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WAY OT: Health Care Reform


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... nobody screamin' at this guy, about this guy ... why is that?



Whats Ironic is that he is playing the "good-guy" while he robs you from another direction.


Tort reform is needed, or Doctors will continue to practice "cover their ass" medicine on our dime. They will not make a judgment call that little johnny that fell down and went boom doesn't need an MRI, Why? because of vulture lawyers will sue them for all they are worth if they do miss something. In their opinion better your money than theirs. Are Doctors at fault, yes, they are guilty of jacking there prices and using lawsuits as an excuse. for every dollar they have to pay out in insurance they make sure they charge you exponentially.


In order to fix the problem the lawsuits need to stop. This could be done by placing limits on what LAWYERS make off any given suit. Not patients, LAWYERS!

Insurance for doctors needs to be reasonable, maybe this is where the government can help? Cut out the gouging there.

In turn doctors need to have limits on what they can charge, with the understanding that the lawyers AND insurance have been locked down for them.


Then, people must actually take some initiative to fend for themselves. Just like in new Orleans, a cat 5 is on it's way, EVERYONE is telling you the levy's won't hold. now do you sit on your ass hoping the government is going to rescue you or do you high tail it to the shelter? because if you don't go, you will be going in chest deep water infested with gators anyway.

No one is responsible for your well being except YOU and your FAMILY cause when it comes down to it, your mayor has already left town. If you think that sucks, it does, but I'm not betting my families lives on the Government.


As for your grandfather CEM, yeah, nurses and all other health care workers get exposed to all kinds of {censored}, and carry it around. By nature, they work in "sick" environments. It's not their fault, it's a high risk job for them as well. They also get the wonderful benefit of taking that {censored} home to expose their families as well.

but still, I'm sorry for your loss. The worst place for a person to be is in a hospital. Almost every germ known to man is in there. I know, I almost died do to an exposure in the E/R and orphaned my 3 children. I also had to go through a year of intensive medical treatment. It effects me to this day.

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Targ I ain't wasting anymore time with you. People can go check out WHO, Stats Canada, and whole heap of other documented evidence that shows your position is a joke. That Universal Heath care is cheaper and more efficient at delivering care to all than just to the chosen few. Jesus...what the {censored} are you? A shill for a HMO?


I'll wait for you proof of these "back rooms" in Canada...LOL...


Anyway just admit you think heath care is a privileged and I'll accept that as your position.



In 2007, my Grandpa, Leonard J Woloszynski, became sick. Being in his late 70's, it took him a long time to recover from surgery. The insurance companies wouldn't pay for a home nurse, and the cost to private hire was outrageous. So his wife paid for a month in a hospice. Due to the overcrowded, and general {censored}ty hospice quality, he contracted a bacterial infection. It was a certain infection usually found in hospitals. Most nurses have it, it lies dormant in your heart, and uses it to spread itself throughout your entire body. Most young people are healthy enough to keep it dormant in the heart, and never really get sick.

On July 4th, 2007, i watched him die in front of me. He couldn't fight it off and it spread to every organ. He was my Grandpa, but he was really my father. He taught me everything a man teaches his son. Maybe if he wasn't forced into being stuck in a {censored} hospice, things might've been different? I think so.

There's no excuses. I don't care if i pay for a bums smoker lungs to get treated if it means my grandpa would still be here. Shame on some of you people.



I feel for you man. That is a {censored} deal for sure. As I said to 58flame nobody should have to deal with that kind of thing. When people are sick that's the last thing that needs to be on the minds of family.


And again that's the choice that I think americans face. It's the idea of do you want to live in a country where people have an agreement to help each other when times get tough? Or do you want everyone to have to fend for themselves?


It's just simply basic kindness and compassion for others. Without judgments. And it's really not that expensive.

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In order to fix the problem the lawsuits need to stop. This could be done by placing limits on what LAWYERS make off any given suit. Not patients, LAWYERS!

Insurance for doctors needs to be reasonable, maybe this is where the government can help? Cut out the gouging there.

In turn doctors need to have limits on what they can charge, with the understanding that the lawyers AND insurance have been locked down for them.

Then, people must actually take some initiative to fend for themselves. Just like in new Orleans, a cat 5 is on it's way, EVERYONE is telling you the levy's won't hold. now do you sit on your ass hoping the government is going to rescue you or do you high tail it to the shelter? because if you don't go, you will be going in chest deep water infested with gators anyway.

