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So why do people still paint pictures of Jesus as white?


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Originally posted by bholder

This is why I found the casting in Mel Gibson's "The Passion" so troubling (and indicitive of Mel's deep set prejudices). Jesus is played by a blue-eyed, light-brown-haired, anglo-looking northern Italian. If you watch the movie closely, you'll notice that the more sympathetic you're supposed to feel towards a character, the more anglo that character's actor looks, and the less sympathetic (e.g., Judas), the more semitic the actor is.

If Jesus were here today, most right wing evangelicals would treat him as a probable terrorist if they came across him.



This describes every movie ever made about Jesus. I think you are being a little hard on Mel when his is only following an artistic tradition everyone else has from about the 4 centrury on.

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Originally posted by lug

This describes every movie ever made about Jesus. I think you are being a little hard on Mel when his is only following an artistic tradition everyone else has from about the 4 centrury on.



Ah, the great Constantine and the Council Of Nicea....still going strong after 1600 years..................

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Originally posted by lug

This describes every movie ever made about Jesus. I think you are being a little hard on Mel when his is only following an artistic tradition everyone else has from about the 4 centrury on.



Mel made claims about trying to be historically accurate. Those ones from the 50s didn't.

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Originally posted by Craigv

Ah yes....also an artistic work, none too different from the paintings you claim are so incorrect, in that they are the interpretations, opinions,
of the authors.





And when it's a matter of an artist choosing how to represent Jesus, or anyone else, I'm all for artistic freedom. When it becomes an institutional tool for instigating ethnic hatred, that's when I have an issue with it.

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Originally posted by bholder


And when it's a matter of an artist choosing how to represent Jesus, or anyone else, I'm all for artistic freedom. When it becomes an institutional tool for instigating ethnic hatred, that's when I have an issue with it.

If people would just realize it's all fiction in the first place, we wouldn't have these silly problems :p

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Originally posted by jonathan_matos5

given that the area was occupied by the roman empire jesus could have been any one of many races and even mixed.

just thought id stirr the pot a little:idea:




Originally posted by bholder

Not if you believe the Bible.




Or any historian of 1st Century Judiasm...


Through out the Hellenistic and Roman periods, Jewish society was closed and exclusionary (and has largely remained so in the 2000 years since) the chances of a Roman intermarrying into a Jewish family were slim indeed, and for no mention to be made of it anywhere is even less likely...

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Originally posted by lug

Those Libyans were causing trouble even back then.


Originally posted by DevilRaysFan

I believe the first US declared war was with Tripoli in 1803

There was never a declaration of war on the Barbary Pirates...The first declaration of war made by the United States government established by the Constitution was the Anglo-American War of 1812.

All of which you would have known if you had just read this humorous and entertaining article ;):D

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You know how I picture Jesus? With giant like, angel-wings, and as the lead singer for Lynryd Skynyrd, and the whole band has like giant angel-wings too! :thu:

(if you've seen Talladega Nights, you get this- that whole seen... god- i about fell out)

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Originally posted by bholder


And when it's a matter of an artist choosing how to represent Jesus, or anyone else, I'm all for artistic freedom. When it becomes an institutional tool for instigating ethnic hatred, that's when I have an issue with it.



Can you cite examples of the latter?

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Originally posted by bholder

Mel made claims about trying to be historically accurate. Those ones from the 50s didn't.



So almost every movie and painting EVER MADE depicts Jesus as a European Caucasian but Mel is the Anti-semite.



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Originally posted by Craigv

Can you cite examples of the latter?



I would claim that any Bible or any other religious publication being published in this day and age with Jesus depicted as an "acceptable" blue eyed, fair skinned, light brown haired euro-looking caucasian is an example of the latter.

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