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What's Going On In Your Life Right Now?


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Originally posted by Thunderbroom


Got to spend some time with my siblings and my new niece over the holidays. It's rare that my brother, my sister, and myself are all in the same state at the same time, so it was fun! Took my brother out and got trashed with a bunch of my friends. It was entertaining to them because he and I are like night and day. One of the highlights of the evenign was him walking around the bar with a drunk blonde draped over his shoulder ;) Needless to say, I'm more of an introvert hehe. My grandparents moved here about 6 months ago, lucky for them. As soon as they got here they had a whole slew of health problems that they couldn't have dealt with on their own down in Florida. Other than that, not much going on in the family spectrum. I think everyone is just easing in to the new year.

Originally posted by Thunderbroom


Still doin' the IT help desk thing. I am casually looking for other opportunities, as where I am now there is no room for advancement. I was told right off the bat that this was a job that they tend to give new college grads, and it's a good starter position for future employment. I figure another year here, two at the most. I'm saving for enough to have a downpayment on a house, which will probably be about the same time I'm ready to leave my job. That way, I won't be tied to any location with regard to where I look for my next job. Wherever I get one I like, I should be able to afford a house or a condo in that area. That, and in another month I can start putting money away in the employee 401k plan. I'm going to put in as much as they match, and probably open a Roth IRA where I will dump most of the rest. Since I'm young, it makes the most sense for me.
I don't want to work for a big company, and I'm really looking for something off the beaten path. Right now I'm looking at the Polar Services division of Raytheon and some positions with NOAA.

Originally posted by Thunderbroom


Same old, Same old. Nothing going on here.

Originally posted by Thunderbroom


Hmm, not too much else going on really. My one year self-imposed hiatus from women just ended with the new year, but I've never been one to be very social, so we'll see what pans out in the new year.

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My life since the last 6 months:

Beginning of October - The band Im broke up
End of October - Joined new band
First week of November - Had second and FINAL child
November - Got back into going to the gym 4-5 times a week

Now just trying to get through my current job whilst looking for new employment. Im so bored here.

Looking forward to the next couple of months when the baby will be sleeping through the night...

Im perpetually tired.

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Just bought a house in VT, working on fixing it up whenever I can get up there.

Thinking about quitting the band... it's been a long time for a cover band and it's very stagnant musically. And it's cutting into the time I get to spend in VT.

Other than that, just working on the other hobby a little (jeep).

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Originally posted by Clatter

What's new with you, T-broom??

Thought you'd never ask.

My daughter is heavy into acting and will be playing Lucy in Charlie Brown next month. She's also taking improv classes. My son has become Mr. Tae Kwon Do. He's currently a green belt and attends classes about 4 times a week. My wife is busy with various activities: heading up our local "unschooler's" group, leading our Buddhist group (Southwest Chicago Area), volunteering on our village's Planning & Zoning Board, and other various activities.

Life is pretty good at the College. I'm teaching 5 different course this semester including three nights. While my wife isn't thrilled about me teaching three nights this semester, she is supportive and does reap the financial benefits. I'll be applying to graduate school in the next few months. I'm going to work on my doctorate in Instructional Technology.

The rock band is playing Saturday night. I'm actually sharing bass duties for this gig with the drummer's wife. It was my suggestion as I'm really busy and don't want to just leave the band high and dry.

The country band recorded a four-song demo in December (cover tunes) with the hope of using the recording to get us some better gigs including the local Summer fests that are around the area. We're focusing on increasing our setlist and won't likely gig again until late March or early April.

I've been experiencing some health issues...primarily dental. I've had about $4k of dental work done in the last two weeks. My insurance covered about half so I can't complain.

All-in-all...I'm really looking forward to the new year.

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Originally posted by danthepersonage

By no means to I have the intention to derail this thread, but if someone with experience on piss tests could PM me with a story of theirs and how they passed it I would be more than grateful.

Here is a quick fix..quit smoking dope?
Seriously, there is no sure fire way to pass. Go to those pot head sites and buy something and hope it works.

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Originally posted by T. Alan Smith

All this is playing tug of war with my spiritual life, and the result is I'm not very happy. There's too much dissatisfaction in my life despite my many many blessings. So I've been trying to sort that out.

Bro, that's not what I would have expected you to say at all, from reading your posts here. As for the job situation, I know exactly how stress at work and over your future job sitch can affect the other facets of your life. I've had more serious job issues than most, and a few periods of unemployment to boot. At the end of the day though, you just have to realize it's just a job, and there are others. I'm looking around for another myself right now due to 'office' politics and BS, but you can't let that get your life turned around. It all works out in the end!:)

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It's all going pretty well. We've made progress towards working out some underlying (BIG) issues that have dogged us for the last ten years. However, my mom is slipping off the wagon on a couple of things(Weightwatchers, working with my dad, etc.), which is annoying after having come this far. I hope she comes around. We have a few extended family issues to fix, but they aren't critical.

Going to try to get something at the local Sears auto center(see other)

Have a drummer, but we still don't know what we want to play, so it's hard to find the matching guitard. We'll see.

