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What's Going On In Your Life Right Now?


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The entrepreneurial thing I was working on turned out to be too hard to sell and is not making any profit at all. $1000 of Google advertising got $250 of business.


I have two web projects I'm working on that should net me about $8000 through the end of June. Maybe another $1000 from other projects and that's all. I won't lose the house, but I will have to figure out another way to make money, or pizza delivery is in my future.




My friend asked me to play bass for him when he opens for Poco on February 10.




It balances out.

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My daughter is over 18 months now, and she is doing great. She's actually starting to converse with us, and she's running all over the place.




Job security is good. I'm still trying to stay motivated to pass the CPA Exam. I retake a part this Friday.




My band is doing okay. Sometimes I feel like I have to focus too much on keeping the band tight, though. I've been talking to another drummer recently and have some options to consider...


Personal Health?


I started working out again just before Thanksgiving, and I've stuck with it so far. I'm having a hard time cutting pop out of my daily routine, though...

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First kid (a boy) due in April. Playing in two bands, one cover for a few extra bucks, other band origonal experimental funk/rock/jazzie band. In April I'll most likely have to drop one of the two bands; I'm sure it'll be the cover band.

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Just moved out a couple months ago. Just proposed at Christmas. Working at a new job (since October). Still suck at bass. :D Basically, everything has started over. It's like a new beginning. All in all, it's been pretty good so far. Hopefully it'll stay that way for a long while now... :thu:

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I am busy replacing 3 of 5 members of Roswell with new players who will complain less and rehearse more. Roswell is booked up through June and the summer is booking up fast.


Dante's Bop (original country - jazz) is playing consistently and I am primary bassist. the band knows a couple other guys who will fill in when I'm booked. it's all on charts so anybody can do the gig if I'm unavailable.


Still auditioning players for contemporary country band project I have been asked to co-lead. Finding competent musicians who want to play Contemporary country has proven to be harder than I expected in this region.


Job is busy and will be busier due to the immanent departure of a colleague.


The weather in SE Wisconsin has been gloriously warm and dry for the past several weeks so it

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i spent saturday inserting food and mucho alcohol into my stomach, and saturday removing it again


I havent eaten in about 48 hours so i should probably do something about that


family? parents are out of the country, my bro is in salisbury...uhh...job? i'm a student so not yet, although in about another 18 months i'll be fully qualified to run a deli counter


at least i'm in quite a lot of bands right now :thu:

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steady job that i enjoy, also working toward my bachelor's in engineering.


steady band that i love, writing like madmen, gonna start gigging again early february.


2 year old son that's growing like a weed. light of my life and some days the only reason i decide to breathe. doing what i can to help him become the man he needs to be...


married to the most awesome woman in the world, the other light of my life. all is well there.


new JAF on the way, and currently in negotiations for #3 :)


pretty well recovered from the year in baghdad. some things will never be the same, but most are. fortunately, Junior was only about 6 weeks when i left, so he'll never know the difference. i hope. got about 20 days left in the guards, then i'm fully civilianated again.





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I feel like I've just reached a new point. I have had to basically give up having any outside life at all for a LOT of years, due to struggling to make a successfull start to my career. Right now I am finally able to step back a bit and relax, and to re-emphasize having some fun! I am making a real push right now to dedicate time to a good band situation, and get back to playing for real. I need to see if my friends will still talk to me, now that I'm not gone every single day, or blowing off plans because of some stupid last minute trip. Got to restart the personal life and have some fun.:cool:

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- New job. Same stuff (software dev), different company. Better pay, shorter commute, funner coworkers. Still, if I can ever figure out what I really want to do, I'll start my own biz in a heartbeat. Maybe recording.


- Two bands, both of which I love. I have great bandmates (even the drummers!).


- Building a shop in my basement. I have a lot of home improvement in my future; I'll need a good bench.


- Testing the limits of medical science in order for my wife and I to have kids. Wish us luck.


- Buying gear at a breakneck pace.

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Originally posted by L-1329

I feel like I've just reached a new point. I have had to basically give up having any outside life at all for a LOT of years, due to struggling to make a successfull start to my career. Right now I am finally able to step back a bit and relax, and to re-emphasize having some fun! I am making a real push right now to dedicate time to a good band situation, and get back to playing for real. I need to see if my friends will still talk to me, now that I'm not gone every single day, or blowing off plans because of some stupid last minute trip. Got to restart the personal life and have some fun.


I totally feel ya. I'm 36 now...started playing clubs and was heavy in the austin music scene from ages 17-25..then my career took charge. I moved to Houston and put my bass away. Spent the next several years just plucking away at my acoustic guitar, doing small acoustic sets on very rare occassions..but basically my life was my wife and work.


That's the great thing about music. I brought the old bass out about a year ago and started looking for some people to jam with again. Music is a great way to meet new people and put some zing back into your personal life. And honestly, music is so much more enjoyable to me now than it was when I was 100% into the scene and trying to make a living out of it. We play what we like, experiment, and just really have fun doing it.

