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Anyone completely satisfied with their present gear?


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Satisfied with my main gigging kit & cymbals. However, then there is the practice, former gigging kit. Thinking about adding legs to the 14x12. THEN I'd be satisfied with it. And the practice cymbals don't quite match up sonically ;>( I'd like to get a little bop kit but two kits are enough for me, don't have the space for a third (sold that a few years ago).


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It seems no matter what I'm into, its very hard for me to be satisfied with what I currently have for whatever reason. I was big into car audio sound quality systems a while back and I pretty much never stopped tweaking, swapping things out, etc.

I think I will have my kit for a good while since:
A) I'm still a beginner, and the kit is far better than a beginner kit
B) I'm pretty much broke...

I am trying to get a couple of cymbals (ride, hats, and maybe one more crash) to round out that end and then its just the basic needs from there for a while.

The only way I'd swap things out now is if it was a much better kit at a "can't pass it up" type of deal.

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I just got some new drums, and right now I'm really excited about them. I will say with some tweaking they are some of the best I've ever had. Mapex Pro M's, very warm with a lot of low end and sustain. The kick drums are also great, just need to figure out if I want the punchy focused 22" or the massive 24".


The snare is off, so I kind of want to maybe get something else...maybe sell both of them and get another Chad Smith signature (I miss my old one) or a cherry stave or something. I still have a 7x13 that sounds great, just need new heads.


My cymbals are not bad, not inspiring though. I would like different ones, just don't know if I will have the cash.


My hardware is really nice and new...I'm used to the bargain bin stuff and the Mapex stands are quality. I have a top end Pearl snare stand and throne so that's all set. I would like a new double pedal though.

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With the exception of the occasional case of GAS, I am good. I tend to buy once and play it forever. That said, I just puled the trigger on a "Big R" dynasonic. Just had to. Haven't got a new cymbal in a while though....hmmm...

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I am extremely satisfied with ALL of my gear.

Do I "NEED" more? Of course not. Do I want more? Of course I do.

I have made some extremely well researched purchases, and some spur of the moment ones. In only one case (an ebay cymbal purchase that arrived with a very small crack) was I less than pleased.

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I move in circles of what i want to upgrade. Currently, I'm working on my kit again, since its my favorite out of all my music gear, but after another purcahse or two, I'll be content with it for a while and move on to something else.

Before that, I was working on my guitar rig. Got a couple new pedals and an amp.

Before that, it was my recording gear. Got a couple new computer plug-ins and a new mic.

Before that was my bass stuff. I forget what i got.

Now as I am starting to grow more content with my drums and less content with my bass again, I'm starting to shift gears to buying bass stuff.

A lot of times, I look back and think about what my life would be like if I only played one instrument, and how sick my gear would be if i pumped all my money into 1 thing instead of 4.

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995 is a bit high for the blue glass rogers. Either one of two things is true of the set....... It is an original 4 piece configuration. Or, originally it was a 5 piece and the second tom is missing along with the double tom post hardware. One or the other mounts on the bass drum is not original. With the finish split on the bass drum...... I wouldnt take this kit on at that price. The mixed dayton/cleveland tags puts this kit in 1966 mid to late in the year. A very early Dayton kit. Excellent drums. Abouut 650.00

nice, I should email him your post verbatim. :)

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Looking for:

Medium to medium heavy hats (must be musical, not clangy)

Medium to medium heavy ride (this one I'm very particular about -- I've had some great ones but not the one that speaks to me yet)

Ludwig LM402 6.5x14 Supra


and other various drums/cymbals...

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I would like to say i was because I've spent a lot on new gear in the past 6 months but sadly i am not.

-I would really like different cymbals, A customs are to bright for me as I've realised lately I like darker sounding cymbals (not that the A customs aren't good!) and that i bought the cymbals just because they were good quality and good price, I didn't research enough before hand.

-I really want a great wood snare! I'm hoping to build a 6 x 13 stave snare out of an exotic Australian wood. I don't have any experience in drum building but my drum teacher used to work for brady when he lived in perth so he'll be very very useful in the process =)

-I'd also like a 3 piece kit, not including snare (possibly made by me with the same wood as the snare and also stave drums) in larger sizes than my current kit.

-And to finish the list off some coated G1's for my kit to replace the clear G2 tama stock heads.


Most likely the only thing i'll do any time soon is the heads and MAYBE the snare if i find the time/money, but with the rest all i can do is dream.

