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Colon Cleaning

SA Rios

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Originally posted by J.

When they look inside your colon (there's a camera in the tube and you can see it on a big monitor screen if you're wide awake like I was) there's nothing in there. Just the pink walls of your large intestine.

I have a long history of colon disorders and know lots of people with horrible debilitating diseases such as Colitis and Chrone's. This 'colon cleansing' stuff is bunk. I've seen quite a few specialists and have never been told that any of it was legitimate.



Hear this man speak the truth !


I've got the "family gift package" of 'scope photo prints including wallet-sized, 11x17 glossy, hell a whole colon "press kit". There's no hidden stuff lurkin' in the nether regions, folks. No chewing gum, artifical cheese food product, hot dog casings, bleached white flour, popcorn husks, paper clips or monosodium glutamate crystals. The human bowel in fact has a remarkable ability to create mucus, solely evolved to prevent stiction, and the uniformly fatal blocked colon.


The fact is that a lot of these herbal treatments contain significant amounts of fiber, which is well released by the time it makes it trough the intestine and into the bowel. For someone who has been on The All Burger Diet, the fiber blast probably does them a lot of good, but it's nothing simpler sources won't do as well, as easily and more cheaply.


Herbs are simply drugs in raw complex form, rather than the specific refined molecules used in modern pharmaceuticals. There's nothing wrong with using herbs, but one should understand how they actually work.

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This guy I know was dating this chick, she was pretty irregular, so she starts taking that metamucil fibre stuff everyday just to go..

Then she starts getting into home enemas.. She can only go with them now.. Then some smart person turns her onto full on colonics.. Gets to the point her bowels are so {censored}ed up, she is so dependent on colonics she can't {censored} by herself anymore..


True story..



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Originally posted by Dark Slide

GUys, I will find the link debunking this stuff if you want.

I read about it.

People don't pass that {censored}ed up looking stuff you see in those pics UNLESS they are on the stuff. There was research done on it. Those drugs CAUSE the funky looking {censored} to happen.

Like I said, let me find the link.



At my medical last week I asked my doctor about these cleansings as someone I had been talking to was raving about how much stinky disgusting crap came out when he cleansed and how it was so good for you, etc, etc. He said exactly what you've said. The stinky gross looking stuff that comes out isn't anything that's built up inside, it is because of what you've switched to eating.


I would be interested to see the link if you have it.

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Originally posted by Craigv

But you've got to appreciate the business moxy of the guy who ate a bunch of herbal junk, took some big stinky gross {censored}s, and thought, "hey...wait a minute....I can turn this into a business...."


Word up.


Now if I can just find a way to market Fazoli's meat sauce as a laxative...:D


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Originally posted by Crescent Seven

Word up.

Now if I can just find a way to market Fazoli's meat sauce as a laxative...


Print up some new labels??



What I want to know is (and this is the first I've mentioned this to ANYONE else) why when I eat McD's fries I get a weird greasy "discharge" when I crap later? I've completely sworn off their food because of this. I recall something about foods that use that Olestra stuff...that a 'side-effect' called "anal seepage" can occur. I wonder if that's what it is.


Alls I knows is don't eat *anything* that I know contains Olestra, and never eat McD's fries. I don't know if they use Olestra or similar, but I fear the stuff.


You haven't lived until you've used up half a roll of toilet paper to wipe your ass.

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Originally posted by Craigv

Print up some new labels??

What I want to know is (and this is the first I've mentioned this to ANYONE else) why when I eat McD's fries I get a weird greasy "discharge" when I crap later? I've completely sworn off their food because of this. I recall something about foods that use that Olestra stuff...that a 'side-effect' called "anal seepage" can occur. I wonder if that's what it is.

Alls I knows is don't eat *anything* that I know contains Olestra, and never eat McD's fries. I don't know if they use Olestra or similar, but I fear the stuff.

You haven't lived until you've used up half a roll of toilet paper to wipe your ass.




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Originally posted by Lizzard Tom

Get a colonoscopy. The prep for a colonoscopy the day before will clean you out.


Clean as a whistle.....
Good times!


I had a colonoscopy last year. That phospho soda is NASTY stuff. You are on the crapper once every ten minutes and yes it DOES clean you out (burns like hell too).

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Originally posted by Craigv

Alls I knows is don't eat *anything* that I know contains Olestra, and never eat McD's fries. I don't know if they use Olestra or similar, but I fear the stuff.


The Olestrians have quite a bit of publicity out there insisting it does not cause cases of overwhelming Tuba Symphony style diarrhea. A number of people can perform Grade V tuba solos within 8 hrs after consuming a moderate amount of a product containing Olestra.


You haven't lived until you've used up half a roll of toilet paper to wipe your ass.


Boy, do I know how to live.


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Originally posted by John S. Shinal

The Olestrians have quite a bit of publicity out there insisting it does not cause cases of overwhelming Tuba Symphony style diarrhea. A number of people can perform Grade V tuba solos within 8 hrs after consuming a moderate amount of a product containing Olestra.

Boy, do I know how to live.



Oh, well, luckily (now that's a relative term) I don't get the trots from it. But every time I crap for three days after, the greasy film comes along for the ride. Like someone greased up the pigs.


And here's the really lovely part.....at some random point I'll feel something vaguely like my ass is wet. Could be at any time within the next day. So I go to the can to check out what's going on back there....oh yeah, some of that grease just done come out on its own. No fart, no nothing, just OOPs....there it is, OOPS.....

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Originally posted by Jazz Ad






"We stand behind all of our products and offer a 100% money back guarantee for all unused/unspoilt product."


Is the return policy on a sliding scale....100% for unused, 75% for "it's a little off", 25% for "can you rinse that please?"




Gotta love the homepage's music choice!

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