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Life's not too shabby at the moment, for me at least. First and foremost, I haven't read or watched the news in quite some time, so that depression and anger is slightly vanishing. My band just finished recording our first CD, not we are working on mixing it and making some artwork for it - I'm really excited about the way everything is turning out.

I've been practicing my ass off lately on electric bass, string bass, guitar, and piano, and I think I've been making a lot of progress. I've had some opportunities to record with some local blues monsters, and that is giving me a firey passion to get better and better so I can become a regular on-call bass player around here.

I quit my job at the end of 2005 to give me time to take on a new one. The new "job" I have is as a bass/guitar teacher at a near-by music shop. I don't have a lot of students, so I'm not "working" a whole lot, but I'm actually kind of happy about that. I've been working my ass off since I was 9 years old, and frankly, I'm enjoying the break.

There is a dark side, however. I haven't had a girlfriend in a long time and sometimes when I think about the few times I've tried and failed I get insanely depressed. Depressed the point where I just want to destroy everything around me, and in me... (My poor, poor drumset:p ) I try not to think about it, but sometimes I can't help it....anyway - put on a happy face.

Oh, and I think I'm gaining a pretty good relationship with God again, after a long time of being confused/angry about the whole subject of religion...

Thats about it.

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Originally posted by Retrovertigo

There is a dark side, however. I haven't had a girlfriend in a long time and sometimes when I think about the few times I've tried and failed I get insanely depressed. Depressed the point where I just want to destroy everything around me, and in me... (My poor, poor drumset:p ) I try not to think about it, but sometimes I can't help it....anyway - put on a happy face.


don't be down about it man, all that means is you've yet to find find a woman who's good enough


keep looking, you'll find her eventually :thu:

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I have pneumonia,,, almost died,, but didn't !! so I guess that's a good thing,, and it's NOT the flu...


road band is getting ready to record a new CD in Feb,,, the calender is starting to show some income,,, i'm getting some solo work around town once ina while,.,,,kinda been itching to book my band a little,, IF I can find blues players in this town...:rolleyes:


got a new GF about 18 months ago, so I'm not homeless anymore,,,still driving the same old '90 gas guzzeling van ,,,, had a decent Christmas,,, blah blah blah...



hmmm, not much has changed , really,, :D

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im SO pumped to get home right now...i get home in 6 days

i get to see my girlfriend

i get to jam with my band

i get to play in a festival when i get back

i recently purchased a Fender Jazz MIM


so really, when i get home everything will be the best they could be. right now they're just cruising...not awesome all i have is my bass to keep me company

well my family also but...

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getting ready to quit my band because my guitarist is acting like a jealous girlfriend whenever i do non-band things.


just got a big raise / promotion at work.


bought a chorus pedal.


broke up with my chick.


i'm giving everything a :thu: right now, provided the band quitting goes smooth or i don't go through with it.

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I work for a pretty small outfit and our 'lead' dispatcher is leaving us. There's a lot of tension in the office these days and we all know the {censored} is going to hit the fan sooner than later, but we're not sure what to expect exactly either. Yay. :(

Otherwise, my stamina is coming back a bit as I've been rehearsing with another group, but it's another long-distance relationship, so I'm not sure how long things'll last. :(

I'm trying to discipline myself to learn DPerformer so I can start arranging my writing again, and I've been working out at least 3 times a week now for the past few months.

All this is playing tug of war with my spiritual life, and the result is I'm not very happy. There's too much dissatisfaction in my life despite my many many blessings. So I've been trying to sort that out. :rolleyes:

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Life is good for me. Started a diet and quit a week later (some fad diet bull{censored}) and decided to curb my eating and start working out again. I had/have a shoulder injury that makes it difficult to really do anything intense at the gym but I figure I need to get out and burn off some steam.


Work absolutely sucks, only my boss is awesome. I am transferring up to Oregon this May and I will be on leave starting April 1st..a whole month and a half off! I will be second in Command (XO) at my next unit, a huge step for me. Studying to take the Chief exam and prepping myself for the Officer in Charge review board. I'm scared {censored}less, but it should be interesting.


Bands? none right now..my job sucks and doesn't allow me to do anything productive music-wise. Although I just bought a new bass and love my equipment. Finally satisfied with my rig...this is a first in all my years of playing.


Trying for a baby with the wife..fairly uncertain of this whole thing, but it will be interesting..



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I started back at school. I'm going to get my Mechanical Engineering degree.


My new job was going wonderfully, but I recently found out that the people I work are total {censored}heads. I knew that to be the case, but I thought they only treated certain people that way. I'm now one of those people.


So, I'm updating the resume and looking for a new job. I need to be able to back it up when I threaten to leave.


The family thing is going fine, no kids, three dogs and a cat that refuses to die.


I have no band at the moment and the prospects aren't good since I'm in class two nights a week.

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