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Guess it's really going to happen...

Dark Slide

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OK...think of the toughest sonofabitch you ever went three rounds with.


Now, make that sonofabitch five times tougher, 10 times more relentless, and absolutely {censored}ing impossible to reason with.


Now, realize you can't hit back (even when he pees on you).


Now, make each round a month long, with no breaks between rounds.


Welcome to the first three months of fatherhood :D.





Don't worry, you'll do great. And every second is worth it--congratulations! :cool:

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Congrats you scuzzy bastard!


1) start sleeping now.

2) you can never have enough receiving blankets.

3) you'll never use the baby powder.

4) do everything your wife asks you to do.

5) enjoy every minute of it, doesn't take long before they tell you they hate you.



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When I knocked up my girlfriend in our first month of co-habitation I was a stricken, paralysed, {censored}ed-up, horrified, suffocating mess.


Best thing that ever happened to me.


Congratulations Dark Slide. Hold on to yer hat!


Oh yes, you're going to get {censored}-loads of unasked for advice. So being a fellow asshole, I'll chime in too. On the subject of getting enough sleep - Whatever the time, when Junior crashes, you crash too.

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Thanks, everyone.


I'll keep you guys updated on the situation. It could be any time between now and the end of March. No idea whether or not it's a boy or girl because we don't want to know. There's a big battle going on about what the baby will be within her family. Everyone wants it to be a girl... I want it to be a boy just to annoy them all :)


Buy anyway... Once the baby shower was over and we started setting stuff it, it kind of hit home. Thankfully it is the first grandchild on both sides of the family, so we shouldn't have to buy much of anything as both grandmothers are completely obnoxious. I'll probably get to pay for all the diapers though. Yay!


If it's a girl, do you think trying to teach her how to kill at 6 months old would be too early?

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