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I'm Voting Green This Year


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Originally posted by burdizzos

I'd vote for that party if they were more honest and changed the name to The Red Party.

To say that they are the purely environmental party is simply a facade for their completely socialist agenda.

Well, they just figure that being socialist is the best way to be friendly to the environment. Capitalism isn't necessarily friendly to the environment as there's too many good way to make money by being unfriendly to it.

If the Greenies were smart, they'd figure out ways to make lots more profit out of being nice to the environment than being mean and the Capitalists would jump on being environmentally friendly in a heartbeat ;)

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Originally posted by niomosy

Well, they just figure that being socialist is the best way to be friendly to the environment. Capitalism isn't necessarily friendly to the environment as there's too many good way to make money by being unfriendly to it.

If the Greenies were smart, they'd figure out ways to make lots more profit out of being nice to the environment than being mean and the Capitalists would jump on being environmentally friendly in a heartbeat

No, they use their enviromental objectives as a cloak for their real agenda.

If you read their platform, it's obvious. They have everyone duped into believing that they are actually earth first. The earth is a distant second to them.

As such, encouraging a means to generate wealth for green ideas would be contrary to their objective. That isn't to say that they have a problem with hypocrisy, but engaging in a capitalistic endeavor would be seen as selling out to their core followers.

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Originally posted by niomosy

Well, they just figure that being socialist is the best way to be friendly to the environment. Capitalism isn't necessarily friendly to the environment as there's too many good way to make money by being unfriendly to it.

As the Federal Government is the largest polluter in this country, and probably on the planet, I'd say that the best thing we could do for the environment would be to NOT give it more power to own, control, and use property ;)

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Originally posted by Bass8987

I have voted only once in my life (2004 elections) and I voted all Republican



Don't worry about it. You are young, and you, unlike this admistration, are capable of learning from your mistakes. You do not have to blame yourself for the idiocy of the people you elect, regardless of party.

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Originally posted by beam

As the Federal Government is the largest polluter in this country, and probably on the planet, I'd say that the best thing we could do for the environment would be to NOT give it more power to own, control, and use property

But isn't the government mostly owned by big business? If BB can make more money off enviromentalism than not, they'll be for it which, in turn, means the government is for it. Right? :p

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Originally posted by beam

As the Federal Government is the largest polluter in this country, and probably on the planet, I'd say that the best thing we could do for the environment would be to NOT give it more power to own, control, and use property

Documentation? :confused:

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Originally posted by takeout

No offense, but... Illinois was Clinton's with or without your vote.

No offense taken. Thanks to people like me, Clinton got less of a percentage of the popular vote than Bush II did, so Clinton's presidency was more illegitimate than Bush II's. ;)

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Here in Michigan I can only tell you who im not voting for... Jennifer Granholm... she has done nothing for our state! She Did not follow through on many of her promises and anytime she is aksed to be held accountable for things, she cites how this is all the Presidents Fault, or how the other candidates are "so far out of the mainstream"...

Yeah George W. Bush is part of the problem no doubt, but a "leader" who blames poor performance on others is no leader at all in my book. On the other page It's nearly impossible to really get anything out of Dick Devos.... and while there are some issues he's backing that I believe will help the state... you can't help but feel he has alot of baggage somewhere.... after the first governors debate I've decided neither of the two are appropriate to lead this state.

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Originally posted by bdegrande

Don't worry about it. You are young, and you, unlike this admistration, are capable of learning from your mistakes. You do not have to blame yourself for the idiocy of the people you elect, regardless of party.



I made a similair mistake... I didn't vote all republican, but did vote for George Bush... and unlike alot of people I'll admit im very dissapointed in his tenure as President. What Angers me the most is that my personal political belifs lead me to believe he was going to embrace small government, that and several friends being shipped off to Iraq.... George either send more in or take em out... don't just leave em their to hang.

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Originally posted by bdegrande

Don't worry about it. You are young, and you, unlike this admistration, are capable of learning from your mistakes. You do not have to blame yourself for the idiocy of the people you elect, regardless of party.



I just couldn't stand Kerry or any of the Democrats in the state of Washington. We had some radio DJ guy running for Congress vs a well respected police sherriff (He never gave up on the Green River case, even though it was over 20 years old, and finally got him). And don't even get me started on Governor Christine Gregoire. It is a really long and {censored}ed up story, but here is the Wikipedia site for it



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It is a stretch, but if you accept the fact that the federal gov't is 100% responsible for the huge wildfires that have run through the American West like B-Bottom through BOALG's Mother's underwear drawer, it makes a bit more sense.

I'm in charge of the pollution at the world's largest naval base and I can tell you that we don't even come close to a large commercial pulverized coal power plant.

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Originally posted by burdizzos

It is a stretch, but if you accept the fact that the federal gov't is 100% responsible for the huge wildfires that have run through the American West like B-Bottom through BOALG's Mother's underwear drawer, it makes a bit more sense.

I'm in charge of the pollution at the world's largest naval base and I can tell you that we don't even come close to a large commercial pulverized coal power plant.

I heard of a couple of people who sued the government for being hit by lightning on federal land so maybe you have a point. :D

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Originally posted by lug

It's just such a strange claim. I've never heard this allegation before.


It's a bit biased, but it has 10 sources for it's chapter on the Environment.

Originally posted by oldivor

green = commie hippies

I've been calling them that for years

Aren't you like 18 or soemthing?

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No Libertarian candidate for governor?
Pity :(
I'd probably vote for them

Originally posted by oldivor


and ever since I read their party platform I've disliked them strongly

I'm just giving you {censored} because you talk like some crotchety old man shaking his fist, "I never like them damn hippies"
I find it amusing ;)

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Originally posted by beam

No Libertarian candidate for governor?

I'd probably vote for them

Good on the Greens for getting through the hoops to get on the ballot. Illinois has some of the most stringent ballot access laws in the nation. This is the first time in a long while that the Libs failed to get on the ballot.

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Originally posted by Thunderbroom

Good on the Greens for getting through the hoops to get on the ballot. Illinois has some of the most stringent ballot access laws in the nation. This is the first time in a long while that the Libs failed to get on the ballot.

One of the things I find really annoying, the difficulty imposed by the system for alternate candidates. You're right on IL being extra bitchy about that too :(

So let's see. We have the choice between:

1) A stupid crook - Democrat candidate
2) A stupider crook - Republican candidate
3) Someone who will never win - Green candidate.


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Originally posted by beam

No Libertarian candidate for governor?

I'd probably vote for them

I'm just giving you {censored} because you talk like some crotchety old man shaking his fist, "I never like them damn hippies"

I find it amusing

I don't mind hippies, I just mind stereotypical the goverent sucks give me pot and I just wanna sit around and do nothing hippes. But then a I dsilike every one who's like that.

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Originally posted by oldivor

I don't mind hippies, I just mind stereotypical the goverent sucks give me pot and I just wanna sit around and do nothing hippes. But then a I dsilike every one who's like that.




Then you probably have nothing against Green Party members. I've never met a single one that was like that. Not saying I've had a wealth of experience with Green Party members, but from my experience, anyone who just wants to sit around and do nothing, isn't going to be a member of anything


All the ones I've met have been pretty active on the local level trying to make changes and get things done. I've got a lot more respect for someone who is actually trying to make a change(even if I don't agree with it) vs. someone who just sits around and bitches about the status quo

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