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Do you have nicer/more expensive gear than the rest of your band???

Mr. Kent

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Yeah. I rock a GK 2001RB into an SWR Goliath Senior 610 (whenever I get it), a total of $2100 worth of equipment. Then I play my squier P/J with duncan 1/4 pounders through it. $400 value? Pickups probably cost more than the bass.


My guitarist is second and plays a peavey valve king half stack live ($900?) and has a Fender Hot Rod Deville 212 he uses for smaller shows and as backup. Forget how much that cost. He does have a gibson SG standard though and a few other guitars. cost ???.


My drummer has a pearl ELX chrome 9-piece that he doesn't plan on using soon, cost him $1,500. He plays an older pearl export set with pinstripes and {censored} most of the time. I'd probably pay about $400 for that kit.

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Well, I have a similar situation. My Ampeg rig was pretty pricey (used, but still pricey). However, until this Thursday, I will be running a cheap Ibanez through it. After that, it'll be a cheap G&L Tribute. :D

My equipment isn't really any better or worse than my bandmates'. We're pretty much in the same ballpark.

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I'm not sure if I'm in a band or not right now but I'd say my stuff is nicer/$$$ then the rest of the members.


$30 Peavey P with Quarter Pounder and a J route SD Jazz Hot Stack.


Mesa Big Block/Korg 2000 tuner/Furman/Road Ready Rack.

SWR 8x8




Some {censored}ty Peavey Guitar 1x12 combo. Bandit or something.


Hell, I even use a better mic then the singer. SM 57 vs piece of {censored}.


Both of the other members gear is nice, but not this nice.



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The only reason I have better equipment is cause the rest of my band are such DIY scuz rockers. The guitarists use a double combo stack and a crazy Frankenstein like 1/4 stack thing. With cheap guitars. Even the old Mustang my guiarist has was cheaper than my MIM Jazz.

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The last band I was in, no. The guitarist was all into Bogner heads, which alone outpriced my whole rig. Now, with the exceptioin of a bass or two, my gigging rig is very mid level price-wise. The fact that it sounds so bad-ass is only an added bonus.:thu:

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Originally posted by L-1329

The last band I was in, no. The guitarist was all into Bogner heads, which alone outpriced my whole rig. Now, with the exceptioin of a bass or two, my gigging rig is very mid level price-wise. The fact that it sounds so bad-ass is only an added bonus.


Yeah but your Explorer has got to have him beat.



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Originally posted by Apendecto

Yeah but your Explorer has got to have him beat.



Not necessarily, that level of guitar gear can get stupid expensive! Of course, the Uber-Explorer did make this guy go out and buy a new guitar...



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About even in my band.


I've got:


Reverend/Cort/Peavey basses, total about $1200.


Ashdown/Avatar rig, about $500.


Could make it an even 2K with my 4x10 too.




Heavily modded Strat


Gibson Les Paul


Marshall stack, solid-state


pedal board loaded with stuff


Maybe $3000




Tama Starclassic, soon to be a Rizzin custom set at $2800!

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Each member of my band has more expensive gear than I use live, but I get the most compliments on tone. It pays to know how to use your gear!


Let's see my live rig options:


Fender MIJ P-bass: Traded a Squier P and $50


Mighty Mite P-bass with Dimarzio pickup: got it for $100 from a local guitar store


SX P-bass w/ Bartolini pickups: got it from a guy on the forum for $130


Hartke 3500 Head w/ SKB Rack: $150 used @ Sam Ash


Genz Benz 2x10: $100 on ebay (guy spelled it auction title wrong!)


Ampeg cab 1x15: $60 empty + $75 EV speaker


I'll probably never bring 3 basses out. So each night I will have less than $500 of gear total. Both my guitarists play American Fender Strats that were more than my rig, and my drummer dropped probably that much just on his cymbals.


I do have some old vintage stuff, but that doesn't go out much.

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Originally posted by Bassius

if upright basses count, then yes...i win


IF? you mean your Conklins don't count as nice???


Damn, your band has expensive tastes... :eek: :eek:


On my side, considering that my band consists of an iPod and a TU-80 tuner/metronome, I've got the nicest gear ever indeed... :D

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On the OT - I *like* expensive gear, but unfortunately am not wealthy - however, I won't play junk, either - and tend to gravitate towards good, solid gear that offers a good value - and instruments that are very playable...


That being said, I have FAR more gear than my bandmates - including 5 guitars, 5 basses, a good guitar half stack, 2 full bass stacks - and I own "our" PA... I guess being able to make a decent buck through means other than music didn't hurt any of that...


BTW, if any of the above sounds like a brag, I apologize - I certainly didn't mean it that way...




- georgestrings

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I don't know, I think my gear is about the same worth as everyone else in the band. My bass and rig together is about. $3000. My guitarist has a Fender twin and a Gibson 336, so thats about the same. Keyboardist has a couple grand in keyboards. If anything, I'd say our drummer has the most $$$ thrown into his drum set.

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Originally posted by Billystrat

Each member of my band has more expensive gear than I use live, but I get the most compliments on tone. It pays to know how to use your gear!

Let's see my live rig options:

Fender MIJ P-bass: Traded a Squier P and $50

Mighty Mite P-bass with Dimarzio pickup: got it for $100 from a local guitar store

SX P-bass w/ Bartolini pickups: got it from a guy on the forum for $130

Hartke 3500 Head w/ SKB Rack: $150 used @ Sam Ash

Genz Benz 2x10: $100 on ebay (guy spelled it auction title wrong!)

Ampeg cab 1x15: $60 empty + $75 EV speaker

I'll probably never bring 3 basses out. So each night I will have less than $500 of gear total. Both my guitarists play American Fender Strats that were more than my rig, and my drummer dropped probably that much just on his cymbals.

I do have some old vintage stuff, but that doesn't go out much.



That's some nice bargins!



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I have more expendable income than my bandmates, so yeah, I have more expensive gear. And I only use a GBE600, Avatar 410 and an SX bass with them. Now that I think about it, my drummer HAS to have spent more than me. But he got it all at cost, so maybe not.


All of them would out spend me though, if we all had the same money to spend. That being said, I play with some guys who make mediocre gear sound amazing. Gear snobbery is lame.

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