchilada.


^^^ +1 ^^^ Exactly wot he said ^^^


Use it as a starting point to learn how to do it your self.

Get some basic stuff from StewMac's http://www.stewmac.com/, like radius-sanding blocks and 3m's stick on sand paper, fingerboard radius gauges, nut cutting gauge maybe, fret files, nut slotting files etc and have a go... hell, why not try a re-fret on it.

It'll all pay dividends and in the long run will save you a shed load of cash when you can do your own guitars 'cause you can get them just how you want them to play.


You will enjoy it, i know I do, and it is very therapeutic to boot.

It's nice when someone picks up one of your guitars and says how nice the neck feels and how well it plays and you think to your self "I did that", it's very rewarding.


When you get it just how you would like it to play, then think about P/U upgrades... and don't forget to upgrade the pots and switch to something decent.


Best of luck.



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I'd have to agree.That would be a good starting point! I have a Squier that I love. I put in stacked humbuckers (neck and bridge) and locking tuners...and the thing plays and sounds great after a set up, which I do myself.

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I say dont bother throwing good money after bad. Its a $99 guitar when it was sold

and sticking $100 worth of pups in there isnt going to make it play better.

You'd be better off parting it out on EBay and make maybe $150. Then take the money

you were goung to invest into modding it and buy something better used for $250~300 range.

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I don't know what the op's skill level is, as a far as modding goes, so unless there is nothing to learn, I agree with the others who have said use it as a learning platform. Basic setup and perhaps a fret level would be a great investment of time that would pay off in not only future dollars but also in satisfaction.

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I don't know what the op's skill level is, as a far as modding goes, so unless there is nothing to learn, I agree with the others who have said use it as a learning platform. Basic setup and perhaps a fret level would be a great investment of time that would pay off in not only future dollars but also in satisfaction.




Where can I learn those kinds of things?

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Warmoth neck. Maybe with some exotic woods?

Grover Tuners

Bone nut. Maybe even a compensating nut.


If not P90s them some 'buckers of your choice + Duncan Triple Shot mounting rings for versatility

Replace all pots and caps

Hard tail bridge. Unless you really want a tremelo.

Warmoth body

Paint job


There ya go. Good luck!

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