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OT: I got a new cat


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good things wait in the next world for those who rescue helpless animals from certain death.




We adopted Stitchy from certain death. Chicago police found him wondering around at 3 weeks old with his intestines hanging out of his butt. The animal hospital was going to put him down, but he was such a nice cat that they decided to operate. They sowed his butt back together, hence the name "Stitch".:) Post some pics of Marcus.

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We adopted Stitchy from certain death. Chicago police found him wondering around at 3 weeks old with his intestines hanging out of his butt. The animal hospital was going to put him down, but he was such a nice cat that they decided to operate. They sowed his butt back together, hence the name "Stitch".
Post some pics of Marcus.


It makes me laugh, yet feel sad at the same time, but makes me feel good.


I would just like to point out my cat is very FAT! - but not PHAT :(;):D

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I try to convince my best friend that getting pets from rescue shelters is the best way, but he likes to have dogs from pup's so they really know them. Fair enough, but I would rather help a needy animal and get to really know them too.

Cats rock. Guess yours is gonna be pretty funky smelling -
like this one.

i adopted my dog from a shelter when she was just a pup. for some reason people dont like black dogs. they are every bit as fun to have as a pet and just because it isnt a pure blood designer dog doesnt mean it should be killed.:thu:


dog.jpg' alt='>'>

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Here's our 19 year old cat. This one was pregnant and dumped among some houses on the Illinois River. She's still very playful and active. She does have a mental issue or two, but my wife tells me that's just the result from living with me for that long.



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Here is my cat, Skotta. She had kittens in our basement, guess she was wild/homeless prior to that so we took her in. Was a little messed up at first, broken tail and very afraid to people, but she is allright now and trusts the family completly.

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