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Ive read about those alot over at the Metroamp boards. I still ned to listen to clips of one sometime.



I'm more interested in the other things they have in there than the soldando stuff. Learnt a few nifty tricks already that I want to prototype.

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selling my matamp.



Have any clips? I've toyed with selling my RV100 to fund one of these.....hmmmmmmmm



I've just been really busy with work the last couple of weeks, little time to get online. The show we played the other night was just nuts, like Joey said, best we've probably ever played - wasn't perfect but the energy, the tone, the vibe, and the volume was all there and the audience loved it! Played the SG 60s Tribute and it sounded great! We had a guy there that was texting Bower (Down/Eyehategod) who is a buddy of his and telling him to have us open for them lol!

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What's up doomers. I've been super busy with builds so I haven't had time to participate in any forum stuff. Building 12-14 hrs a day just to keep wait times at a reasonable time. Congrats Joey and Brian on the successful gig.


Thanks for asking Hammer!

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What's up doomers. I've been super busy with builds so I haven't had time to participate in any forum stuff. Building 12-14 hrs a day just to keep wait times at a reasonable time. Congrats Joey and Brian on the successful gig.

Thanks for asking Hammer!



Thanks Mark and congrats on the pedals !

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So, uh, sorry for the rant but:


The other night at Metalliance (kick-ass show), I noticed that especially during Kylesa's set there was a disturbing number of people just standing still looking bored. In particular there was one guy standing front and center of Kylesa's performance who didn't move. At all. Didn't bob his head or anything. I mean, he didn't have the best concert etiquette anyway as he had stereotypical long hesher hair that he whipped in other people's faces during Crowbar's set, and was blowing smoke over his shoulder into some poor guy's face. I try not to get irritated by stupid stuff like that, but this just seemed particularly rude. If you really don't care about the band, just go have a beer or something then come back and work your way to the front. It just seemed kinda rude to look like the band was wasting HIS time. Then after Crowbar he disappeared.


I know there's some polarizing opinions on Kylesa, but it's not like they don't have any groovy riffs to bang your head to, or by any means put on a boring live show. "Oh no, a band that WRITES ACTUAL SONGS?! It burrrrrns! Wait, are they trying something different? I hate this." They weren't at their best but they were pretty damn good that night, and FAR from awful.


I have nothing against Crowbar (actually their set was quite good) but it seemed like a LOT of the people at this show were simply there to hardcore dance to them and didn't really care about the other bands.


TL;DR: A rant about terrible people being terrible people at concerts




To the guys who gig: Wouldn't it irritate you if standing right in front of you a guy appeared to be basically ignoring your music and looking like you were doing him a disservice by playing?!

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Guys, maybe you already know this (for all I know the Stoner Rock forum has already posted this), but Sleep is going to do a few select shows in the US this summer! Being the crazy girl I am, since I dare to play metal on a Ric 360 (with the stock Hi-Gain pickups, no less!), I belong to the Rickresource forum. On their Artists (who play Rics) sub forum, there is a low grade thread that's been going on for some time, about Al Cisneros' use of Ric basses. Well, Al is a member of the Rickresource forum, and he posted recently, that Sleep is going to do three shows in the US this summer (New York City, Calgary, and Los Angeles). Jason Roeder is going to be doing drums, since Chris Haikus has decided to hang up his drum kit. It's nice to see Al, and Matt still keeping Sleep going (even if it is on a very low level) - especially since Matt had stated in an interview last year, that last year's shows, were basically just a one-off thing.

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Guys, maybe you already know this (for all I know the Stoner Rock forum has already posted this), but Sleep is going to do a few select shows in the US this summer! Being the crazy girl I am, since I dare to play metal on a Ric 360 (with the stock Hi-Gain pickups, no less!), I belong to the Rickresource forum. On their Artists (who play Rics) sub forum, there is a low grade thread that's been going on for some time, about Al Cisneros' use of Ric basses. Well, Al is a member of the Rickresource forum, and he posted recently, that Sleep is going to do three shows in the US this summer (New York City, Calgary, and Los Angeles). Jason Roeder is going to be doing drums, since Chris Haikus has decided to hang up his drum kit. It's nice to see Al, and Matt still keeping Sleep going (even if it is on a very low level) - especially since Matt had stated in an interview last year, that last year's shows, were basically just a one-off thing.



That's the lineup Joey and I (and Sylvester) saw in Austin last year - was maybe the best show I've ever seen! Highly recommended, if you can go see Sleep, go by all means!

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My wife and I are going to the Roller Derby tonight to cheer on the Cleveland Steamers! Hahhahahahaa but seriously yup we are going and there is a team called that.



Haha, where is that being held? Have fun!


And the Steamers can't be nearly as bad as the Cleveland Steamroller... (google at your own risk)

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At Wollstein Center. Head over there. Doors open at 5. I think it's $17 and 6 or 8 teams are competing. Call me if you think you are going Pete. Also, tomorrow I'm heading over to Now That's Class to hang with an old friend who will be spinning some Amrep and Touch and Go records from back in the day. 3 to 7 at NTC. I'll probably be there 3 to 5 myself then go get dinner somewhere new.

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