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I've always wanted more gear I think, because I was never really completely satisfied with what I had. Now, every piece is very close to what I hear in my head. When I hit the black beauty, I get shivers when the residual rimshot rings out. It sounds exactly the way it should. The same goes for every other part of the kit. I love the warm sound of the re-ring maples (14, 26, 18, 24), the 20" giant beat ride/crash is perfect, my sig hats have just the right crunch without the brightness, my sig crashes make everything else sound harsh to my ears, and I have two vintage (not sure why I have two) lm 402's (one with 42 strand snare) to mix things up if I'm getting bored. I'm finally in gear heaven! I have two other kits (rock pro m- sounds wonderful, and a vista in the same sizes as above), and I have NO desire to play either. I'm not ready to sell them, but they're definitely going to be collecting dust for a long time.

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I've remained complacent about buying things for my kit for a while now. I'm using a cheaper Gretsch Catalina Club Mod kit and it's seen at least 200 bar gigs at this point, and is still holding strong. Nobody in the bar can tell whether I'm playing a Gretsch, a Pulse, a DW, or a Spaun kit up there, and since all the drums are close mic'ed, I'm willing to bet they'll for the most part all sound the same in the corner of a bar anyway.


My only future purchase plans are for sticks, heads (which I need badly at this point), and eventually an all-electronic kit for smaller places and corporate gigs.

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It's weird- in my early 20's I changed kits all the time, switched out cymbals...

Then I just settled into playing an older Tama Artstar with 13" K hats and a 21" Sweet Ride, and that's been my setup for maybe four years. I occasionally think about changing something, but I always find something else I'd rather spend the cash on.

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Pics or it mighta happened and you just didn't show us....

Oh...it happened alright. :thu: Came today in the mail. Looks like someone played it a couple of weeks, then put it back in a case and forgot about it for 25 years. Perfect chrome, perfect snare mechanism and frame, perfect lugs, 10 lug, COB, arh Arh ARh ARH.....Some new heads this weekend and a few minutes with a polishing rag, and my '66 acrolite gets a well deserved break. Mmmmm...satisfied.

To shamelessly plagiarize a fellow drummer over at the DC, "Snare drums and cymbals are to drummers like shoes and purses are to women. You start out with a few, and before you know it, you are the Imelda Marcos of percussion"...Bob





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I like my kit, it does sound very good, but I've been playing the same one for about 22 years and I'm just kinda bored with it. Don't need a new kit, but sure would like to get some Birch in my life. I'm also down to 2 snares now, which is weird. Again, don't really need another one but I'd like to get one (or two or three) just for the variety. Pretty content with my Paiste pies, but I'd like a few more of those too, particularly an 18" GB...
I thought I was perfectly happy/content with my e-kit, but now I'm looking for some mesh pads to replace the rubber ones. It just never stops for me...
"Hi, my name is J and I'm a gear addict."

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I haven't been posting regularly, and I like this thread. Instead of the thread full of people saying I WANT I WANT I WANT, it is full of the perfectly happy people. I am perfectly happy with my set. Some of you may have already seen these pictures, but I will post them for show and tell in this thread.


The majority of my set was purchased new in 1992, the only thing on my set that wasn't purchased then is the cymbals and the Monoply snare, which were purchased 3 or 4 years ago.
I have a set of midnight blue Tama Rockstar DXs. Bass drum is a 16x22. Toms are 10, 12, 12, and 13. (One 12 inch tom is 9 inch deep, and the other is 12 inch deep). Floors are 14x14 and 16x16.

I have three snares, two acrolites and a Tama Monoply Walnut limited edition.

A customs all around, with one Wuhan china.

I also have a three sided Tama Power Tower, a Roc-N-Soc lunar nitro w/backrest, Yamaha hi-hat stand, and a Ludwig Silverboard double pedal.

What more could anyone need?

In any case, my two most common configurations are with the 12(x9) and the 14 in a four piece or the 10, 12(x12) toms up and the 13, 14, 16 down as pictured.



One thing that doesn't come across in the pictures is the fact that they are beat to {censored}. They endured lots of dive bars and random gigs between 92-99. There are several gouges and random marks, but the wrap hides the wear and tear well. I keep them clean, lubricated and maintained, and have not had one problem with them. (Although I did re-edge one of the toms).

I have four sets of heads that I swap out depending on what I want them to sound like. I have one set of '80s metal' ebony pinstripes, one set of evans g1s, one set of fiberskyns, and a set of mesh heads.

With the head options and shell options, I'm rarely in a situation where I can't set them up to match whatever musical mood that I'm in.

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