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Well, don't say I didn't warn the guy! johnny nobody banned

Dendy Jarrett

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I hated to do it. I haven't banned but one other person on the drum forums in my three years here.

This guy was given every chance in the world not to spam us with his ELECTRIC DRUMS!, but continued to do so.

I created a thread for him to do this in the subspam forum, but that didn't do it either.


Sorry to have to swing that big stick.

I walk softly away.



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In a way I feel he didn't understand your example of spam because he continued doing the same thing immediatly after. Obviously it was not the first time he didn't listen to others advice. Anyway, he seemed to be a self involved ignorant idiot which is always annoying and frustrating in any society. Nice work Dendy.

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In all honesty I admire the fact that this forum has gone for this long with so few bans being placed.


Other forums I visit have at least 4 bans per day, not without good reason mind you, but that just shows the contrast of this community and many others.

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In all honesty I admire the fact that this forum has gone for this long with so few bans being placed.

Other forums I visit have at
4 bans per day, not without good reason mind you, but that just shows the contrast of this community and many others.




This place is like a little magical oasis here at HC.








Drummers... who

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I appreciate this. I stand by my assessment of his fraudulent apology. Did anyone notice that he had edited it down afterwards? What a phony! I was never in doubt that he would not change.


I also stand by my assessment of him. I was right on. He continued to spam, and insult people as if nothing was said to him. He continued to invade threads and derail them, even though I kept my part of the deal and didn't interact with him.


He acted as though no one was going to tell him what he could say, or where. He pushed buttons far, far beyond the threshold of any other forum's tolerance, and was allowed to stay by the hand of gentle moderation vs the slash-and-burn iron fist style of other forums. I can see that this forum does not need much of this action, but if someone is that much of a die-hard troll, everyone has limits. When the mod says "STOP NOW" you stop now or pay the price.


Justice is served. This peaceable kingdom can go on. The good of the many...


Thank you Dendy!

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LOL, how fitting... the guy who always had to have the last word ultimately won't get his chance to put the last word in.


Like a two year old kid, there was just no reasoning with him. Even if you told him 2+2=4 and showed him the mathmatic proof, he'd still argue with you about it. It's like he couldn't just shut up and listen to good advice because he was always right and everyone else was wrong.


And then his miserable and pathetic attempt at starting over... weaksauce. He pretended to apologize and then started to reply to people's other threads on non-related subjects as if he was trying to be helpful. Nobody bought it, and it's a good thing you took care of him for good.


Anyway, Dendy, I'd like to suggest archiving his pathetic threads and posts so that when he eventually invades another forum that any of us might also frequent, we can warn others on those forums of his actions here and provide links to the proof. Hey, it could also help in getting more people to join this forum.


Just sayin'

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You know the old saying...36 strikes and your out...once again...what's the sense of being an " A Hole" if you can't act like one.


I had to fire a guy once at work, 3 weeks before Christmas with a brand new baby. He was stealing from the company, and I got wind of it. I had told him as I did prior to hiring all my guys/girls...I can work with anyone, just don't lie to me or steal from the company. He did...and I called him out on it. In essence , he fired himself. The moral of the story...


Dendy, you did not ban this guy...he banned himself. I admire you tolerance and giving him the considerations you did...but sometimes it doesn't sink in. You just in a sorts...accepted his resignation from our forum by his non responsive direspectful actions....Way2Go!:thu:

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