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Flippin Valentine's day...


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...is coming. Is this BS, or what? Freakin women are always ruining our lives with this crap!


I ran across an article (written by the female of the species, no less) trying to explain what constitutes a good V-day present... and what doesn't. Along with certain "etiquette" every man must take when presenting said present to his life force-eating succubus.


I call BS!! This is no longer a day to remember WHY you're with someone. No one gives a crap anymore about how that person makes you feel. All is forgotten about taking time away to truly appreciate someone and not take them for granted like we do the other 364 days of the year.


No... now it's all about getting a stupid gift!!!


Well forget that!















I just felt like bitching for a 2nd. Sorry for the disruption. :wave:

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Quit yer bitchin. At least you don't have two anniversaries and two Valentine's Day to ...err...celebrate.


We were married here and in Brazil. x 2 Anniversaries.


Valentine's Day in Brazil is different than in the US. x 2 to celebrate.


My solution is simple - we take a nice trip somewhere every year and that covers all of the above. Or, I'll buy her a nice gift - that covers all of the above.

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Buncha suckers...:D



MrsBHtobe and I do the same thing every year for Valentine's Day. We stay home, make a nice dinner TOGETHER, drink a bottle or 2 of nice wine and enjoy each other's company. No stress, good food, booze and company and absolutely NO PRESENTS! I do cheat every year and get her a small box of nice chocolates...which we end up eating for dessert anyway, so it doesn't really count.


I've never understood the big deal with Valentine's Day, and thankfully, neither does she.

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ok, I totally agree. It took me awhile, but I finally got my wife to understand that why I don't buy into a greeting card companies idea of a holiday, and do not buy her a gift on valentines day. I just will buy her something random every once in awhile throughout the year instead...

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Yeah, I hear that. They get so worked up over that day, it's unreal. About 7 years ago I had just started dating this woman who thought that I was obligated to do some special Valentine's Day thing with her. I had taken her out on ONE DATE, and now I was supposed to take her out for this amazing night one the town. That didn't happen. I did get down her pants, however. :thu:

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You can look at V-Day two ways. It's a rip off and good way for card and candy companies to make extra money, or look at is a reminder to do something nice for your loved one. Hubby and I get into a huge fight about this every year. I have never once received a card or flowers from him on V-Day. I make it a point to make him feel special and buy him a nice card, or a silly present. I think V-Day is just a reminder. It's the thought that counts, and no thought makes me (and most women) sad.


Just a women's perspective.

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It's the thought that counts, and no thought makes me (and most women) sad.

Just a women's perspective.


...and that all the "thought's" on the other 364 days get instantly and totally forgotten about on Valentine's day makes us mad.


Just a guy's opinion.:D

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V-Day never bothered me all that much. I look at it this way: Whatever present I get my wife is going to be equal in value to something I'm going to buy for myself. If I want a pack of strings, she gets a nice floral arrangement. If I want a new bass, she gets new jewelry. It's all relative in the long run, IMHO. :D

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V-Day never bothered me all that much. I look at it this way: Whatever present I get my wife is going to be equal in value to something I'm going to buy for myself. If I want a pack of strings, she gets a nice floral arrangement. If I want a new bass, she gets new jewelry. It's all relative in the long run, IMHO.


This is how it works at casa de y-o-y. Last year I got my Lakland, and Mrs. y-o-y got something...I can't remember what :)

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I think this year I'll get my girlfriend a new video game, cook us both some dinner, have lots of sex with her, and then watch some CSI or something.


She doesn't like flowers because they die.

She buys her own chocolate if she wants it.

Prefers to eat my cooking than out at a restaurant.

Thinks cards are stupid.


She's so amazing.. /swoon


/eyes King Kashue. MINE! MINE I say!!

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I love aniversaries and special reasons to celebrate.

We celebrate wedding anniversary, first kiss aniversary, first shagiversary, valentines day, blue moon, whatever.. who gives a {censored}!


Its an excellent excuse for a night out, some boozing and some special grown up lie down time.

And no friend will ever turn down babysitting the sprogs if you tell them its an aniversary... of something.


Bring it on!

Im all for celebrating your American Indterdependance day, too!:thu:

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