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Anyone completely satisfied with their present gear?


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I am done buying equipment...got my new kit, my old favorite cycmbals...have looked for a splash as an addition, but these are my last...I feel no need to look further...although an electric kit might be nice, not a necessity...but nice!

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another set on my local craigslist..



Nice kit -- he's wrong about it being 50's, that's a 60's kit. It would be nice to find out about which era they are -- if they are flat grey interior Cleveland drums, they are worth the price, but in this economy they will only bring about $650.

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I'm more focused on paying off debt than worrying about gear.

The best way to give these banks the middle finger, next to filing bankruptcy, is to pay off your debt, and never use those bastards again.





I don't use credit unless absolutely necessary, like a major car or house repair that I might not have enough $$ for at the time but needs to get done right away.


Wasting credit on "stuff" gets habit-forming, and you end up paying too much for things from the interest. It can quickly put you in the poor house. I buy with cash and when I can actually afford it.

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I'm not satisfied with my shells (Catalina Club birch) and hardware (cheap bullsh**), but I'm almost satisfied with my cymbals (all I need to do is get rid of the 17" Zildjian A Thin crash and get an 18" K in its place).

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^ Welp, you could look at it this way: it's a lot easier to control excessive resonance than to try to get more resonance from drums when you want it, but that don't have much to start with.


Don't worry about it man. There's tons of different heads, rings, Moon Gel stuff to get them closer to where you like. You just have to buy some and experiment.

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cymbals need replacing... nother bass drum, nother tom, 40 more snares, etc.

although i recently scored an a custom ping ride off ebay for $170 shipped

That reminds me, I need to buy a wood snare also. I'm not a big fan of steel. I'm trying this one out, but I want to have a wooden one as a back up.

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Hi there! Remember me?

Yes, I am completely satisfied with my equipment. Does everything I need it to do, in just about every environment I have to gig in.

I know I'm not helping the economy, but I've helped it enough over the last 40 years.


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