No one is responsible for your well being except YOU and your FAMILY cause when it comes down to it, your mayor has already left town. If you think that sucks, it does, but I'm not betting my families lives on the Government.

As for your grandfather CEM, yeah, nurses and all other health care workers get exposed to all kinds of {censored}, and carry it around. By nature, they work in "sick" environments. It's not their fault, it's a high risk job for them as well. They also get the wonderful benefit of taking that {censored} home to expose their families as well.

but still, I'm sorry for your loss. The worst place for a person to be is in a hospital. Almost every germ known to man is in there. I know, I almost died do to an exposure in the E/R and orphaned my 3 children. I also had to go through a year of intensive medical treatment. It effects me to this day.




I don't blame the nurses. My mom was a nurse and still retains her RN license. I blame the insurance companies who my grandpa and his wife paid thousands of dollars to who were too {censored}ing cheap to provide proper care. Hospices are sick {censored}ing places. My friends deliver medication all over to them, grumpy {censored}ing phillipino's who don't give a {censored} about the patients. My last night with him alive in his home shouldn't have been me showering him and holding him up while his wife wipes his ass.


Like i said, no {censored}ing excuses.


Did i mention my disabled mom who pays $500 a month for her medication? Or the $2000 they charged her for a 20 minute MRI to see if she lost ANOTHER spinal disc? Or the 25K she owes to stop her knees from grinding down to nothing? Or the {censored}ed wisdom tooth causing me pain (Who doesn't want to be a 20 year old with thousands in debt?)?


{censored}ing bull{censored}. If you're well off enough to afford private care, fine. Keep it, but don't {censored} things up for the rest of us.

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Normally I don't get involved in this discussion, but for me this is real. In 2 months I will lose my health insurance because my cobra runs out. Highmark BC/BS has been taking my money for 5 years. Last year they decided my parent company cannot provide health insurance to independent contractors paid on a 1099 (me). Out of the blue. They don't want to take my $900 a month anymore.

I am uninsurable in an individually underwritten plan due to pre-existing medical conditions. My wife has no access to healthcare because she holds 2 part time jobs, neither of which offer group benefits. She also has pre-existing conditions.

My family is totally without health insurance in 2 months unless the lawmakers do something. I am a self employed businessman on the brink of losing everything if anyone in my family gets sick. I'll lose my business, my house, and everything I own. I make a decent living now, but it won't matter if I need another major surgery. I'll be bankrupt.

So what am I supposed to do?

Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope for a decent solution. I just want to keep the coverage I have had for the past 5 years.



:cry:That's sad. I'm so sorry. This is the issue. Today in America, you're just supposed to do it on you own. No more compassion, gotta make a buck.

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:cry:That's sad. I'm so sorry. This is the issue. Today in America, you're just supposed to do it on you own. No more compassion, gotta make a buck.



Thanks for the kind words.


I'm so pissed because I haven't done anything but pay my bills, every month, and the insurance company decides to cut me and everybody else in my plan like me (paid on a 1099).


I really have no recourse but write my local representatives. And oh, my local representative is a staunch conservative claiming to have healthcare on his highest priority list. Yet he is voting no. I told him my plight via email, and his office's response was basically we can't support the president, and as such, too bad for you. Sorry, hope you get it worked out. Sucks to be you. Go pound sand.


I asked how much I have to contribute to his campaign to change his vote and I got no reply.


So I guess the way it is now, if I get sick again, I have to sell everything I own, which I have worked very hard to own. My house, cars, bike, musical instruments, etc. Then I will be destitute, be able to go on public assistance, and then I'll have my healthcare paid for.


What the hell is wrong with the people that won't read the facts, or just choose to ignore them?


Another example that happened to a friend of mine:


Say you have had a heart attack in your life. Your employer says, we will no longer be offering benefits anymore due to costs. You are screwed with a capital S. And it's not your fault. Go ahead and try to get insurance on your own.


Not long ago, Highmark BC/BS was running ads on the radio aimed at business owners providing benefits to employees. The ads suggested switching your plan to a high deductable plan to at least offer your employees something instead of cutting the program completely. Even if it is low cost, high deductible insurance, it is still better than nothing if you are unable to get a policy on your own due to pre-existing conditions.


Now, if Blue Cross is running ads (i.e. spending lots of money) to ask business owners to continue employee heath coverage, how often are benefit programs being dropped?


This system needs serious, serious reform. We are one of the most prosperous nations in the world. We ought to be able to make sure that no one is allowed to suffer.


My case is only one of many.


Thanks for reading this.

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