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Which wins? heart or head?


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I have too may guitars and I need some money, so I was going to sell one of them.

The thing is I have narrowed it down to 2, both very special guits, and I cannot decide.

Option 1- a Mark Kay Fender Strat CS Relic- one of the first 2000 fender relics ever made, and made by Vince Cunetto. Huge sentimental value, rarely play it as I have 2 strats that I prefer, but as a piece, it's stunning, and it plays beautifully (but not as well as the other 2).

Option 2- a Suhr Modern, which plays better than any gutar I have ever owned, is more versatile than anything else I own, but has neither the character nor the sentimental value of the Relic. It does have a droolsome quilt maple top and stainless steel frets, and it makes me play faster than any guit I own.

If I keep the Relic it won't get anywhere near the playtime of the Suhr. If I keep the Suhr, I'll always miss just seeing that old Relic and knowing I have owned it for 16 years....

WTF do I do?

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Quote Originally Posted by NoplanB View Post
Option 1- a Mark Kay Fender Strat CS Relic- one of the first 2000 fender relics ever made, and made by Vince Cunetto. Huge sentimental value, rarely play it as I have 2 strats that I prefer, but as a piece, it's stunning, and it plays beautifully (but not as well as the other 2).
this is actually easy... get rid of the strat... guitars are to make music with
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Hmmmmm.....is it? It is a great guitar, I just prefer the neck on my other strat (which is also custom shop)

Thing is, Suhrs are replaceable.....although this is a really great one. The Cunetto relic will hold and grow its value I think? They're sought after?

God this is a toughie.

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Doubt it.

My belief is that modern custom shop "collector" guitars will be virtually worthless in the next 30 years. There are just WAY to many of them. Even yours...2000 guitars..lol. That is a TON of them. The guitar will continue it's decent further as a "niche" instrument and those that really really care about gibson's and fenders (the baby boomers) will all be dead.

The "economy" is really only a small part of the guitar market collapse. Even the real vintage market doesn't have enough players to satisfy demands. 60's strats are down to around 10 grand for clean ones. 50's are 20k and under.

Don't base your decision it being an "investment". Just be honest. If you'd rather keep it than the Suhr because it's more of a "trophy" than fine. Not something I would do but it's a legitimate reason if that's how you feel.

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Quote Originally Posted by NoplanB View Post
Hmmmmm.....is it? It is a great guitar, I just prefer the neck on my other strat (which is also custom shop)

Thing is, Suhrs are replaceable.....although this is a really great one. The Cunetto relic will hold and grow its value I think? They're sought after?

God this is a toughie.
i can only give you my perspective... yes it is easy... it's just stuff... and you don't play the strat much

keep the guitars you play, flick the ones you don't... unless it's purely an investment thing, which obviously brings other factors into it
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Quote Originally Posted by soundcreation

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Doubt it.

My belief is that modern custom shop "collector" guitars will be virtually worthless in the next 30 years. There are just WAY to many of them. Even yours...2000 guitars..lol. That is a TON of them. The guitar will continue it's decent further as a "niche" instrument and those that really really care about gibson's and fenders (the baby boomers) will all be dead.

The "economy" is really only a small part of the guitar market collapse. Even the real vintage market doesn't have enough players to satisfy demands. 60's strats are down to around 10 grand for clean ones. 50's are 20k and under.

Don't base your decision it being an "investment". Just be honest. If you'd rather keep it than the Suhr because it's more of a "trophy" than fine. Not something I would do but it's a legitimate reason if that's how you feel.


Thanks for this perspective. The Suhr isn't a trophy. As an example, if I am playing something that is 'genreless' or my own stuff, it'll be the go-to guitar. If I am covering Clapton/Gilmour/SRV etc, then obviously I go with a strat. The Suhr screams 'play me' and it's an amazing instrument- totally worth the money if you compare to Gibbo or Fender CS
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I'd sell the Strat. It sounds like the Suhr draws you in more as the player. While I do understand those early Cunetto CS Relics have some desirability, I think that is already starting to show up in the used prices. Anyone who buys a modern-era guitar expecting it to explode in value like a 50s/60s Gibson or Fender is going to be disappointed...I just don't see that happening again.

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Quote Originally Posted by NoplanB

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Thanks for this perspective. The Suhr isn't a trophy. As an example, if I am playing something that is 'genreless' or my own stuff, it'll be the go-to guitar. If I am covering Clapton/Gilmour/SRV etc, then obviously I go with a strat. The Suhr screams 'play me' and it's an amazing instrument- totally worth the money if you compare to Gibbo or Fender CS


no problem! I meant the fender was the trophy though.
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I would actually keep the Strat, since you say it has sentimental value. You might regret selling either of them, but if there's some personal memory attached to the Strat, the regret will be stronger. If these are the two guitars you're willing to part with, then I'm guessing that you spend more time playing your other guitars that you mentioned later. Sell the Suhr, hope that you get a decent price for it, and keep the guitar that holds "heart" value, as you referred to it.

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