Really nothing here, although I could serve to lose a few pounds and tone up my muscles.


GF is okay, but I don't know how we'll stay together through college, or the end of the school year, even. I'm waiting to get my Bongo bass, which is distracting, but worth it. I've found a car I want to work on (1966 Thunderbird) which is why I need the job. College is coming soon for me, and I hope to play bass lots and lots, when not working on my Music Production degree. I have a full-ride scholarship to Ohio University and a decent one to Indiana University, so that's not too worrisome. I just need to keep practicing my music and hope for the best this year.

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Job (toxicologist) is generally going well. I get to go to meetings and conferences etc. Politics within the company is no fun...

I'm in an originals band which is going okay. Killer riffs but not always easy to get gigs and we have had to find a new vocalist. I'm in a covers band to make a bit of money but I'm enjoying playing in that band more than the originals at the moment (quicker gratification?).

I'm about halfway through my MSc. I had a very tough exam last week but I think I did enough to pass.

Wife is okay and just started a new job. My son is 2 years 7months old and absolutely loving going to Nursery etc. He sings very well whilst drumming, I hope he doesn't become Phil Collins!

Health - I'm basically still very fit, but like most big ex-sportsmen I have put far too much weight on in the last few years, especially now I'm chained to my desk at work!

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We're expecting our first baby in the next few weeks. So the last few months have been pretty focused on preparing a nursery. Got my in-laws to do the painting!!!

Job -- No change, but I've got some interviews in the company (it's big one)

Bands-- We don't don't need no stinking bands.

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Originally posted by fureybass

We're expecting our first baby in the next few weeks. So the last few months have been pretty focused on preparing a nursery. Got my in-laws to do the painting!!!

Job -- No change, but I've got some interviews in the company (it's big one)

Bands-- We don't don't need no stinking bands.



Our first baby is expected in April and things are already getting crazy around our place. Yeah, she also knocked down any idea of naming him Jaco, Bootsie, Geddy, or Jamerson.


Good luck!

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Married for 30 years now and still going strong!

Son now 21 and working full time in advertising bus. (ya he's still at home)

Quit an all originals band yesterday for lack of promotion, playing and rehearsing.

Still doing OK with the 3 other bands tho !

Still doing the skiing thing now winter is with us

Doing a week of jury duty this week. Didn't get picked for a case today but hopefully tomorrow. (doing my civic duty don't you know)


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Originally posted by L-1329

Bro, that's not what I would have expected you to say at all, from reading your posts here. As for the job situation, I know exactly how stress at work and over your future job sitch can affect the other facets of your life. I've had more serious job issues than most, and a few periods of unemployment to boot. At the end of the day though, you just have to realize it's just a job, and there are others. I'm looking around for another myself right now due to 'office' politics and BS, but you can't let that get your life turned around. It all works out in the end!

Thanks for the encouraging words.

I didn't mean to come off emo. I was just being honest, I suppose.

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The band is doing fine. We only have one gig scheduled (see below) but are busy with several good prospects. Lead guitarist is probably going to be shown the door soon.

I am facing possible lower back surgery. I will find out Friday. (This is why we don't have much booked.)

I quit smoking.....2 weeks now.

Marriage is great.....the wife is a fine woman.

Eagerly awaiting spring so I can once again mount up on my new Triumph and point it into the wind.

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uh, just had a birthday. Ate huge steak and had beer... good!

Parents are in poor health, so that's a constant concern.

My immediate family is great... wife is beautiful and looks ten years younger than she is, my daughter is breezing through college and my guitar-playing son is doing the same in middle-school.

I'm getting better at bass, slowly. Thanks, believe it or not, to some of you guys. I have slowed my GAS to the sporadic purchase of strings.

I have been writing some, not enough, but some.

Finished a painting. Need to photograph some more.

Get depressed but realize I've got it pretty good.

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uh, just had a birthday. Ate huge steak and had beer... good!

Parents are in poor health, so that's a constant concern.

My immediate family is great... wife is beautiful and looks ten years younger than she is, my daughter is breezing through college and my guitar-playing son is doing the same in middle-school.

I'm getting better at bass, slowly. Thanks, believe it or not, to some of you guys. I have slowed my GAS to the sporadic purchase of strings.

I have been writing some, not enough, but some.

Finished a painting. Need to photograph some more.

Get depressed but realize I've got it pretty good.

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Originally posted by no-logic

Eagerly awaiting spring so I can once again mount up on my new Triumph and point it into the wind.



Oh hell yeah! Getting the bike back is the only thought that keeps me going through the winter. Bikes rule!

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Trying to recover from Divorce, eviction, car repossession, and bankruptcy. Starting a new job, but gigging a lot. Still working in new drummer and Keyboardist, and trying to find gigs out of our area.

Looking for a bigger car that won't be a financial drain, and trying to get laid as often as possible, which so far, isn't very often.

Working on rebuilding my confidence, too, cause when I am not playing bass, I'm pretty shaken by the kicks in the nuts I got last year (metaphorically.... no one really kicked my nuts!)

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